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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Mario Rohkrämer - 16.06.2013
Last edited by Venalan - 05.04.2014

FS#6034 - Old Sword Hilt has no description from Harnquist Weapon Commission

There are several places with small typos, e.g. "Ha>r<nquist" at least twice:

<del>* -Ha>r<nquist pop>s< one of his hands into a pocket and pull>s< out two circles.-</del>
<del>* //Char// says: Ha>r<nquist sent me to collect an old sword hilt from you.</del>
<del>* Amidison Stronghand lower>s< herself to pick a small sack at her feet.</del>

A whole noun seems to be missing in Amidison's activity (BTW, why does the display change between "NPC talk" and possibly "Shout" or some other different coloring sometimes?):

<del>* -She lifts her >???< and smiles to you as you got closer and began to speak.-</del>

Furthermore, punctuations appear to be sparsely used:

<del>* Harnquist says: I'm really busy right now so I want you to go to Amidison and collect her sword hilt and then go to Veja in the arena and collect one of her high quality broad sword blades and bring them both back here. //Several to add, or even better, to break up the sentence?)//</del>
<del>* Amidison Stronghand says: Please take care when delivering this to Harnquist>;< it is quite precious to me.</del>

And finally, the "Old Sword Hilt" has no description. But I assume it will have a distinct look.

Closed by  Venalan
05.04.2014 21:26
Reason for closing:  
Mordaan commented on 16.06.2013 15:50

Ok, fixed up what was reported here (except icons which is another matter). I'll go through the whole quest when I have a chance and make any other language improvements.

Venalan commented on 02.04.2014 17:37

I added the description. Fixed pending release.


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