
  • Status New
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
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  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 1
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Seytra - 30.11.2009
Last edited by aurelynt - 15.02.2010

FS#3511 - Ideas for inventory accessibility

While sacks and other containers are good for bulk storage, they have the significant drawback of making the inventory harder to navigate, and sorting as well, especially since one can always only have exactly one container window open.

To fix this, one might consider the following ideas:

1) allow any number of container windows to be open, so one can simply put stuff from one container into another, instead of having to put it into the main inventory first.

2) instead, make the container window, once opened, refresh by what container you click on, instead of having to go the rightclick-select-open route

3) instead, make any containers append to the main inventory slot space, but replace the first slot with an image of the container, and clearly separate the appended areas from each other and from the main inventory space by a diferent frame style (could be different for each container type), or at least some additional space. Also, slot spaces that are not provided by a container should remain blank so that a container always starts at the first (second) slot of a fresh line.

When selecting a container, the appropriate window / slot area frame should flash or something so that one sees which container has which window.

4) Let container windows be resizable, and possibly more compact by default.


Having each mount have an own (player-accessible) inventory would allow:

1) armor / other enhancement slots for the mount
2) mules that actually are mules, not PCs
3) easier inventory handling

Maybe most of the extra inventory (handling like above) should not come from the mount itself, but from the saddle or whatever one uses on it. Without saddle, there would maybe only be two inventory slots or something.

aurelynt commented on 15.02.2010 22:37

FR. Setting new.


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