
  • Status Closed
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Ulfer Knalgan - 01.08.2008
Last edited by Davide Vescovini - 13.08.2014

FS#2047 - Weapons Repair

What about if weapon repair could actually, fail? When repairing your weapon you could actually worsen the blade, and I’m not just talking about the quality, no, but worsening the weapon itself… “ruining it.” Why not have a success/failure roll based on weapon repair skill? When a roll is failed the weapon is “ruined” (e.g finest ruined short sword) and it’s damage type is worsened as well as any default quality depletion of the current repair process. Again, it makes the process more realistic… if you’re bad or not so good at something, you’re bound to mess up from time to time!

This would make weapon repair more important to train, perhaps even open up a new trade in repairs, also keeping the crafters in business and the demand for crafted weaponry that much more… it’s not a 100% fix but I feel a step in the right direction in solving the issue. The issue being the lack of need in crafters due to crafted weapons taking forever to degrade.

The task blocks this from closing
ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
6080 PlaneShift FS#6080 - List of crafting feature requests Low Davide Vescovini, Tuathanach
Closed by  Davide Vescovini
13.08.2014 16:59
Reason for closing:  
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We choose to give bonuses for repairing (like removing negative modifiers) instead of giving maluses.

Caarrie commented on 01.08.2008 19:40

setting new

Eric commented on 07.08.2008 02:49

As discussed in the Wish List, here are some details that we considered important for this Feature Request:

1. Weapon repair should not be guaranteed to succeed.
2. Weapon repair if not successful should be able to damage the weapon.
3. A weapon repair kit should act more like a “first aid” kit and only be able to patch up/sharpen, but not fully repair a weapon.
4. In order to fully repair a weapon, a anvil or other appropriate stationary tool would be required.
5. Ideally, the “full repair” work would use/gain blacksmith and possibly <item> crafting as a factor, and would also be able to return a worn/damaged weapon to full quality. Example being a NPC quality short sword could be “full repair”ed from 45/45 to a 50/50 if successful.

An example would be as follows:

Buy a weapon at 100/100 quality. Damage it to 90/100 while killing critters. Using your first aid “weapon repair kit” and on success it would repair to 99/99, on fail it would be 90/98. Taking it to a place like Harnquist’s or Trasok’s, you could repair it back to 100/100.

nobody special commented on 07.08.2008 07:57

I think that does not quite serve the original intention which was at least partly to have weapons eventually degrade so as to need replacing. Perhaps the “first aid kit” would be able to repair a maximum of one point of damage per use and could not be used more than once before the weapon takes more damage. That way if you polish every scratch the weapon will not degrade but if it takes more than one point of damage in a battle it will gradually get reduced.

For example I go and fight rats for a quest, I have enough skill to one hit kill them and after each one I inspect my blade for damage. I could likely kill any number of rats this way and polish my blade whenever it gets a nick. A little later I go off and need an ulbernaut heart so I attack one and require, say, 10 hits to kill it. My blade could well take 5 points of damage amnd only one of them could be repaired with the kit. The other 4 would have to wait for the full treatment. If I then attack another ulber and more damage is done to my blade I could then restore another point using the kit.

It would seem to me that you want to restrict the full treatment, with its chance of catastrophe, to significant repairs.

Eric commented on 07.08.2008 13:50

Well, the current description of “Repair Weapon” is that it can repair up to 70%. That doesn’t seem to be exactly true right now. The concept, in my mind, is that “repair weapon” would take 1 point off the top for success, 2 for failure. The only way to “fully” repair a weapon would be to take it to a <item> maker and have them essentially re-forge the weapon… possibly requiring more raw material instead of a repair kit. This serves the original intent of requiring crafters to either repair or replace weapons.

nobody special commented on 09.08.2008 18:30

In order to re-craft a weapon you would need to be able to melt it down, currently they turn to dust in a forged after a certain point in the crafting process. This is not an objection just a notice.

Anonymous Submitter commented on 14.12.2009 15:16

Not a crafting issue…this is directed at the repair system.


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