
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine → User Interface
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  • Operating System
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Michael Melcher - 05.06.2008
Last edited by Talad - 06.06.2021

FS#1664 - OOC Player reminder system

A reminder would be nice, I imagine it to work as follows:
You open a window which looks similar to the petition window. here you enter the messages you want to be reminded of (up to 5 should be enough). it should contain a date column so you know when you placed the reminder there, a column for “open” / “done” and a column for the actual message.
When you start up the client a popup in the style of the yesno windows could come up with the message you want to be reminded of (one popup for each reminder) and the buttons “done” and “later”.
“done” marks the reminder as such and it won’t popup the next time you log in
“later” will keep it open and keep reminding you on every client startup.


Closed by  Talad
06.06.2021 11:06
Reason for closing:  Will not fix
Thom commented on 06.06.2008 12:22

Could you describe the exact uses of such a system? Right now you can just use the notification system of your OS. Would be much better to use, also since PS doesn't use its own calendar system yet.

Michael Melcher commented on 06.06.2008 12:32

I didn't think of it like a calendar. More like something in the style of private and public notes in the guild system. But not everyone is in a guild and not every guild allows all members to access the notes and after all we're just humans and can (and probably will) forget things in due time. So if your char has to do something IC'ly you could make a note and the reminder reminds you everytime you log in, regardless from where you log in (your comp, a friends comp, inet cafe….).

A possible example could be:
My char makes debts and won't be able to pay it back by today or tomorrow. So I put up a reminder like "I owe <person> <amount> tria."
In the reminder editor I will be able to see when I've put the reminder there. The popup on login will show that date as well and I surely won't forget to pay back my debts.

Consequences for my char could be good reputation and trustfulness because he always pays back his debts…or without such a reminder my char could get a negative reputation because I ooc'ly forgot about it.

Not everyone plays every day and not everyone only plays one char, so chances to forget something are rather high. The above is just one possible example, other people may find other examples - if so, please add them :)


Thom commented on 06.06.2008 12:38

Can't you just buy a book and keep you administration in there? That's what we do in real life as well ;)

Michael Melcher commented on 06.06.2008 12:42

ingame books should be for IC stuff and what i mean is an ooc reminder. I wouldn't put stuff into an ic book to ooc'ly remind me of something. In real life I'd use a calendar (probably an electronic one which reminds me by an acoustic signal. Or with a pop up on my screen :)

The reason why I'd like to have it ingame tho, is that I will get reminded also when I am not at my own PC :)

Thom commented on 06.06.2008 17:09

Well, you gave the example "I owe <person> <amount> tria.", which is pretty IC. What kind of OOC reminders do you have in mind?

Michael Melcher commented on 08.06.2008 15:05

My character would probably write down a note like "Debts: xyz Tria to <person>" and would look every now and then on this note. But I, as a player could need a reminder for it like "hey,my chari still owes that guy xyz tria". Just for me as a player, to not forget about it.

However, it's only one example, I'm sure other people could add more examples and reasons for why it might be a good feature :)

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 08.06.2008 22:15

Marking new. I do not see this implemented soon though :)

Thom commented on 08.06.2008 23:49

Clearer title.


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