
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Feature Request
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  • Due in Version Undecided
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Michael Melcher - 18.07.2008
Last edited by Caarrie - 04.08.2008

FS#1960 - Ability to report bugs from ingame

Other games support such already, you can open a “ticket” where you explain your issue and someone will look into it. Mostly comercial games have this feature and the devs get emails or a newsletter about it, or whatever.

However, for PS I could imagine something similar:
A window similar to the petition window which allows people to enter a topic and a description for the issue they have.
psserver saves those reports either in the DB, or as text files.
A php page on the server allows gm’s, testers and devs to access those reports.
If the report is a valid bug report the person who checked it could add it to the bugtracker.
If it’s a duplicate the person who checked it could add it to the initial bug report.
If the issue is fixed already, or an invalid report the person who checked it could close the report over the php page.

In any case the person who checks those reports should mark it as checked (posted on bt, added to bugreport, fixed, invalid) so the reporter will know about it and after some time (maybe a week?) the “checked” reports should be deleted. (and of course the bugnumber here on FS should be told to the reporter)

The reason why i find it a good idea is, that many bugs are found ingame while playing the game, or even in the middle of an event, so instead of switching to a webbrowser (or exiting the game) one could report the bugs right away.
Imho it won’t increase the workload of the testing team much, but it might result in many many more bug reports which will help make the game better.

Before anyone dismisses it as a dumb idea: I ask for comments from players, gm’s, testers and devs about it.

Could be a longterm prospect task :P

Closed by  Caarrie
04.08.2008 14:04
Reason for closing:  
Additional comments about closing:  

closing per talads comment

Michael Melcher commented on 18.07.2008 18:41

Eek, forgot to set it to "feature request", please change that

Michael Melcher commented on 19.07.2008 14:21

"Before anyone dismisses it as a dumb idea: I ask for comments from players, gm's, testers and devs about it." ←- read that please. I asked for input from all sides and not only from _your_ personal point of view. please re-open and let others have the chance to give their comments

peeg commented on 19.07.2008 14:23

Reopening to give players, devs, testers and everyone else the chance to discuss it.
Making "Feature Request", "New" as well.

Caarrie commented on 19.07.2008 14:26

"Task closed (Won't fix: since the laanx and the tracker are on seperate servers i dont see merging the tracker into the game possible, also the testers have enough to keep up with and have no privilages on laanx to allow such access that it makes it even harder. if you wish to report a bug while ingame you can /petition it and a gm will report it if needed.)" i dont agree with this request and had closed it.

Michael Melcher commented on 19.07.2008 14:31

You seem to not understand the idea, or you haven't read it carefully.
I explained how I imagine it, I leave it open for discussion and for possible ideas regarding to that topic (I know my idea isn't the best, but it's an idea and others might have ideas to add)
when reporting bugs via petition you sometimes get a respond like "petition closed with the reason: use the bugtracker".
the re-open request was made because you only gave your personal point of view, which does not reflect the opinion of anyone else, unless stated that way. for the future i'd like you to not be so harsh with closing requests but to let others have the chance to see it and give their opinions, thank you

Caarrie commented on 19.07.2008 14:37

We as testers have no access to petitions or anything else that requires a gm access lvl on laanx, so it is up to a gm how they handle petitions about bugs. we as testers cant change that, and it would be up to talad if he wants this added and would just add more work to the testing team as we would have yet another place to look to collect bugs. And if we need more info from the reporter we would have no way as we cant request it.

Michael Melcher commented on 19.07.2008 14:40

as i said, it is _one_ idea and not _the_ idea, chances are that people have ideas how to do it in a more efficent way. and if you read the initial idea again you will see that i am _not_ suggesting to use /petition for it.

however, let others have their opinions said here

Caarrie commented on 19.07.2008 15:03

as someone that would have to use the system i should have my opinion heard on this and i think it is a bad idea. now i think it should be up to lanarel if he thinks this should stay open or be closed as he is the leader of the testing team. otherwise we need talad to approve it and i dont see him doing it. so letting people post their ideas will get us no where.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 20.07.2008 18:00

I think the general idea to make it easier for people to report bugs in the bug tracker is good. However, the few cases where doing this from in game would be possible, it would not help us much, as mostly we would require more information, so we would need a way to contact the reporter anyway. Reporting bugs without using the bugtracker just does not make sense. So I agree with Caarrie that this idea seems impractical. However, these things may lead to more practical ideas, and in the end it is up to Talad to (dis)approve feature requests. So I do think Caarrie was a bit quick in closing. As I understood Talad did say this should be closed now, I will leave it to her to do so.

David Silverman commented on 20.07.2008 19:35

it would be cool to have this more as a barometer for where most gameplay issues arrive. The server could keep just a list of the text people upload,the location of player at time of upload and scan for most common critical words. Could also flag the posting as a type. Example (server side):

Problem areas Percent total
-magic #% (#)
-NPCs #% (#)
-textures #% (#)
-whatever #% (#)
common critical words:
chair, fire
Reported by: SomeUser1
-texture -coordinates ### ### ### -text "chair next to fire place has texture problem" Reported by: SomeUser2
-magic -coordinates ### ### ### -text "I casted [someSpell] and I died" Reported by: SomeUser3
-magic -coordinates ### ### ### -text "chair next to fire place has texture problem"

testers can search through reports and get the coordinate of the character when they reported the problem (most likely at location of problem{unless dead at time of reporting})

If keeping a list of unorganized postings is difficult, maybe the functionality can be added to the character's data, and periodically uploaded to some sort of management software like described above. This wouldn't replace this website, but could empower testers to search the character's postings to find the specific location of the problem if needed. Plus it is a bit of a pain to leave the game to post bugs.

Michael Melcher commented on 20.07.2008 19:51

@Lanarel "However, these things may lead to more practical ideas" ←- thank you for getting my point :)
@silvermindyarr, this is what i thought about, an initial idea where people can add their thoughts about how i could work and how it could get implemented, I appriciate it.

Dajoji commented on 22.07.2008 17:57

Maybe this should be added as a dependency of other petition system feature requests (maybe compile  FS#1714 ,  FS#107 ,  FS#710 ,  FS#711 ,  FS#347 ,  FS#1447 , and  FS#1641  into one big feature request/bug report like the one done with spell bugs). Then close.

The idea of in-game bug reports requires a search function to prevent dupes, which I dunno if it's possible. Also, the ability to link in-game reports to FS the same way the WCs are linked to Laanx (for /report logs and petitions, for instance).

However, there could be a bug report wizard. Maybe a popup window that give the player basic instructions (like a mini FS tutorial), telling them they can use the bug tracker to search for similar bugs and depending on what they find, register and comment/make a new report or file a petition in-game (in case they want to add a commend but not register a FS account, they should specify the FS#). Something like that perhaps.

David Silverman commented on 27.07.2008 01:05

it could also add the ability to say: most bugs were reported near [location], and help with cross checking bugs that were posted, but not well explained against the majority of posts in an area

Talad commented on 04.08.2008 14:03

Rejected. The bugtracker is a pretty good and solid application. We should not over-engineer our client or we will spend more time fixing bugs and testing administrative functions, than actually developing the game.


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