
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Bug Report
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  • Assigned To
    Kenneth Graunke
  • Operating System
  • Severity Critical
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  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Thom - 27.08.2007
Last edited by Caarrie - 04.09.2007

FS#155 - Escaping from an instance.

Due to the fact that “The wall home” doesn’t work (another bug) I got stuck in another instance. I tried to get out this time, but I found I couldn’t. Teleporting me didn’t work. Dieing didn’t work. I tried to “restore” myself, but I couldn’t.

“*** 2007-07-30 by Tom Towey
Teleport will now always bring player back to 0 instance.”

This commit suggests that normal players are returned to the original instance when they teleport, but apparently GMs and Devs are not and due to a faulty Action Location they could be stuck for a long time in the wrong instance.

Closed by  Caarrie
04.09.2007 17:58
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i guess with /die and a teleport being able to restore instance we can consider this bug fixed

Caarrie commented on 01.09.2007 21:43

confirming and raising serverity and priority as we have this issue on laanx and atleast 1 player got cought in this bug

Kenneth Graunke commented on 02.09.2007 05:47

Fixed in CVS. Apparently you may need to move around to get it to realize that new objects are in your proximity, but that's a lot better.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 02.09.2007 08:03

Thom can you retest and close?

Caarrie commented on 02.09.2007 12:19

Tested on Lanarel's server updated on sun sept 2 at 9:48 CEST and this was not fixed

Caarrie commented on 02.09.2007 13:07

I got talad to update the test server and still not fixed there please look at this again

Kenneth Graunke commented on 03.09.2007 00:37

My steps:

1) Pick up "Small Key"
2) Click on blacksmith door, enter it.
3) Walk out to where all the NPCs should be. Verified, they're not visible. Hence, I'm in a different instance.
3) /teleport me Smith
4) Move around a bit (perhaps 3m). Verifed that NPCs became visible again.

It worked for me, so I'll need more info on what you're doing that doesn't work.

Caarrie commented on 03.09.2007 01:21

1) pickup "small key"
2) Click on blacksmith door, enter it.
3) Walk out to where all the NPCs should be. Verified, they're not visible. Hence, I'm in a different instance.
3) /teleport me Smith or walk to smith
4) Move around a bit (perhaps 3m). Verifed that NPCs did not visible again.

server date 2007. will test again tomorrow when i have updated my cs and cel to work with the netbump

Kenneth Graunke commented on 03.09.2007 10:31

Walking to the smith won't work, the point of this bug (as I understand it) is making teleport restore you to the 0 instance. So if you're walking to smith, that doesn't test it at all…

Caarrie commented on 03.09.2007 11:01

well what happens if you are a PLAYER and cant teleport and get stuck with this bug???

Kaerli Stronwylle commented on 03.09.2007 11:28

From the OP, it doesn't seem that players would get this in the first place.

Caarrie commented on 03.09.2007 11:33

new guild hall has this and some players could not load it got a gm to restore them and now were stuck in this instance. we had to make sure they fixed the map and used the door to get out. This could happen to players

durwyn commented on 03.09.2007 15:48

it happened to me , Velh, Physio, Lepohi as i know but found quickly a solution. the same as Caarrie just said

Thom commented on 03.09.2007 17:56

If the exit action locations doesn't properly restore you when you get teleported back to the entrance, you're stuck. If a GM then wants to teleport you out of there, but due to a bug the teleport command doesn't restore you to 0 instance, you're even more stuck. However, that teleporting bug should be fixed. If you stil have issues on Laanx, that's due to a bad AL most likely. If you test on CVS in the right way it should be fixed. I'll test again however. I can compile again as MS's file server is back up so I can download MSVC. (yay!)

Caarrie commented on 03.09.2007 22:16

for some reason now this works for me with the teleport but as stated already we need this fixed for players as well

Kenneth Graunke commented on 04.09.2007 16:20

@Caarrie: That's what GMs are for. ;) If a player gets stuck, either (1) devs fix the specific AL that's broken, (2) gms /teleport them out.

I guess it's worth checking if /die restores you to a 0 instance. If not, it should.

Caarrie commented on 04.09.2007 16:30

only teleporting will restore the instance not /die

Kenneth Graunke commented on 04.09.2007 16:36

Fixed /die and /teleport restore to both reset to the 0-instance in CVS.

Kenneth Graunke commented on 04.09.2007 16:37

I think this is ready to test, then. I don't see what else could be the bug.


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