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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Anonymous Submitter - 11.10.2007
Last edited by Caarrie - 22.11.2007

FS#392 - Furnace allowed me to take someone else's molten ores.

I’m not sure if this is exactly the same issue as the original report (which we were not able to verify), but this is probably the reason, I think.


Ownership is not checked when taking items out of containers. Affected items:

At Trasok’s: the furnace and forge, but not the stock caster, quench tank or smith table.
At Harnquist’s: the furnace, stock caster and quench tank, other items not tested.

(Old) Description:

Location: Ojaveda, upstairs at Trasok’s Furnace.

I had silver ores in the furnace, I lost connection with the server but was able to logon again immediately after a client restart.

The first thing I did was recover my silver ores from the furnace.

I took all ores that had the number ‘1’ beside them but it turned out that I had taken someone eles’s iron ores or stock as well.

Test case:

- Put ores in the furnace and let them become molten.

- Get someone else to do the same so both peoples’ metal ores are in the furnace at the same time.

- Lose connection with the server. This could be done by removing a network cable or more drastically, disconnect from the internet.

- Reconnet to the PlaneShift server and examine the contents of the Furnace.


The furnace allowed me to take all ores including those belonging to another person.
The other molten ores were still labeled, showing their owner’s name.

Expected results:

Should only be able to retrieve items that belong to me.


Name: PlaneShift
Version: 3.0.19 x86
OS: (xubuntu 7.04) Linux 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Sun Sep 23 19:50:39 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

Closed by  Caarrie
22.11.2007 18:53
Reason for closing:  
Additional comments about closing:  

since  bug 534  was tested related to this, i am closing this. if this happens again one of these bugs will get reopened at that time.

Thom commented on 12.10.2007 16:39

Is this reproducible consistently? I think that the owner of those items just let them sit in there for too long, so that they became public.

durwyn commented on 12.10.2007 17:07

Quote from Paul Butterfield (DracoDanube) : I lost connection with the server but was able to logon again immediately after a client restart.

Was the server restarted or did you crashed or your connect lost the connect to the server? because if the server crashed and were restarted, you must know that then everybody is able to take what is in the furnaces! maybe that can explain this. :)

(PS: i already were able to steal items from others after a restart! )

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 12.10.2007 21:30

I can not reproduce this with 3.020 cvs. Venge and Acraig chars put gold ores in the furnace. Acraig logged off and on a few times, but all was ok. Neither of them could take the others ores. Killed my wifi (server is on other computer), which did not make the clients disconnect before connection was restored (otherwise both would be disconnected). Still no problems.

Roland Schulz commented on 15.10.2007 19:30

Items in the crafting containers intentionally become 'up for grabs' by everyone after a time to prevent players from hogging that container and making it possible for others to rescue items when the owner can't reconnect.

Anonymous Submitter commented on 16.10.2007 11:28

I was under the impression that ores left in containers for too long would turn to dust before becoming free for all (or something like that). Therefore, my Client losing connection and then reconnecting is irrelevant, just coincidental I would say.

The other playing involved was: Asentis (grepped my logs).

He asks: [who took my silver?]

So he was aware his ores were in the furnace but it sounds like he had left them in the furnace for too long and they became up for grabs.

Apologies for bothering you with this.

Caarrie commented on 16.10.2007 12:15

DracoDanube can you retest this now that the release is out? if you cant duplicate we can close this as fixed

Anonymous Submitter commented on 16.10.2007 14:01

Yes will do.

Caarrie commented on 25.10.2007 12:07

DracoDanube do you have any updates on this?

Mike commented on 26.10.2007 07:15

After recieving a petition and watching an arguement break out at Trasoks, Mektar and I (as player character) tested this. It appears that I could remove Mektar's items from both the furnace and forge at Trasok's, but not the stock caster, quench tank and smith table. However, at Harnquists i was able to take the items from the furnace, stock caster and quench tank located at his building (didnt test the other equipment at harnquists}. This didnt require any kind of relog or delay. Mektar just placed the items in the containers and i could remove them immediately. Also, it doesnt only seem to affect *nix as i am using WinXP.

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 26.10.2007 07:30

Changing to new because of Pizik's report.

I somehow thought this issue was already known, but I haven't found any bug reports about it yet…

edit: I finally found it, here is a duplicate bug report from the old tracker:

Arianna commented on 26.10.2007 07:50

Assigning to TomT, please reassign if not correct.

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 26.10.2007 10:06

Since newer info is in this bug report compared to, I'm closing that…

Some relevant posts from there:

Posted by: Vengeance
Date: 8:22 AM 07-14-2007
Added NOPICKUP flag to both containers. Will take effect on next restart.

Posted by: Nilaya
Date: 12:57 AM 08-03-2007
I don't think I can really do anything with instance IDs. If someone wants to get me entity IDs, I can /modify them to have NOPICKUP on them. Venge can do it with instance IDs.
Maybe somebody did already, too, dunno…

Arianna: Should Vengeance or Kayden be assigned to this task? Kayden was assigned the one I closed.

Mike commented on 26.10.2007 11:29

please ignore this comment. Caused by a bug in bugtracker i think. Appologies.

Arianna commented on 27.10.2007 11:05

Adding Kemedes as assignee and adding dependency to bug #534

Anonymous Submitter commented on 09.11.2007 16:14

The entire system was tested due to #534, Everything seems to be working well.

Caarrie commented on 09.11.2007 17:22

Kemedes why did you set this back to "could not verify"?? that is only for new bugs that testers cant verify like setting bugs or if we need a specific weapon or item


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