
  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine → Inventory/Items
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
  • Priority
  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 8
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Firiban - 22.02.2009
Last edited by Talad - 28.06.2022

FS#2782 - Group Guard

please make it possible to let a group guard items. as soon as a player joins a group, all items guarded by him should be guarded by the group. As soon as the group is disbanded or the player leaves the group, he shall be guarding the items he dropped alone.
This is useful i.e. for market stands where one player builds up the stand, which is too big to be guarded just by himself, but the other sellers enlarge the guard area. it is also useful if a seller in a market crashes: his group still guards the items he dropped.

Closed by  Talad
28.06.2022 21:59
Reason for closing:  Will not fix
weltall commented on 23.02.2009 00:25

setting new as it's a feature request

Daevaorn commented on 27.01.2010 18:55

There is a potential contradiction in this request that needs to be resolved / amended …

"the player leaves the group, he shall be guarding the items he dropped alone"
"if a seller in a market crashes: his group still guards the items he dropped"

I'm not sure if it is possible to discern the reason behind a player leaving a group (voluntary vs. crash)

Nevertheless if it was possible to realise this, it would be a great help.

RlyDontKnow commented on 27.02.2010 11:05

in my opinion it'd be better to let the player choose whether to guard it himself or let it be guarded by the group.
might could be done with an extension of the guard/drop commands to allow an extra parameter "group"
because sometimes it might not be wanted to allow the whole group to pick up what you dropped.

weltall commented on 27.02.2010 15:38

i disagree on putting group guard on db (except impossible) so if the server crashes your items are to the first comer

Andy commented on 26.05.2010 06:00

It could be set so that any items dropping after grouping were group-guarded, and would remain guarded by the group. But I post because there is a definite potential for player exploitation however it is implemented. Perhaps could be made so that player had to type a command to transfer a dropped item to group.

Daevaorn commented on 08.07.2011 13:55

How about having it as a "backup"- let the group guard items that have been dropped by a member who has left the game (not just the group).

So no changes to guard unless the player leaves the game while grouped, then the group can automatically take over guarded items left behind.


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