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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Andrei Ristea - 10.05.2008
Last edited by Lanarel - 01.06.2008

FS#1488 - Stats regeneration saved on logoff, resumed on logon

Health, Mana, Mental Stamina and Stamina values are saved on logoff. When I log back in, if I had any of these on low levels they are resumed where I left off.

I consider is a mild annoyance, since this is a persistent world which goes on without me being logged on or not. I would normally expect to have all my stats regenerated with time regardless of being in game.

Closed by  Lanarel
01.06.2008 20:19
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Closed by request of reporter, as no longer desirable

Caarrie commented on 10.05.2008 12:01

since it does not work this way [not coded] this is a feature request to make this happen. it is not a broken thing we already have ingame now.

durwyn commented on 14.05.2008 18:26

well if you see over the others MMORPGS on the web, you will see they do the same, for the simple fact that it forces you to play, and not get-on-leave from time to time just to cast spells or run a while more to a direction or even fight monsters repeatdly! so i disagree a lot with this feature request.
think at the problems this will provoke and im sure you will want to never had this idea :P x) otherwise give arguments.

Andrei Ristea commented on 14.05.2008 19:25

I’m sorry but I don’t see the problems that you mention. I consider the current implementation a little faulty and let me explain a little bit why.

After an attack on that monster, he’ll most likely be dead, and me have some health drain due to the fight. If I log off, and then come back to play the next day, I will resume with the same health as when I logged off.

The feature request in fact a request to have health and other stats regeneration happen in the same way that they do now, but without requiring the player to be logged on. For example, if I log off for 1 minute, I won’t see any drastic change on return, but if I come back after half an hour it will be fully healed. This is also consistent with gameplay because _in game_ several days might pass before I’m on again.

That said, I’m not sure I understand why you say this is such a bad idea. Did the explanation above help clarify?

Andrei Ristea commented on 14.05.2008 19:40

Oh and another thing. I dislike the idea of “it forces [me] to play” - playing isn’t fun when you feel forced into something. Regeneration still takes its time toll so this is not an easy way out of a problem, but rather a solution to an annoyance.

To my trained characters, which have a high regeneration rates, this doesn’t matter too much.

But every now and then, I also play with low level chars and it takes AGES to regenerate any stat most of the time. So, what is the most common solution? If I’m out in the wilderness hunting, I can’t roleplay, fatigue is probably low so getting to the city is also difficult, so I just go to a corner and sit, OOC’ly minimize the game window and return in X amount of time.

Like I stated in another feature request, this takes up unnecessary resources on the server, on the client (my PC) and bandwidth.

durwyn commented on 14.05.2008 19:59

its a OOC mean of regenerating your stats…imagine you stay a month without eating, drinking..according to your mean of thinking, we should died? lol it is no? you want your stats to be regenrating when offline because the world _ingame_ still going on, so you should eat and drink.

well its an idea but open a so big know what i think and it still will be like so. maybe some others people will give their opinions too, open a thread on forum? good night.

Andrei Ristea commented on 15.05.2008 10:26

There’s an open forum thread on this already:

I don’t want to mix OOC with IC too much… we are not required to eat and drink in game for sustaining ourselves, because this kind of realism would transform PS in The Sims :) So, for keeping a degree of reality in our heads, I guess we can assume that we always have something to eat or drink with us, set up a small camp, whatever.

But that’s besides the point of the discussion anyway ;)

durwyn commented on 15.05.2008 12:24

i will give you a clear example of the superbe exploit you would give me if this feature gets implented like you think it(and be sure that i will love it :D)

- you move to a location in which every monsters attack-at-sight.
⇒ you go afk a moment then when you see your hps are low you dont run! but you log out of course! so your hps can be regenarted (why taking care of moving to get into a secure place? non sens really lol)
⇒ then come back in at the same position just to start over the same thing. i vote for this idea! xD

this would work for dakkru i think, because anyways while you are overweighted, its all but not FUN to wait logged on and do nothing.. but for regenerating stats, i still see it as a big exploit.

However, i could admit this, if stats would be regenerating only if you are in a house, tavern, city but not in the wilderness. that i can really support. that would fix the exploit i said above with the monsters :o

awaiting next arguments :o its fun talking to you =) dont know if you approve or not :o

Andrei Ristea commented on 15.05.2008 18:02

You have a point, I didn’t take into consideration this type of exploit.

However, for someone to regenerated, it would still take a few minutes for high level characters, and quite a while for low level ones, so they lose time nonetheless.

Makes me think about the whole thing… hmm.

durwyn commented on 15.05.2008 19:21

also wouldnt this feature provokes a less of players online? if everybody do the same, then the serv will be deserted quite fast xD
dont forget that new players have the “passion” of discovering everything ingame, if they have to rest, they will do so. if they get the dakkru…another debate to face with, but not today xD

Andrei Ristea commented on 01.06.2008 19:36

I have decided to kill this feature request. Regenerating while in game only tends to make sense after some thought. I believed this might have been a non intended side-effect, but Andrew Dai closed down the feature request for Dakkru’s curse (to be measured in real time). Hence, I tend to think they were both intentional, and not likely to change.


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