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  • Votes 2
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Orgonwukh - 18.02.2010
Last edited by aurelynt - 13.08.2010

FS#4110 - Mining while sitting on a mount should not be possible

It is possible to mine while sitting on a mount. I propose to remove this ability because it seems unrealistic to me.

weltall commented on 18.02.2010 08:20

doesn't look so to me. maybe we have different ideas about realism :)

nobody special commented on 18.02.2010 14:42

Who has arms long enough to reach the ground from on top of a large beast, further, any pick large enough to be usable from a mount would be unusable from the ground. Then again we have magical one size fits all armor so magical tools are no different.

Realistically speaking there are a good many things that ought not be possible when mounted, but to try and account for them all would add so much complexity in the coding that to insist on them would preclude mounts from the game at this time. You really ought not be able to use a smithy but you likely can, it would seem unlikely you could pick carrots, etc.

Orgonwukh commented on 20.02.2010 15:10

Are you serious? How can someone sitting on a 2.5m high mount even reach the ground?

Since a simple if-case is obviously too complex, I propose to increase the handle length of rock picks to 3m (changing the icon would suffice, I think).

nobody special commented on 20.02.2010 15:59

hehe right a 3 meter pick being wielded by a one meter dwarf! Anyway a cosmetic change like that might make it look better but hey if your mount is one of those demon horses all you need is to have it stamp its hooves to tear up the ground!

As it is I don't see how the dwarves use the furnaces or any of the other crafting action locations as none of them allow for a clear view at the work area in first person perspective and make it appear that they would have to be working over their heads at all times.

Getting back to the subject at hand, I would think that if you did try to mine while mounted it would be so awkward so as to drastically hamper your effectiveness and possibly risk damaging your mount.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 25.02.2010 22:09

A bit more serious: this is related to CHARACTER_MODES, the most terrifying part of all PS code, and related to such bugs as not being able to repair when sitting. Actually, since I think there now is a MOUNTED mode, I would think that it would automatically make it impossible to mine or repair on a mount.

Niklas Bölter commented on 11.04.2010 13:17

This is still not fixed, crafting/training/mining while on a mount is still possible

I've never seen anything as immersion breaking as Mounts inside of Harnquist and Mining on Mounts - I strongly disagree with weltall.

I don't think you should be able to do much on a mount, probably even disallow mounting in cities. I don't think Harnquist likes it that nobody can talk with him because there is a mount blocking the whole workshop. Talking should be allowed, Crafting/Training definitely not. Even World of Warcraft is not that unrealistic.

Andy commented on 01.06.2010 17:34

I don't think you should be able to interact with NPCs or engage in combat while mounted. The report I opened on that was closed As Designed. I know allowing for combat is one thing, but the rest of the interactions, including mining, should also be disallowed if mounted. The reasons will become apparent when most of the players in game have mounts.

aurelynt commented on 13.08.2010 22:07

FR. Setting new.

Michael Dobbs commented on 14.08.2010 05:23

I agree that mining or crafting on mounts is unrealistic, but I hope the ability to fish while mounted remains. Fishing while riding a drifter looks like the drifter is diving for fish, and it's the closest we can get to actually feeding the poor things.

Erodare Lenizus commented on 26.02.2013 21:38

For me, mounted in cities and while in combat is fine, but I really think all /use, and all /dig|harvest|fish|etc. (all functions of natural resources) should be blocked while mounted. I'd also like to see the bounding box while mounted be enlarged as to prevent fitting through doors and other openings so they couldn't be used inside buildings. Maps like guildsimple, guildlaw, and kada-el should all prevent summoning mounts (pets fine, based on pet number might do it?). I know there are plenty of indoor spaces that are not separate maps so pretty hard to prevent mounts in those, including Brados, but at least a start on "sensible". Given a larger bounding box, even if you got the mount inside, it would be so hard to move around that one would pretty much be forced to do without it, as it would hang up on everything, not climb ladders or steep stairs, or fit through interior doorways.

Something else to consider is action locations…they'd need a "Dismount" flag that if true would dismount the character leaving the mount behind when teleporting the player, i.e. guild houses, Octarch Residence, etc., and set it false for things like entering / exiting the Winch, portals near some of the tunnels, etc.

Note that you can approach Harnquist from the ground and be close enough to deal with him without riding up into the smith to get in his grill, and Trasok can be reached through his wall (at least for now).

Yes, I realize that fishing while mounted is probably reasonable, but hardcoding that special case is not really optimal, while the others really should be blocked.

KiFunStuS commented on 09.12.2022 13:44

Bump , Agree


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