
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category
  • Assigned To
    Paldorin Mugbreaker
  • Operating System
  • Severity High
  • Priority
  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 1
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Caarrie - 09.06.2008
Last edited by Paldorin Mugbreaker - 02.08.2008

FS#1692 - NPCs and players can become invisible to others.

if you walk to npcroom2 from npcroom1 and then walk back to npcroom1 you will find that there are no visable npcs in npcroom1, yet you can see all their chat bubbles a relog will fix but annoying.

Besides SVN, this is also confirmed on Laanx by Zwenze, a GM, and a few players.

The task depends upon
ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
1790 PlaneShift  FS#1790 - npc are not always seen  Low
1793 PlaneShift  FS#1793 - Ghosts! - Invisible avatars (both NPC and player)  High
1831 PlaneShift  FS#1831 - Character Ivisibility/ghosts  Low
2018 PlaneShift  FS#2018 - Jeyarp and Gayla Grotemey vanished  Low
Closed by  Paldorin Mugbreaker
02.08.2008 01:02
Reason for closing:  
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Fix applied.
 FS#2058  and  FS#2059  also lead to missing entities, but are an topic of its own

Thom commented on 09.06.2008 17:56


Qia Fask commented on 02.07.2008 06:33

Not sure if it is the same bug or not, but when I load up PlaneShift 0.4.01, I can not see players who are not moving, until I turn. If it's a different bug, I can post it as a separate one.

For instance right now when I load, and Mrokii is standing 2 feet away, I won't see them until I turn, even if waiting for ten minutes. Once I turn, Mrokii instantly and magically appears. This is new in 0.4.01.

Chris commented on 03.07.2008 07:11

Yes, I have noticed this as well in Gugrontid. When i log in it is deserted but as soon as I turn there are stacks of people around me.

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 03.07.2008 09:11

I saw this on Laanx, but as my ylian character… though I didn't have other problems. I think the dwarf issue is something bigger, so I stopped closing those reports duplicate of this and left one open,  FS#1834 .

Minks commented on 06.07.2008 17:11

I see something similar for inanimated objects: Whenever I log on (Laanx) in front of crafting equipment (preparation table, bowl, mortal etc.), most of it is invisible until I move my character (Fenki) a bit.

Kaerli Stronwylle commented on 08.07.2008 22:41

This is a totally different problem then 1834, actually. I am getting it too…(with multiple chars).

Caarrie commented on 24.07.2008 18:32

changing assignment to Zwenze

Andreas Heinchen commented on 25.07.2008 18:49

I have played around with the problem. Seems there are at least 3 problems. I could tackle two of them. See patch for details or ask me on IRC.

The remaining bug is, that things keep disappeared when you log in sometimes. So far i wasn't able to reproduce this here on my server. Maybe that is instance related.

the first fixed problem is that all entities, that are moved into unresPos (SectorWhereWeKeepUnresolvedEntitites) where moved there with SectorWhereWeKeepUnresolvedEntitites as source. So if the code thought it could re resolve the entity it moved the entity from the SectorWhereWeKeepUnresolvedEntitites to the SectorWhereWeKeepUnresolvedEntitites.

Second problem is, that deleting an item does not advance the iterator. If the deleted entity from unresPos was the first, the next call of HasCurrent (in the condition of the while loop) returned a false and the loop was exited and further entities that could have been resolved remained unresolved.

peeg commented on 28.07.2008 18:54

NPCs and items don't disappear anymore when running npcroom1 → nproom2 → npcroom1. Good job :)
Are there other incarnations of this bug that have to be tested? How do we proceed now?

Paldorin Mugbreaker commented on 31.07.2008 13:50

There is another issue with missing items.
*when I enter guild house, several items are missing
*when loging in, the prox list wont get populated until I move

Both are hard to reproduce and dont happen locally. Make a new task for both?

Aiwendil commented on 02.06.2009 13:29

Not sure if this is the right place…or the same bug. But it's the one I found closest to my problem. Sometimes when I enter/exit guildsimple (Red Crystal Den, instance 406) some people are invisible for me. I can hear them talk in main chat, but no moving around makes them show up. One time I walked with such a invisible person from the Red Crystal Den up to Kada El's and back, without seeing the one. The other char only showed up again when I entered the guildhouse again.


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