
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Engine → User Interface
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  • Severity Critical
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  • Due in Version Undecided
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Lanarel - 05.09.2009
Last edited by aurelynt - 11.09.2009

FS#3156 - New elves skin desription window does not show whole buttons

In the description window, the buttons are only partly visible. They may just miss a heigh attribute in the xml file, as I saw a similar fix elsewere.

Assigning to Venge and Cherppow, but this can probably be fixed by someone else too.

Closed by  aurelynt
11.09.2009 20:15
Reason for closing:  
weltall commented on 06.09.2009 06:52

committed a fix

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 06.09.2009 08:39

Height is OK now. Is there also a width attribute? Will check myself in a minute.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 06.09.2009 12:22

Patch to adjust the widths as well:

Assigned to weltall to commit it as he looked at this before, but someone else can do so as well.

weltall commented on 07.09.2009 01:31

it looks a bit badly maybe you can improve it in order to mantain the style wanted by the artist?

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 07.09.2009 21:35

Can you explain where my changes fail to meet the style wanted by the artist? The examples I had of that style were buttons with half the text visible. My changes make the text visible, while ordering the buttons a bit so they fit. If you mean actually use the elves style, I will leave that to the artist. My patch just makes the skin more useable :)

aurelynt commented on 07.09.2009 22:51

Better like this?

weltall commented on 08.09.2009 03:11

1) same size buttons. THe description one looks extremely wrong and not only for the abnormus size on the rest
2) little additional space on the border this is ignored on the right
the addition looka a bit better

aurelynt commented on 08.09.2009 18:03

1) I take it the desc one is pressed when you open the window, hence why its size is smaller.
2) Not sure what you mean…

Ok, new patch

Patch commited by Weltall in rev 4335.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 08.09.2009 20:41

In the original window, the description button was called Descr and the Combat and some other buttons were to small for their text. I prefer buttons of the same size too, but the window is too small to fit them. If you find a better way to organize the buttons thats great. Cannot check what the new patches look like, but I am glad I made someone have a look at this anyway :)


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