
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Engine → Combat
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  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
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  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 1
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by durwyn - 07.02.2008
Last edited by Davide Vescovini - 01.04.2016

FS#1061 - Attack with Books!

if you equip in each hand a book and begin to face an enemy you get the message
“no weapons equipped!” in big red.

however if you stop using one of the book and start attack with your knuckles. you will be able to. (normal as you got one book and hand)

the problem is when you are attacking, put the book in the other hand (so you have two books.) you dont see anymore “no weapons equipped” message + you can change stances as if you were fighting with weapons or knuckles.

Note : during the exchange between book and knuckles, dont deselect the monster, otherwise you have to repeat the whole.

final screenshot :

setting severity medium because can be used as an exploit for some skills.

Closed by  Davide Vescovini
01.04.2016 15:10
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Seems to be fixed. Closing.

Caarrie commented on 07.02.2008 16:52

this sounds like a version of that was marked as fixed, i wonder if this was not really fixed correctly

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 11.02.2008 06:23

Hmm, that one was to do with cheating the timing, I don't think that's the exploit talked about here…

On laanx, with two books I got the red "You have no weapons equipped!" message, if I dequipped one I could attack, and I would start doing damage, then I could put the book back, the icon in the info window would stay selected, but I stopped doing any damage - I seemed to change stance by clicking the info buttons but still did no damage, and if I tried to change stance with my shortcuts, I got "You have no weapons equipped!" again. I started doing damage again as soon as I put away a book and attacked.

I don't know how you would exploit it, maybe by doing it on a mob far weaker than you so you can leave your character and gain armor experience points? Though there are a few ways to do that, as far as I remember.

nobody special commented on 21.03.2008 19:56

I am thinking that a better "fix" would be to allow anything that can be put in your hands to be used as a weapon and anything not specifically a weapon would have a reduced damage potential based on its weight and balance. Something heavy such as a pick might do up to 10 points of damage while something light like a mug might do only one. You could even make a new skill: "non-weapon attack" to allow modifiers to the base. This would be a different skill than melee or I suppose it could be added to melee with the ability increment of 1 modifier in 10 levels.

Ssar Aradyn commented on 22.03.2008 15:52

I think all items in the game should be weildable as a weapon. Have a "base" value for how much damage is done, and then start filling in "special case" values. A pick should do pretty good damage, it is a rather deadly weapon. An apple on the other hand is not going to do any significant damage, and would be destroyed after one successful strike.

Kaerli Stronwylle commented on 23.03.2008 12:14

Yeah. You should be able to whack someone upside the head with a pick or a book.

Caarrie commented on 25.03.2008 17:53

moving this to feature request and category to combat

Alexander E. Patrakov commented on 28.04.2008 15:21
I am thinking that a better "fix" would be to allow anything that can be put in your hands to be used as a weapon

The problem is that interaction with other objects and skills must be well thought out first. Otherwise, there will be exploits. E.g., answer these questions:

1) what is the skill required to use a rock pick (or a book) as a weapon?
2) how would a book damaged in a combat function for its primary purpose?
3) how should a damaged rock pick interact with a weapon repair kit?

nobody special commented on 28.04.2008 16:03

A pick would be a polearm, a book is a bludgeon. My suggestion, however was to make non-weapons attacks a new category or a sub-category of melee.

A book used as a club is unlikely to take much damage but might lose some pages if used as a missile. You could, of course, cause any normal item used as a weapon to become non-functional but it might have to depend onhow they were used.

You used to be able to repair the rock picks but that has been disabled, perhaps tool repair could become part of the blacksmith skill.

Anonymous Submitter commented on 23.07.2009 16:40

I would like it if bovek would look at assigning all items able to be held in the hand a value as a combat bonus.

kjm commented on 11.12.2009 13:03

I'm able to attack with my shield. I don't know if this is a bug or feature though since bashing with a shield actually makes some sense.


Erodare Lenizus commented on 05.01.2014 08:48

Seems to me this was fixed…all items (that can be equipped) should have had appropriate values plugged into the database some time ago.


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