
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Bug Report
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  • Assigned To
    Kenneth Graunke
    Anders Reggestad
  • Operating System
  • Severity Low
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  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
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  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Caarrie - 23.04.2007
Last edited by Caarrie - 22.11.2007

FS#3 - npc's that should walk on paths sneak instead of walk

many npcs that can walk are sneaking around the maps instead of walking. I have seen this with harnquist and the new miners.

Closed by  Caarrie
22.11.2007 11:39
Reason for closing:  
Additional comments about closing:  

as we have not gotten any further info on this, and MOST seem to work, closing this bug. reopen if needed or make a new bug if there are new issues

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 30.04.2007 11:14

I confirm that npcs are sneaking instead of walking. Movemasters sneak, tribemembers run, maleenki runs, then sneaks.
CVS 30-4-2007

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 01.05.2007 18:57

Some are now (CVS May 1) not sneaking but strafing forward. I.e., the move forward but do the strafe animations. Others are still sneaking

Thom commented on 10.05.2007 13:16

The strafing forward thing is a bug I reported aaaaaages ago. Luckily it doesn't happen in-game so I assume it's a CVS DB issue.

Arianna commented on 11.08.2007 09:10

Fixing category

Kenneth Graunke commented on 11.08.2007 10:24

We will have to look at this in 0.3.020. sprcal3d currently chooses travel animation based entirely on the speed of movement (regardless of whether or not it's forward or side-to-side).

I got tired of strafing being so ridiculously slow, so I updated it to be 2.0 (walking is 3.0), which is much nicer. I sent updated cal3d files to Karyuu and supposedly she committed them to SVN. (She said she was going to do so immediately; I don't have access to double check.)

Then, the trick is to change npcbehave.xml so that the NPCs walk within the right velocity range for Walk instead of Sneak. Having them walk at 3m/s would make sense. Anything less than 2 and they will sneak.

Arianna commented on 12.08.2007 13:33

Assigning to Khaki, please, reassign it to somebody else if this is not for you.

Thom commented on 07.09.2007 14:45

As Khaki made no comment about this himself:
Reassigned to Kayden.

Arianna commented on 30.09.2007 16:49

Adding Magodra to the list of assignee.

Anders Reggestad commented on 07.10.2007 19:37

NPCs behaviors now have the keywords $walk and $run that could be used for the vel attribute of any movements operations. The walk and run speed will be taken from the cal3d files if they are pressent at the server.

Caarrie commented on 07.10.2007 19:50

Tested on cvs almost all npcs now walk or run but movemaster3 winchmover1 and winchbeast1 i will close this bug when they learn how to walk or run and not sneak around.

Anders Reggestad commented on 07.10.2007 20:04

Thats because they have a specefix move speed set in the npcbehavior.xml file. We should test that using values other than $walk and $run walk to. So I suggest that its ok to keep them sneaking around.

Arianna commented on 08.10.2007 13:50

Magodra reset this to ready to test. Please, retest.

Caarrie commented on 08.10.2007 21:15

so what exactly here has changed that needs to be tested?

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 09.10.2007 21:58

I guess if most NPCs now have $run or $walk, they should not sneak, and the bug can be closed. Some may not have the keywords but still have a velocity set that is so slow that it selects the sneak animation, but so fast that it does not match. But that is more an effect of the animations having fixed speeds.

Arianna commented on 10.10.2007 05:43

Magodra, can you clarify your message and therefore confirm or not Lanarel's last comment?

Caarrie commented on 17.10.2007 10:13

Magodra, i cant close this unless i get a bit more information from you.

Trymm commented on 21.10.2007 06:37

I have been looking at a couple of the .cal3d files for characters, and they need some serious work. In particular, if travel speed overlaps, i.e. sneak is set to speeds between 0 and 2.5, and walk is set to between 2 and 3, then the result is a blending of the animations for speeds in these overlaps. This is in *theory* a good thing. However, the animations have not been designed with this blending in mind. The result is that the animations do not look anything like what they were ment to do. Case in point is the sneaking animation for the dermorian male. This is an arts-related task of course, and should be assigned to the arts department. However, in order to solve it properly, we need the appropriate speeds available for all travel types/directions.

Similar issues was also present in the .019 release, where for example the animation for the Klyros was walking below goundlevel as a result of this animation blending. I am not sure if this was corrected or not, and have not revisitted the issue on .020 art yet.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 28.10.2007 22:32

DOes this mean the bug should be sent back for more work? Or is the sneaking dwarves part fixed enough to close this bug and should there be a new report for the overlapping speeds problem?


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