
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Jarexia Kadnessar - 01.07.2008
Last edited by weltall - 23.07.2009

FS#1796 - Gap between the corridor from Hydlaa Plaza to the Arena, and other maps


shows the problem.
Walking through the corridor from Hydlaa to the Arena caused a sudden drop through the map when I exited the corridor. I was automatically put within the Arena grounds and returned to take the above screenshot and investigate.
After a server outage I checked again and encountered the same problem.

Addition by Lanarel:
This is a known problem for many portals (where you cross from one map to another) on some systems. All places where this happens should have a teleport action location nearby: click on a roadsign (or sometimes rock) nearby and read the description. It will teleport you to the other side.

The task depends upon
ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
1597 PlaneShift  FS#1597 - Gaps in the oja road1 and oja road2 maps. Teleportation.  Low
1628 PlaneShift  FS#1628 - Loading Region Failure!  Medium
1799 PlaneShift  FS#1799 - Can't exit Laanx dungeon  Low
1802 PlaneShift  FS#1802 - Falling through the floor  High
1843 PlaneShift  FS#1843 - Can't get out of magic shop region  High
1868 PlaneShift  FS#1868 - Windowless tower ladder offset  Low
1871 PlaneShift  FS#1871 - Floor and wall don't meet  Very Low
1882 PlaneShift  FS#1882 - Falling through Map/Teleport  Low
1885 PlaneShift  FS#1885 - "Keep maps loaded" unloads maps  Low
1904 PlaneShift  FS#1904 - possible to die when crossing from ojaroad1 to hyoja2  Low
1917 PlaneShift  FS#1917 - Possible to fall through the map at the boundary between ojaroad  Low
2020 PlaneShift  FS#2020 - Missing portals  Low
2066 PlaneShift  FS#2066 - Voids insteed of "protals"  Low
2086 PlaneShift  FS#2086 - Dieing when jumping through portal ojaroad1->hydlaa  Medium
2139 PlaneShift  FS#2139 - Akkio and Magic Shop Path Glitch  Critical
2141 PlaneShift  FS#2141 - Die going through map junction ojaroad1 to Hydlaa East Gate  Low
2146 PlaneShift  FS#2146 - Gap at the Dungeon exit doorway, characters fall through.  Medium
2159 PlaneShift  FS#2159 - Map boundaries open up to void, cannot pass.  High
2203 PlaneShift  FS#2203 - Falling out maps since 0.4.01  High
2318 PlaneShift  FS#2318 - Map Holes  Critical
2355 PlaneShift  FS#2355 - Huge glitch in game on road from Ojaveda to Hydlaa  High
2675 PlaneShift  FS#2675 - Can't get into the arena  Medium
2839 PlaneShift  FS#2839 - Could not leave Levrus small valley due to map problem.  Medium
3029 PlaneShift  FS#3029 - Out of bounds when leaving Hydlaa dungeon results in damage  Medium
The task blocks these from closing
ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
3017 PlaneShift  FS#3017 - All bugs related to portals being misplaced.  High Talad
3091 PlaneShift  FS#3091 - Map Leak  Medium
3252 PlaneShift  FS#3252 - Bug at dungeon exit  Medium
3260 PlaneShift  FS#3260 - Bug at dungeon exit  Medium
Closed by  weltall
23.07.2009 13:33
Reason for closing:  
Additional comments about closing:  

Seems last cs revision fixes this perfectly. tried all the portals i constantly got the problem: no issues at all

Caarrie commented on 01.07.2008 10:49

confirming on osX, lowering severity and priority till we can get a dev to duplciate this issue and propose a fix.

Jarexia Kadnessar commented on 01.07.2008 11:35

Seems to be the same at Hyoja2b, heading toward Ojaveda.

Enecota Chagisey commented on 01.07.2008 12:56

And from out Gugrontid. I went through that, and game crashed after a while :failed to load region.

Edit: and now i remember with earlier version once i fall in the winch, simply missing some surface element there.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 01.07.2008 19:39

From  bug 1802  reported by Ithwayn (closed as duplicate):

When I came from Oja running towards the tunnel just before the map change to Hydlaa, I fell throught the floor and respawned on the other side of the tunnel. Strange feeling that was, an I am glad I did not fall from to high off the sky!

Changing title of this report, as it lists more maps. Changed category.
Is this MacOs only? Bug 1802 was on a Mac, and I do not have these problems on my windows machine.

Caarrie commented on 01.07.2008 19:43

this seems to be a *nix problem as some are seen on linux and others on mac’s

Elvors Amenoras commented on 01.07.2008 20:57

See  FS#1799  for a confirmation of the problem when exiting Gugrontid.


The dungeon exit problem reported there differs in the details, difficult to say whether it’s related or not.

I’m under the impression that I crashed the server by trying to exit Gugrontid.
That would indicate it’s the server, or some client difference that exhibits a server bug.
(UPDATE: Must have been coincidental, server now just runs fine when I fall off Gugrontid.)

Eric commented on 01.07.2008 22:33

this also happens at the sewer entrance in hydlaa

here’s another one taken at the entrance to the sewer behind the tavern

When i took these i stoped at the point that the bug would happen
so it is reproducible

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 02.07.2008 01:19

Greetings, you’ve finally found the reason I didn’t really want to release yet :) sorry, but I never figured this one out…

I don’t think it’s a map problem, it seems to be a problem in the engine somehow; it could be in the map maybe, but I have compared the portal sections in a bunch of maps already. One thing I know, is that this is random every time you restart planeshift; so just keep relogging until the portal is back if you get this problem.

Every time I start, the portals are displaced differently; sometimes a portal will seem to be to an invalid location, walking into it resets your position in the current map immediately, and moving the third person camera into the portal makes the view freeze until you spin out again; sometimes the portal goes to the correct destination sector, but the wrong location, by rotating the camera into the portal you can see the destination off in the distance somewhere; and sometimes the portal loads correctly or nearly so, with a slight jerk as you walk through it. The same portal can be different from each direction, sometimes you can walk into a sector but not be able to get back (until restart).

If you run these maps in walktest, running into the (invisible) portal causes the view to freeze, but the console still shows output from changing settings by pressing keys.

The portals I originally thought were the ones affected (both ways): hyoja2-ojaroad1, hydlaa_plaza-wtowerexit+wtowertop, hyarena-arena, roadtogug-gugrontid; also since then I’ve seen the hbdr-magicshopout portal do the same thing, and it seems someone else had it with hydlaa_plaza-hysewers. There may be more, as it seems a fairly random thing not necessarily to do with the maps, but either ps or cs… I did try downgrading it to the first 1.4 version, still the same… I haven’t tried using 1.3 yet.

Elvors Amenoras commented on 02.07.2008 07:02

Here’s a picture how this looks for me:;sa=view;id

I finally got past this by relogging like, half a dozen times.

I’m running on Ubuntu Hardy with x86_64.

Sadorhelven commented on 02.07.2008 22:22

when I try to exit Gugrontid, I am teleported to the ramp up to Gug City.

SuSE Linux

Elvors Amenoras commented on 03.07.2008 08:31

In case reproducing the situation is a problem:
I have a 90% (or so) of this happening when relogging inside Gugrontid and trying to get out.

If anybody is interested, I can wrap my installation up and submit it together with my username and password.
(As said above, my installation is Hardy x86_64, so this will be useful only to somebody running a 64-bit Linux.)

Eric commented on 04.07.2008 05:05

I confirm I get all the above problems, in many different regions. I received the Load Region error and crash by the Rogue leaving Hydlaa at the East Gate and the region load on the road between Hydlaa and magic shop. Gugrontid drop was on the ramp for a bit, then dropped me in Hydlaa my last drop. I was using a male dwarf on that one, but now with a female dwarf, I still have gotten all the same map issues above. The latest one is the threshold right before entering the magic shop area from the road. I have some pics, just need a place to post them. It freezes for a bit before placing me a few meters away and then when I fall off the map, it drops me in Levrus’ room, 2nd floor. The latest freeze crashed the client and I had to end the process to close it down. PS screen wiped to black, minimizing and restoring it.

I’m on Ubuntu Hardy Heron AMD x86_64, latest NVidia drivers, 7600 GT, 4 GB RAM.

Elvors Amenoras commented on 04.07.2008 07:54

Vornne wrote:
> sorry, but I never figured this one out…

I stumbled over (see the last section, “Threaded Loading”).
It describes exactly the kind of failure we have here: related to loading, introduces randomness into the load process, very difficult to debug.

Note that such a bug makes itself visible through race conditions that appear and disappear as the timing changes.
IOW the bug might have been present for a long time, and just got exposed by recent modifications in the code.

(FWIW, to debug this issue and prevent regressions, I’d make a (semi-)global flag “threaded” that’s set while threaded code is running, and pepper the entry points to non-thread-safe code with “! threaded” assertions.)

Carsten Milkau commented on 06.07.2008 17:45

Random behavoir is often caused by reading already freed memory. You may want to do a valgrind check on planeshift

Elvors Amenoras commented on 09.07.2008 13:57

As far as I can tell, the client alternates between two behaviours, one buggy and one correct.
If it goes down the buggy path, it’s always the same effect; e.g. when exiting Gugrontid, I always see the same wrong landscape.

Pointer corruptions are usually less predictable in their effects, so I’d still consider the race condition the more likely cause (but I may be wrong, as would be the case with any speculation about the causes).

Caley Bryant commented on 10.07.2008 17:08

Trying to get to East Hydlaa to Ojaroad1 i get this, from the other side it looks like this:, and if i walk through it then the map changes and i am teleported into the air

mac OS X, 10.4.11, 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 duo

edit: relogged several dozen times with no change :s

James commented on 11.07.2008 02:09

If this is any help. I am staying with the latest from svn in the cs 1.4 branch, cel 1.4 branch and stable. Using the latest from those 3 I am not seeing the alignment problems with map portals. If I change back to the download version I immediately see portal problems.

I still have one problem with the ojaroad1 - hyoja2 portal. With latest of everything it looks aligned properly but if I jump through the portal from the ojaroad1 side I die. If I walk through the portal I live.

Carsten Milkau commented on 12.07.2008 10:29

Some interesting observation: I never observe this bug when I turn around directly after entering a new map. Also, once I’ve seen a portal correctly, it’ll stay correct (that’s because I activated the ‘keep maps loaded’ option I guess). It only happens when I go through a portal and don’t look at it before I return from further away.

Elvors Amenoras commented on 13.07.2008 20:58

I can confirm that I have this bug even when I turn around.
When I leave the arena corridor and enter arena area, I have a lag of ~1 second, turning around shows me a blue background and two or three isolated polygons. I need to relog several times to be able to enter the corridor again.
Again, when entering the corridor, I don’t have lag, but turning around gives me a “smear” effect (the end of the corridor is not updated).

Similar behaviour can happen when I enter the Gugrontid map (but it has yet to happen when exiting).

I believe I had this behaviour even after reactivating “Keep maps loaded”.

The Wandering Djinn commented on 16.07.2008 05:27

[this comment is a repeat of a post to Bug  FS#1838  -added in error to that thread]

I got the system message “Received out of bounds positional data, resetting your position.” while trying to exit the tunnel from Hydlaa to the Arena at the Arena end. I did not get endless falling or client freeze, the return to the start of the tunnel near the Hydlaa end was in just a few seconds.

Here is a link to the console.log file:

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 18.07.2008 02:15

I thought I’d better attach the backtrace:

Only happens in debug mode (cs too) when walking into a totally invalid (type #1) portal.

K.Mann commented on 29.07.2008 00:56

I had the metre wide gap at side of tunnel on arena map but thats rare now. What im getting nearly every visit is a crytal textured rectangle which if i enter it even backwards repositions me back on the arena map. The only solution is to logout and hope its sorted when i log back in again. Getting this in the term too:

Tue Jul 29 01:58:10 2008, <src/client/psclientdr.cpp:232 HandleDeadReckon SEVERE>
Tue Jul 29 01:58:10 2008, Sector crossed from hycorr2 to outer after received DR.

Sascha commented on 30.07.2008 09:48

I’m not sure whether it’s the same bug, but I’m effected by this as well, to the point that the portals aren’t rendered /at all/, I’m effectively trapped on the map. No use relogging.

on ojaroad1:

on magicshop:

Somewhat lenghty console messages: (2nd screenshot; logging in with Jaili on magicshop)

This is with a selfbuilt (according to the official compiling guide) client on FreeBSD 7, using an Nvidia card and drivers. On a local server, I can teleport to the adjacent corridor just fine, but the portals are not rendered there either.

Carsten Milkau commented on 30.07.2008 10:31

Yes, that’s the same bug. The adjacing maps are just set off too far for you to see.

suibom commented on 31.07.2008 19:18

Looking over the notes for this one, I’m seeing two separate issues:

1. Portal offsets, which I tend to see in Oja occasionally. I have never had an issue from this aside from it looking strange.

2. Falling through the map - this happens independently of portals. I have run into this several times recently in various places within a map (not at it’s edges) and it usually occurs when moving on the Z axis, generally heading downhill (maybe a coincidence, it could just be related to a map seam). When I have fallen through the map, I eventually get the “out of bounds positional data, resetting your position” error and my placing is reset. Once this reset me to a death fall, the other times I just got placed in a different location on the map (twice near the riverside ubernauts).

edit: Just found the active bug for the second scenario:  FS#1838  - Falling out of bounds when colliding with an object

Fredrik commented on 03.08.2008 22:59

I got same problems with there being voids where there should be a portal and if I enter this void I get teleported elsewhere on the map and get the message “Out of bonds”.

Linux 64bit system running Ubuntu 8.04 fully updated (080803) with Nvidia driver 177.13.
Kernel is standard kernel for Ubuntu 8.04 aka “linux-generic”
Running Planeshift 0.4.01 fully updated after changing value to “True” from “False” in updaterinfo.xml.

I’ve documented two positions where this happens and I’ll continue to do so wherever possible.

Case 1:
Entrance to “hydlaa_jayose” from “ojaroad1” Output from /pos “Your current position is -630.30.,30.11,425.35 in sector ojaroad1, instance: 0”

Screen shot:

Passing through this wasn’t tried at this instance since I already tried it several times with the same result. To travel to Hydlaa I asked for help from a kind advisor which after some conversation got a gm to teleport me to the Hydlaa.

Case 2:
Portal from “hyoja2b” to “ojaroad1”



Message after I entered “Received out of bounds positional data, reseting your position.”

Game didn’t freeze but the “3d” part or didn’t seem to update so I tried /pos since the chat window seemed to be the only thing thats responsive and the output here was “Your current position is 567.23,30.11,321.91 in sector: ojaroad1, instance:0”.

After relogg I was at “Your current position is 567.23,30.11,321.91 in sector: ojaroad1, instance:0” according to /pos.


Best regards Landrash

A. Kiefner commented on 05.08.2008 20:30

Same problem for the portal from windowless tower to hydlaa plaza when going through the storage house.

Fredrik commented on 06.08.2008 09:50

Problems continues. After latest update it seems too affect every area where i pass between zones but now theres a twist. It kills you sometimes. Relogging seems to fix it at times but I found one place where the portal is always just missing one way.. In the forest with the “night mushrooms” at the hut. Going in it all ok, getting out is a leap of fate into a void.

Best regards Landrash

Carsten Milkau commented on 06.08.2008 18:07

I didn’t notice any change with this, although I also died when crossing a portal recently. That isn’t necessarily related: that portal didn’t have any visible glitches.

Eric commented on 18.08.2008 21:51

I have observed numerous occasions where a map change opens up onto a void instead of the tunnel or other appropriate graphic. Every time i walk through the void, I get repositioned and a message about invalid position or out of bounds position shows up in my system log. The following locations have been observed:

Ojaroad1 ? Hydlaa: Observed numerous times, relog helps 1 in 8 times. Had to be moved by a GM. Walking through puts me all the way back to the tree with the Clackers under it near the Ojaroad2 ? Ojaroad1 transition.

Hydlaa ? Arena (and vice versa): I have had problems entering the arena (seems to have been fixed recently), but most recently, it seems to only be leaving the arena. I can walk into the arena, turn around, and there is a void instead of a hallway. Last time this happened, I just /die’d to avoid bugging a GM. Walking through puts me back just outside the steps leading out of the arena.

Levrus’ House: I can walk to Levrus’ House every time without fail, but 8 out of 10 times I cannot walk back to the path. I have walked to Levrus, turned around, and not been able to walk back. Relog fixes this 1 out of 10 times. Had to be moved by a GM. Walking through puts me into the second floor of Levrus’ House.

Gugrontid: Walking into Gugrontid and turning around, I could see the far side of the “tunnel”, but there was a gap that showed nice hills and greenery. Walking through it put me back in the middle of the town. Had to be moved by a GM. Relog didn’t fix.

All of these issues started with 0.04.01. I have not had problems with any other map transitions in the game, and I have been from Akkaio to BD Fortress. I have not been to the sewers or the dungeon since 0.4.01, so cannot say if they are affected or not. All of the above are repeatable for my character more than 80% of the time. Reloging has helped, but almost never on the first relog and after 3 relogs I ask to be moved by a GM.

K.Mann commented on 24.08.2008 08:44

quote: Eric (Mythryndel)
Hydlaa ? Arena (and vice versa): I have had problems entering the arena (seems to have been fixed recently), but most recently, it seems to only be leaving the arena. I can walk into the arena, turn around, and there is a void instead of a hallway. Last time this happened, I just /die’d to avoid bugging a GM. Walking through puts me back just outside the steps leading out of the arena.

That leaving the arena is exactly what im getting and the only portal problem i have now. Its almost a given it will happen going there but relogging has fixed it every time so far.
A couple of days ago the ojaroad2/oja tunnel got weird where there was no exits or walls just some road but i think this may have been the client running for around 9 hours solid as ive never had any issue with that part in 3 months ive played. Using Linux x86 32bit PS fully updated on Slackware 12.

M Reemsnyder commented on 24.08.2008 21:08

I have found the area coming up from the underground temple (or is that Gugrontid?), just at the top of the stairs where you exit out into the main Hydlaa plaza, is also bugged. Not sure of the name there, but I cannot get past it without falling through and dying. I’ve always had camera problems going through there where the camera would slew at very high/odd angles.

Issues started with 0.4.01. I also run Linux, SuSe 10.3.

Jarexia Kadnessar commented on 28.08.2008 15:01

Since the update, I fell through the gap between the arena and corridor to Hydlaa again…but wasn`t automatically repositioned.
“Map not found” kept coming up and I had to suicide my way out of the limbo.

EDIT: same problem moving from Oja Road 1 to Hydlaa

Sadorhelven commented on 28.08.2008 21:23

I can confirm the “map not found” problem and must hold myself back to comment it.

Edig Kaibu commented on 09.09.2008 06:46

Sept 8, 2008, at roughly 11:40 I had to ask Rayken to help me between the Arena and Hydlaa. There wasn’t a sliver of space missing, the doorway was missing completely. Then all of a sudden I found myself dropping endlessly.

I logged out and back in 4x only to be in the same space. Rayken was able to move me to a safe spot.

I didn’t want to start a new bt on it since this thread existed so I hope its the right place to put it.

Thank you.


yves commented on 13.09.2008 22:05

i confirm the “map not found” with a unlimited fall down on this two tipe of configuration :
mac osx 10.5 and window xp with the version of planeshift 4.02
- when i come from ojaveda and i arrived at the corridor to go on hydlaa
- when i arrived in the arena and i come from plaza
- when i go to plaza and i come from the arena
i try to log out and restart but it was not successfull
I have a funny story to say : one day i am falling down with the message “map not found” (go to
the arena and come from plaza) i leave, i start later planeshift 4.02 on a usb key (yes !) under a anothr
with no 3d card and i can walk arround (but cant see nothing) … i log out … and relogin at my home ..
and then i can play in the arena.
i dont know if this tipe of experience can help the research ….
sorry for my poor english

Ithwaynn commented on 15.09.2008 11:23

1. Within the dungeon (underneath the temple in Hydlaa) my position was reset when I entered one of the pathways - I would have to look again where exactly that was. Then, by exiting the dungeon I jumped through the floor to respawn on the plaza as I usually did for the past two updates - I guess weak characters die, since I also get hurt extremly by the fall. But now I do get a constant “Received out of bounds positional data, reseting your position” messages and I am thrown back to the plaza as soon as I move. Relogging killes me and I spawn in DR. This is a bit irritating since I do train in the dungeon currently.

2. Exiting Gugrontid gives me a message “map not found” and I keep on falling into the void endlessly until I commit suicide - which obviously is not a very good option - and I hate doing that.

3. Confirming missing portal when leaving East Hydlaa for Oja. I fall through the floor and re-spawn at the entrance to Ojaroad 2 - nice teleport - but not the way it should be!

4. Arena - just when I am about to leave the tunnel I fall through the floor to re-spawn on the left of the Arena Main stairs. Exiting, same happens but I re-spawn on the other side of the tunnel near Harnquist.

All this on MAC 10.4.11, 2.156 GHZ Core 2 Duo
Checked on my Windows Vista Notebook - none of these problems occured.

Michael Gefen commented on 18.09.2008 08:14

I have the same issue when i tried to exit Arena (thanks Aiken for getting me out of the endless map not found)
I use very short visibility range (because of bad performance) and apparently it is not the issue.

when i approached the arena exit i didn’t see the corridor at all.

edit: confirmed on 0.4.02
IMHO:i would have marked this bug as Critical, because of its impact on gameplay.

Caarrie commented on 18.09.2008 14:21

not sure if  bug 2184  is a duplicate of this or caused by the same issue, anyone have time to check and see?

weltall commented on 18.09.2008 15:41

2184 mostly happens as conseguence of dropping in map holes (of which this is one of these). that one appeared only recently and can be reproduced also by dropping manually (by sliding the player and then dropping in the void: ojaveda map is perfect for this)

Akeera commented on 21.09.2008 10:36

#2184 and #1796 are the same bugs: missing or incomplete portals, and falling through the ground by entering.

until 0.4.01 the program always set me to a valid position. with 0.4.02 came the map-not-found problem. so since 0.4.02 I am trapped in the Ojaveda region. I can’t enter Hydlaa and therefore cannot reach all areas behind Hydlaa

when I try to jump over the small gap at the portal from Ojaroad to Hydlaa, to avoid falling into nothingness, the program kills me

I’m with Linux

James commented on 21.09.2008 20:57

Portals are only 1 way to trigger  bug 2184 . I have been triggering 2184 just by falling off certain maps and going no where near portals.

Caarrie commented on 22.09.2008 14:05

edited to show image

aurelynt commented on 27.09.2008 20:16

I have found something very similar with akkroad map. The map seems misplaced. With ‘load all maps’ on it’s impossible to get there whether from ojapath or ajaroad2: you just fall down until you get the ‘map not found’ message. With ‘load all maps’ off, it’s okay, though. Here is a pic of the problem, seen from ojapath

K.Mann commented on 29.09.2008 14:43

I have turned off keep maps loaded and on several visits to the arena now i can leave without relogging and the exit corridor is always there so far. The corridor is displaced to the left a metre or two looking into it but i can leave through it ok.
It looks like ‘keep maps loaded’ code needs some looking at maybe.
No problems with the ojaroad1/ojaroad2 portal so far now either.
Laanx dungeon exit is still corrupted as usual with no visible difference with or without ‘keep maps loaded’.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 31.10.2008 00:00

I could not reproduce this with keep maps loaded (logged in in ojapath, walked to akkaio and back to ojaroad).
Maybe it is system dependend (I am on windows).

The back trace that was posted before appears to be the same as in  bug 1749  (crash on mini/maximize).
The repeating ‘map not found’ thing is  bug 2184 , which is now fixed.

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 31.10.2008 00:56

The back trace is of a type common to a bunch of bug reports here; from what I can tell it means somehow some part of some cs mesh objects got deleted or invalidated. As I said before it seems to be the portal that does it, because it makes the camera act weird when rotated into it. In other bugs there is no portal involved, and while there could be one underlying root cause, I wouldn’t be sure of it.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 31.10.2008 08:30

“In other bugs there is no portal involved” You may be wrong there :). Bug 1749 happens in specific places, autorunning through a portal against a wall, and then minimizing the window. On maximizing the crash occurs as the bounding box of the character is invalid. For example, go into the sewers behind the tavern, walk down the ladders straight on through the gate loading point into the wall. What may be happening here in 3d person view is that the camera is still close to/maybe in the previous sector.

aurelynt commented on 31.10.2008 19:30

Tried again in akkroad with ‘load all maps’ on and what was stated in my previous comment is no longer true.

* Edit *

Wait! It’s still true actually. Trying to test with ‘keep maps loaded’ as did Lanarel and then with ‘load all maps’ to check if Lanarel not being able to reproduce it was related to the setup options, I forgot to put ‘keep maps loaded’ off.

To summarize :

- With only ‘load all maps’ on, I still have the issue.
- WIth ‘keep maps loaded’ on, no problem, whether ‘load all maps’ is on or off.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 31.10.2008 20:49

Increased priority

Thoss commented on 14.12.2008 08:01

[noting another Mac occurence]

I too have now encountered some of these issues that others are describing.
Coming back in towards Hydlaa on the Ojaveda road right upon entering the canyon area outside Hydlaa.
Here’s a link to a screen shot:

I see there is a portal on at the entrance to the canyon area….

And also the upon entering the arena area:

also located near a portal it appears…

Mac OS X 10.5.5
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Intel GMA X3100…graphics

Arerano Areramau commented on 22.12.2008 12:24

I had this once at the corridor from bdroad1 to bdroad2
and once at the corridor from bdroad2 to the bronze doors.

I was running from Ojaveda to there with “keep maps loaded”.

running on

Windows XP SP2

Luke N. commented on 01.01.2009 02:33

I have the same problem going in and out of the arena. I am using a Mac OS X, 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo.

Mike Gist commented on 26.04.2009 05:11

Does this still happen in trunk CS/PS?

James commented on 26.04.2009 07:48

I still get a problem with the arena portal with both optimized and debug builds of trunk. Start in npcroom1, teleport hydlaa_plaza, go to the area. Missing portal when I turn to go back to the plaza.

Akkroad and bdr2doors are mentioned a couple times in this bug. I believe that is a separate bug. Bdr2doors and akkroad share the same names for the mesh factories for the cliff walls and the roads. If they are given unique names that problem goes away.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 26.04.2009 18:17

From  bug 1597 :
Teleportation at both ends of the road to ojaveda. From either canyon at the start of the oja maps turn left onto the hill and double back staying on the grass effect, then leap off map. The teleport from the hydlaa canyon takes you to the tunnel approach at no cost in life or stamina. From Oja this leap off map takes you to the river ulbers at a cost to life. Not sure what to set as the priorities for this so have defined them low/normal.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 26.04.2009 21:05

I recently had this at the hydlaa-oja corridor

Anonymous Submitter commented on 22.05.2009 23:59

I would like to see this escalated to a release stopper.

The persistence of these bugs through several releases is very problematic to me.

I have gotten caught in these and as a developer, I find it vital to our success in this release.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 25.05.2009 20:20

This should be the first thing to fix, as things are worse on trunk. At portals, the next map is completely gone. Teleporting portals are sometimes not working, or (as I just found leaving from the magic shop) teleport you into a void (making the client crash when reseting location).

Mike Gist commented on 25.05.2009 20:38

I’m unable to reproduce this, release/debug or threaded/non-threaded loading.

weltall commented on 25.05.2009 21:39

it seems random traverse 3 maps and you will get it sometimes

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 26.05.2009 03:55

I still get it, with current CS and PS, both –enable-debug, updated test team art. At the moment only non-threaded loading works for me.

Luke N. commented on 30.05.2009 17:23

I haven’t been having this problem anymore lately.

Andrew Draskoy commented on 23.07.2009 00:37

Interestingly, I always have this problem when running the native linux version, and never when running under wine. I do get problem #3050 under wine.

Version info for the bug drive:
graphics card: Radeon 9200 SE
motherboard: Gigabyte 8IPE1000
cpu: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Ubuntu Studio 9.04 Linux 2.6.28-13-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP
OpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R200 20060602 AGP 8x x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL
OpenGL version string: 1.3 Mesa 7.4

Andrew Draskoy commented on 23.07.2009 00:54

Ok, this is weird, but maybe connected and therefore useful, and reproducable (at least by me). I entered the “outer” arena map from the corridor and turn to face it. I then moved the planeshift window (I’m not in fullscreen mode obviously) off the the left of my screen. My view through the portal moves in synch with the right-hand side of the window (i.e. the edge of the portal maintains the same distance from the right edge of the window.) Everything else stays where it is on the screen, except for the shortcuts, which are aligned to the left edge of the screen.

My screen resolution is 1280×1024 and PlaneShift runs in a 1024×768 window.

Also, I tried copying the and art files from the windows distribution I use for wine into my linux art/world directory as they are not the same. It didn’t fix the problem. Also note, when I said above that this always happens on linux, I mean every single time I am there. It’s always been that way for 4.01.

Elvors Amenoras commented on 23.07.2009 07:27

Xarthen, can you post screenshots? I couldn’t fully follow your description.

Mike Gist commented on 23.07.2009 13:29

I believe I just fixed this in CS.

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 23.07.2009 14:10

This bug is DEAD!

* Vornne jumps up and down on it, dancing on the grave *

I just had to get in on the celebration (I verified all portals I know of too).


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