
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category 3D Art → Models and Maps
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
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  • Due in Version Undecided
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Viken - 04.05.2011
Last edited by aurelynt - 11.05.2011

FS#5190 - Everything is smaller in Amdeneir (possibly intentional?)

Everything is really small and cramped in Amdeneir. Was this intentional? It's somewhat annoying if it's not, and means my head keeps going into the cieling in first-person perspective…

Closed by  aurelynt
11.05.2011 19:44
Reason for closing:  
aurelynt commented on 04.05.2011 19:46

Couldn't reproduce.
Provide positions.

Viken commented on 04.05.2011 21:51

I… Really don't know how to give you an example: it's pretty much everywhere that everything feels like it as made for someone a foot shorter than the buildings in the other cities. If you walk around in the tavern for a bit, it's pretty obvious that the place is only just big enough for a human to fit inside. The Klyros are small cave dwellers, so this may have been intentional, as it is their city, but it's still a bit annoying in both first-person and third-person perspectives when you're inside a building where the ceilings and walls are so close to your character/camera…

Lusserall commented on 05.05.2011 01:13

Positions most side streets and tavern are small and cramped

Viken commented on 05.05.2011 13:44

Yeah, pretty much every floor in the tavern is small and cramped. Also, if you climb on anything your head goes into the ceiling because it was so close in the first place. This isn't the case in any of the other cities…

RlyDontKnow commented on 05.05.2011 19:39

it's intentional. as it's the klyros city it's - surprise - build by and for klyros. so if you're a kran for example, it'll definetely feel tiny :x

Viken commented on 05.05.2011 20:36

K, like I said, I was wondering if it was intentional. I also noticed that there were alot of perches and places to climb, and that the chairs were all made for wings, which I thought was pretty cool. You think you could make it a tad bigger though? I mean, it's cramped even for a Klyros: My character is an Ekidukai, and those are a bit shorter than Klyros, and he barely fits in some of it…

weltall commented on 06.05.2011 06:32

and they aren't cave dwellers


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