
  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Engine → Progression Scripts
  • Assigned To
    Kenneth Graunke
  • Operating System
  • Severity High
  • Priority
  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Eric - 15.05.2008
Last edited by Lanarel - 14.12.2009

FS#1517 - Sidestep Dakkru's Curse by re-logging

Note by Lanarel: the original report (below ——) does not seem to be completely valid. There is a possibility to remove the curse by logging out and in though (or crashing), possibly needing in game time to change as well.

Original post:
1. Die
2. Return from DR (Dakkru’s curse is in effect, half stats observable)
3. Walk from spawn point until you change to another area.

 ie. Spawn in Akkaio, walk until you end up in Ojaveda Road

4. Quit PS
5. Log back in to PS. (Dakkru’s curse does not display, and stats start regenerating from half)

This was originally posted on the forums, and verified in-game last night. Dakkru’s curse is supposed to last 30 minutes. This process from steps 3 - 5 took less than 5 minutes.

Closed by  Lanarel
14.12.2009 00:00
Reason for closing:  
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Lets say this is fixed by Kayden along with many other scripting bugs.

Caarrie commented on 15.05.2008 13:47

marking private due to content

Kenneth Graunke commented on 15.05.2008 15:49

I'll try and take a look soon, but there's a chance this is fixed in trunk already.

Kenneth Graunke commented on 16.05.2008 07:26

I followed these steps twice on Laanx and could not reproduce the problem. The first time, I tested with a Klyros and walked past the map change in the forest…the second time, I tested with an Enkidukai and walked from Akkaio to ojaroad2. I logged out and logged back in after a few seconds, and my stats were still halved. I also tried waiting 2 minutes before relogging, just in case. No difference.

I did not see the active magic window on relog, which is annoying, but not critical…my stats were still halved.

I'm also skeptical that walking across sector or map boundaries has anything to do with resetting the saved progression script. I can imagine the script not persisting at all…but this doesn't really make sense to me. (Of course, my intuition isn't always right…)

Eric commented on 17.05.2008 05:11

I just did this again. I did the exact same thing as before. This time however, I noted the time. It was 9 PM (game time) when I came back from DR, but by the time i changed maps it was 10 PM (game time). I logged out and back in. My stats were full, but my hp, endurance, etc were regenerating from half. No () numbers next to my stats. No Dakkru's curse in effect. Spawned in Akkaio and ran to Ojaveda Road 2. I am not saying that it is specifically the map, it may just be a coincidence, but I have personally observed this twice after seeing someone post about it on the forums.

[EDIT] This time i was waiting for the clock change in-game, but it took less than 2 minutes between the time i left DR to the time i was back in-game without Dakkru's curse.

Kenneth Graunke commented on 17.05.2008 06:20

Making public again and removing assignments. Still haven't been able to confirm this on Laanx…haven't tried trunk yet. Perhaps by making it more broadly visible other people will have ideas on how to reproduce it.

It's not a terrible exploit either…no permanent gain, and for a very long time we didn't even have this "feature." :) So it's probably not critical to make this private.

Eric commented on 18.05.2008 23:38

I have, unfortunately, died a few more times in the last couple of days. I guess the newbies stuck there don't think of it as unfortunate though as I ferried them out. My experience shows that it is definitely dependent on game time. I died, changed maps and logged out without a change in game time and the curse was still active. However, every time i have changed maps and the time has advanced it has worked. I will try next time ONLY waiting for a change in game time and see if that is the only factor.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 01.06.2008 20:24

Ok, this was what I did:
- /die
- In game time is 10 o'clock
- get through DR
- have daccru's curse, still 10 o'clock and crash because I did something for another bug (removed
- restored and logged in again
- in game time now 11 o' clock. No daccru's curse, stats are regenerating from half

So changing maps is not needed, logging out and possibly ingame time change is.
At least confirming that you can gain some time.

Eric commented on 02.06.2008 05:02

1. Died
2. Portal back to Akkaio
3. spawed at 6 o'clock game time.
4. Waited around Akkaio until 7 o'clock
5. logged out and back in.
6. Still had curse.
7. Jogged to Ojaroad and waited until 8 o'clock
8. logged out and back in.
9. Curse lifted.

Kenneth Graunke commented on 02.06.2008 05:28

Thanks for the clear steps, both of you. I can't imagine it is related to in-game time, but perhaps some remnants of psCharacter caching is still floating around, and the in-game time happens to correspond with that…if you happen to log out and back in within a certain window of time, or you crash under certain circumstances and then try to log back in at a particular moment…then maybe it reuses the old character, and doesn't load it from the DB…or never saved it…or something.

I didn't think it did that, but it's the only explanation I can think of right now.

bonifarz commented on 29.07.2008 16:22

I tried this several times without change of maps, nor with crash in purpose. One hour of in game time spent before relogin seemed to be sufficient to disspell the curse.
Comment: The concept of the curse itself and the race dependent spawn locations are not optimal, given that players can pass the DR in such a short time ( → shortcut abuse).
Suggestion: As expanding the DR takes time in development, it may be suitable to implement some condition (mini quest) to pass the portal. If players had to search the entire realm before leaving it in redemption, the curse would not be necessary at all.

Michael Gefen commented on 01.08.2008 21:49

i would like to confirm this issue. happened to me several times on different occasions.

personally i like bonifarz's idea.

EDIT: additional info:
1. i used /die to get to DR
2. exited DR
3. logged out
4. logged in

the curse was removed.

i didn't move at all.

Charles Fryett commented on 30.09.2008 18:48

This bug is still around. I dont think I can add anything to what has been said about it other that all the times I have seen it the ingame hour has changed.

Eric commented on 29.10.2008 19:38

I have died a few more times recently… and tried this again just because (normally I just occupy myself until the curse wears off). I think this is related to lag between server processes more than in-game time. I tried to wait for the in-game clock to change, and it didn't work for me 2 out of 4 times I tried it. However, I have not gotten a stopwatch or been more methodical about it yet. The two times it worked… I waited 3 - 5 minutes after leaving DR and it cleared the curse.

Anonymous Submitter commented on 26.03.2009 14:19

I'm not sure how the curse is applied to a char in DB, but I would think it would be set to expire when applied as TotalTimeConnected + 0.5.

Generally I think the players know that if they relog after 10 minutes (1 game hour) they'll generally have the curse lifted.

If it's not this way, then can we make it so?

Agree the curse as we have it may not be optimal, but in the short term can we see about making what we have actually work?

Caarrie commented on 26.03.2009 14:32

Well since all the scripts have to be rewritten by kayden this may change for the next release. Comments kayden?

Kaerli Stronwylle commented on 04.05.2009 02:19

This bug is still around. I triggered it by:
1) Going through DR
2) Exiting DR normally (Dakkru's Curse went into effect)
3) Going through a loadzone (plaza→hysewers)
4) Terminating PS (well, it wasn't my fault: the client crashed :) while the client was in the loadzone
5) Upon logging back in, no more curse?!?!?!?!?

Kenneth Graunke commented on 04.05.2009 07:22

Good to know, Kaerli…but is that on trunk or stable? Just curious.

Kaerli Stronwylle commented on 18.07.2009 01:35

Stable, do you want me to post a dump from one of the mapload crashes?

Kenneth Graunke commented on 05.08.2009 02:35

Nope, I don't really care about stable regarding scripting. It's probably working in trunk.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 25.08.2009 22:56

Needs testing on trunk, but the test server does not give me a curse at all

RlyDontKnow commented on 13.12.2009 23:53

bypassing by relogging seems to be fixed on laanx


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