
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Dan - 16.10.2007
Last edited by Venalan - 24.12.2014

FS#457 - Ability to name a sack

I would love the ability to name a sack. Sacks used in quests have names, so why not sacks that are bought from NPC’s? I often separate my inventory into sacks to keep things clean and would like to name one sack “Quest Items”, another “Books”, another “Weapons”, etc.

The task blocks these from closing
ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
579 PlaneShift  FS#579 - Inscribing of rings  Very Low
5902 PlaneShift FS#5902 - store a (named)sack with items in storage Medium
Closed by  Venalan
24.12.2014 21:04
Reason for closing:  
Caarrie commented on 16.10.2007 16:36

putting to new as it is a feature request

Dan commented on 18.10.2007 14:35

Ok, I won’t try to understand all that goes on behind the scenes as I am not directly involved. I guess I still don’t understand how this is any different than allowing people to rename their books, which they already can. Wouldn’t that put the same load on the GMs and have the same issue with tracking? I guess I don’t see the big deal, since sacks are used mainly for personal storage and not even available for trade (unless that was added in v.020). I’ve built several complex web based applications that allow for custom naming of many items, and it isn’t too hard to track who bought what and then renamed it. Even if they give it to someone else…but again I don’t know how the underlying DB is structured with Planeshift. I would assume that with the complexity of the game, it is structured in the most flexible way possible.

Anyway, I’d still love to see this added, but if it is decided by the team to be too much work, then I won’t have any hard feelings. :D

Thanks for listening, and keep up the great work!

Mordaan commented on 19.10.2007 20:16

I would add the same need goes for weapons. I think this has already been discussed somewhat in the forums. For instance, in the case of short swords, I have 2 levels of SS: /300 quality short swords and /50 quality normal short swords. I also have a shortcut to quickly equip and dequip the short swords. There is no way to distinguish which swords you intend on equipping so the shortcut takes whichever swords it finds first (the first slots, I imagine). Also, somewhere in all the equipping and dequipping, they got mixed up and I now have 4 /175 quality swords. That happened a few months ago so I’m not sure if there’s a fix to prevent that from happening. Bottom line is I have ruined by precious /300 quality short swords. :(

Sorry for tacking on to an existing bug but I thought it’s closely related enough. A naming of an item is a naming of an item, although not knowing the code behind it I may be oversimplifying that. :) But I would say there is a practical need to be able to name both sacks and weapons.

Eric commented on 06.01.2009 22:12

I agree that naming items would help a LOT.. especially if it prevents me from being able to “stack” my precious weapons with the ordinary ones.

As to sacks/containers… I do sort my sacks similar to others here… quest items, crafting tools, weapons, etc.

Matthew commented on 28.02.2009 19:24

I also whole-heartedly agree that naming items like sacks and weapons would be a great idea. Not just for practical sorting purposes, but also for the sake of tangibly distinguishing crafted or sold items for RP purposes (e.g. crafting a ‘StoneBreaker Ulbercleaver’ instead of merely a ‘Sword’ and remembering that long after the RP because the sword retains the name). The custom naming could also be extended with custom descriptions.

Regarding how the server detects objects by name, could we work around that by using something akin to ‘tags’ on objects? Some examples of what these tags could be:

Name: Sack (23247) ←-[The object name that the server uses; used in Examine window if no custom name is made.]
CustomName: Lunch sack ←-[The name that players see; replaces generic object name shown in Examine window.]
Description: A sack ←-[Default description.]
CustomDescription: A warm sack filled with steaming, freshly-cooked food purchased from a vendor in the Hydlaa Plaza. ←-[Replaces generic item Description in Examine window on the players’ end.

Also, given Eric’s concern, I agree that items given custom names should automatically be made unstackable somehow.

Elvors Amenoras commented on 05.07.2009 11:02

I’d like to chime in with the ability to name any item, and making them unstackable with other items that don’t share the name.
I see the following advantages:

* Inadvertent stacking is one of the major pains in the *ss. Preventing it requires taking your concentration off from what’s going on in the game. I have had inadvertent stacking with Q300 weapons, and while crafting - and it was a major misfortune every time.

* If the names show up in sell dialogs, they help prevent accidentally selling those Q300 weapons when you intended to sell looted weapons. (Happened to me once, too.)

* Names can be useful as “TODO tags”. E.g. when given a stack of (say) mana potions that should be delivered to a common friend, giving them a name will prevent them from being used up inadvertently.
If used in this way, the name should be marked as “personal” (a checkbox in the dialog for applying a name to an item). The name will be lost as soon as the item is owned by somebody else, and it will never be shown to anybody except the owner.

Seytra commented on 15.12.2009 14:55

Or you could add the char / account ID in the database to the named item. If you’re adding extra fields for custom name and desc, this would not be much added clutter. That way, if anyone drops offensive sacks, they can be tracked down easily. However, there always should be the default name and description visible or some other distinction be made so that malicious sellers cannot mask an ordinary sword as high-quality one, or as magic weapon (by naming it Silverweave sword for example), or as quest item. Obviously, fraudulent naming of items should be more severely punished than just offensive naming.

mike loeven commented on 08.10.2010 20:38

not just sacks i think once a system is on place it should be applied to ANY container object. than maby i can keep the guild hall clean by labeling the closets and people will know where to put stuff so it doesent get lost

weltall commented on 09.10.2010 07:19

in their storage thanks.

Scott Gibson commented on 09.10.2010 21:59

It is much better to move stuff to personal storage rather than into the guildhouse. The reason is that when a guildhouse becomes sufficiently cluttered, it takes longer and longer to load. When it gets really bad, you crash every time you try to go in and out.

Sack naming would still be handy, just to separate items in inventory. For example, I would love to call one sack “quiver” to store bow and arrows. However, this is just not high priority right now.

Franta commented on 20.07.2012 13:10

@weltall: guild storage could be much better for this

Roman Yagodin commented on 19.10.2012 05:17

I vote for custom names for sacks. And for more portable container types, e.g. sacks of other colors / materials, leather bags, etc.

Sliss commented on 21.02.2013 17:41

I agree with Mordaan. I would like to name all items if I like to.

Eldazar Newon commented on 30.03.2013 11:08

is someone already working on this?

glorgal bofduum commented on 28.08.2014 01:17

Being able to name containers would be awesome!

Franta commented on 01.09.2014 08:49

7 years old FR and still nobody working on it?

Mordaan commented on 02.09.2014 13:22

Your timing is outstanding. :-) It so happens the first draft of a patch was just submitted. Still needs to be tested, etc. but should be in a future update.

Joe Lyon commented on 20.09.2014 20:30

Patch submitted by prospect “Sangy” has been approved and submitted to SVN. Will be available with upcoming release


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