
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Feature Request
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  • Severity Medium
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  • Due in Version Undecided
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  • Votes 1
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Andrei Ristea - 10.05.2008
Last edited by Andrew Dai - 21.05.2008

FS#1490 - Dakkru's curse duration effect saved on logoff

Dakkru’s curse takes a penalty of half an hour, real-time. When I log off, this value is saved in the DB (I suppose), and when I log back in, regardless of the real-time passed, it is resumed.

I consider this an implementation fault since this should only take into account the real-time passed and not logged in status. If I get Dakkru’s curse on Saturday and log off, then come back next Saturday to play with my character, I still have Dakkru’s curse on.

Closed by  Andrew Dai
21.05.2008 11:31
Reason for closing:  
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Time when you are not logged in does not count for anything.

Caarrie commented on 10.05.2008 14:25

as such a feature does not exist this is a feature request. Also it can be a major exploit if you do log out and back in within the 30 minutes the curse is there for a reason to make death not a good thing, if this was added people would exploit death even more then do now with the curse there

Andrei Ristea commented on 10.05.2008 21:11

This is not an exploit. People used "death" so they could take a shortcut through the death realm. The fact that I log off and return in a couple of hours, isn't exactly a shortcut or exploit ;)

I'm not saying it should wear off on logoff, by all means, let it run for half an hour. But make that half an hour not dependent on players being logged in or not.

Caarrie commented on 10.05.2008 23:08

and if you dont have to be ingame, people will ALWAYS log out for 30 minutes then return thus exploiting it, also making it easyier to bypass the curse and go on with playing.

Andrei Ristea commented on 11.05.2008 05:33

I believe that the point in the curse is not to annoy ALL players, but to deter the ones who want to take the shortcuts through the DR.

If people decide to take a break and return in half an hour… so what? It no longer falls under the shortcut theory because it would be a whole lot faster to just go to the city they want without exploiting /die.

Andrei Ristea commented on 11.05.2008 05:38

Besides, logging off every now and then when the character is idle isn't a bad thing at all. You know, when I get Dakkru's curse and can't move at all because my inventory sometimes tends to be rather heavy and can't drop things, what do I do? I minimize the game and leave it there to rot for half an hour.

That takes up bandwidth and resources both on the server and on my PC. I seriously doubt that's a win-win situation. :D

Andrew Dai commented on 21.05.2008 11:29

Buffs that apply to you only apply when you are in-game (IC time), this is the case for IC curses/buffs. Changing this to rely on out-of-game will change the rules of the game. OOC curses (bans, etc) apply on OOC time. This is not a fault, it's how the rules work.

Andrei Ristea commented on 27.05.2008 10:39

I understand. I disagree with the current implementation, but this is more an annoyance than a bug so we'll leave it as it is. Thanks for checking into it.


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