
  • Status New
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine → NPC
  • Assigned To
  • Operating System
  • Severity Low
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  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 1
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Eric - 25.06.2008
Last edited by RlyDontKnow - 16.03.2010

FS#1760 - NPC Consignment merchant

The way it works now:

If I want to purchase a weapon that is better than those offered by NPCs (Trasok, Harnquist, etc) I must find someone who is capable of crafting the item I am looking for, which can be IC, but also find out when they are going to be online, which is OOC. I have spent more hours than I can count trying to find crafted items for sale in Hydlaa and Akkaio. It can be great for RP to have players sitting around doing nothing but selling their wares, but players are going to want to do something other than sit the entire time they are in-game, and there are not enough players to be available 24/7 or even a regular in-game 8-5.

The way it should work:

A specialized NPC character (class of characters) should be introduced that can do two things:

1. Hold items for sale.
2. Sell items that are held at a price specified by the original seller.

Desired Implementation example:

1. Crafter makes item and goes to merchant.
2. Crafter sets a price for item to be sold and removes it from his inventory.

 a. this could be done via a specialized trade window/action button.
 b. a seller should be able to remove an item that has not been sold (for a fee).
 c. the seller should be able to change the asking price (for a fee).

3. The item then becomes available for sale to other players to purchase.

 a. a action button and dialog would need to be created to search the merchants inventory.
 b. the items listed should allow a description to be viewed (similar to current buy/sell dialog.
 c. when an item is purchased it is removed from the merchants inventory.

4. The money would be taken from the buyer and either

 1. placed on the merchant to be claimed by the seller any time after the item was sold (minus commission)
 2. placed in a bank account (minus commission)

Design consideration should be made for if each NPC merchant is self-contained, or if the NPC merchants know about the inventory of other merchants and can offer those items for sale (for a additional delivery fee)


1. Players are not available 24/7.
2. All characters should not be crafters (not realistic for RP)
3. Economy would be much more realistic and less OOC as items would not be as difficult to buy/sell.
4. RP is not lost as a crafter can still sell their wares (with no fees) if they sell direct.

Steps to reproduce:


Rizin commented on 25.06.2008 21:14

Not only will this require engine approval but also settings approval from Xillix.

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 13.07.2008 10:48

Setting new, this doesn't mean it's approved, it's just we're doing it to all feature requests again.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 24.01.2010 15:02

Something to have settings and engine look at. Maybe as variant on storage. Adding Xillix and bovek to have a look.

RlyDontKnow commented on 16.03.2010 15:25

then why didn't you assign it to bovek? removing xillix and adding hanix as he's the new settings leader


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