
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Bug Report
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  • Assigned To
    Kenneth Graunke
  • Operating System
  • Severity Critical
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  • Due in Version Undecided
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Lanarel - 07.05.2007
Last edited by Arianna - 11.08.2007

FS#15 - Stacks in trade messed up

This is  bug 2579  on the old bt, but important enough to mention here.
Tested on Laanx with THom, both without any GM skills, so using apples.
We both put in some apples, moved parts of stacks around and to inventory. SOme things seem better than before, except:
- sometimes, the other side sees number like 345 or 3456 after removing part of a stack. You never see that on your own side
- on your own side things just dissappear from view
- when accepting, Thom got 3 apples from me (which was ok, even though I only saw two, and THom saw 345+1+2)
- message for me said thom gave me one, I gave thom two
- From 5 apples at the start, giving 3 to thom, getting one, I end up with only one apple.

Closed by  Arianna
11.08.2007 06:00
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Lanarel said this was fixed by some changed done by Nilaya

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 10.05.2007 23:09

Did a little test with trade with harnquist (so no real trade), and it feels better :) Mainly, I keep seeing the same amount of items all the time, and more importantly, I do not see the message that items cannot be moved because they are in an exchange, when I move items around or drop them.
I suggest someone (some two :) ) retest this bug.

Kenneth Graunke commented on 11.05.2007 05:59

I believe I've fixed these issues with my big exchangemanager.cpp commit. Fixed several bugs, at least. Please test again and let me know if exchanges are still broken.

Thom commented on 11.05.2007 13:34

I used two characters both equipped with 10 eggs.
Character A gave character B 7 eggs.
Character B gave character A 3 eggs.
Logical result would be:
Character A has 10-7+3=6 eggs.
Character B has 10+7-3=14 eggs.

Character A did end up with 6 eggs, character B however ended up with 2 eggs. 12 eggs went missing!

After this strange event I tried to test again. So I /trade Character B with Character A.
Suddenly, the eggs from both characters disappeared!

Instead, I decided to spawn 10 eggs for both characters again. When I did this however, both characters ended up with 9 eggs, not 10.

I dragged some eggs to the empty trade window, and with both characters I got the strange error message "You cannot move an item being exchanged."

Arianna commented on 14.05.2007 12:43

Please, do not have redundant bugs :(
If there is already a bug report in the old bugtracker, stick on that.

Thom commented on 18.05.2007 14:28

Fixed by Nilaya on 2007-05-18!

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 20.05.2007 21:01

Thom, was this tested? If not, set to 'ready to test', otherwise close the bug with the button.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 20.05.2007 22:50

Ok, so the original bugreport, and did a test myself :)
Finally closing that bug then :)

Thom commented on 23.05.2007 10:32

I tested it, as I should've mentioned ;)

Arianna commented on 11.08.2007 05:59

Just fixing the category, so I can clean it up in the settings.


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