
  • Status New
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine → Misc
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
  • Priority High
  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 4
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Qia Fask - 31.08.2008
Last edited by Talad - 01.01.2022

FS#2205 - More user control over the loudness (range) of speech (chat)

As a heavy role-player, one of the most common annoyances encountered is that there is often no appropriate way to communicate to various groups of people.

Example one:

A group of five sitting around a table for an important meeting, talking in hushed voices. Currently the only option is to create a group for this, which is unrealistic, as people very close by should be able to listen in.

Example two:

Someone is standing in front of a crowd of people in the street, announcing something to them. Currently, the distance of /say is so tiny, that the only way to communicate to this group and have the people at the back hear you is to use /shout and have half the countryside hearing you.

Example three:

Sitting in the Tavern talking over a drink, not worried about your voice carrying. Currently, the distance of /say is so minimal, that half the Tavern will not end up hearing you. Using /shout would be considered very rude. No way to deal with this.


/quiet - Speaking in a hushed voice to those nearby. Range limited to about 8 to 10 feet.

/say - Speaking in a clear, loud voice. Limited to a range of around 50 feet, which is quite a bit further than it carries to now.

/shout - Long range yelling. The current range of shouting would be fine.

Caarrie commented on 31.08.2008 22:57

setting feature request/new

Qia Fask commented on 01.09.2008 02:47

I thought I submitted this as a feature request, apologies. I've submitted so many today, must have mixed up a few. :p

Firiban commented on 02.10.2008 13:41

sounds great, but i think it would be better to have something like the current spell-power-bar to control the volume of the voice. it would be annoying if i sit in the tavern with a beer and a friend, and i always would have to type /quiet message.

Caarrie commented on 02.10.2008 14:15

well imo if this were to be changed default would be /quiet and /say would be optional but this requires a lot of work and i dont see anything of this type happening for sometime to come.

Qia Fask commented on 02.10.2008 19:21


I think what would be good is a mix of the two: When the person uses /quiet, /say or /shout, it would set the slider to that specific volume level, and reuse it next time you just typed a message.


Well hopefully the bugs in the speaking could at least be fixed in the interim. At present /say can only be heard from short range, if at all. Why would this require a great deal of work? The program can already handle checking multiple distances, though I guess being that that part is very buggy, I guess it probably is not streamlined internally.

Caarrie commented on 02.10.2008 20:15

To do this would require reworking most if not all of the current chat code [unless i am wrong] especially if you are adding a sliding thingy

Firiban commented on 03.10.2008 07:35

of cause the slide wouldnt have to have 100 different positions, three would be enough:

Quiet           Normal          Shout
        x <-for example you couldn't place the slider here

Thom commented on 21.08.2009 00:24

Partially solved with the new chat system, perhaps. You could have people join a "channel". It seems the same as grouping, but there's no need for inviting and you don't know who else is in your channel.
However, I think multiple grades of volume in chat is a good idea. I'll change the report to make that more clear.

Elvors Amenoras commented on 01.01.2010 16:37
  1. How about having a "set loudness" command that will pick up the range of your voice from where you click on the ground?
  2. For added realism, do something so people pick up just pieces of a /say if they're just beyond normal range.


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