
  • Status Unconfirmed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine → Inventory/Items
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
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  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 4
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Enio Arda - 14.07.2011

FS#5325 - Buyback option for last sold item(s) to NPC

I would like to have the option to buy back item(s) i sold to a npc as precaution for accidental sales.
Its a common feature in other games and would fit PS very well too.

Questions for implementation:
- Should the list be global or npc specific? (buyback only where you sold it)
I tend to make it npc specific as it makes sense and would prevent abuse (e.g. for transportation).

- Add a timer how long the buyback of a sold item is aviable? Its probably easier to add and lighter on ressources to keep a fixed global item amount then adding a timer.

- How many items should be stored to be aviable to buy back? In my opinion a global maximum of 10.

- Should there be an additional fee for buying an already sold item back? I’d say it would make sense. The NPC-buy price of the particular item could be used, since the calculation is already implemented.

- How does it fit into the UI? It could be added in the BUY-from-npc list of the particular NPC. It would only show up when there is something aviable to buy back, similar to how the SELL-to-npc list handles it now.

Any thoughts or ideas?

bonifarz commented on 15.07.2011 08:39

The first question that comes to my mind when I read this is another one:
-Should the list only enable players to buy back items, or should it allow to buy items sold by other players? I would say the second option sounds much more interesting and consistent.

Allow me to comment on your questions.

NPC specific? Yes, certainly.
There is little potential for abuse (storage already does that), but a "global" implementation makes no sense to me.

Timer? No.
There must be a restriction, but a timer seems impractical.
I would say the quantitative restriction is enough, as older entries will be overridden.

Number of items? Situational
If the feature is shared by all players, the limitation will be shared as well.
The history length of items sold to a particular NPC should depend on the NPCs relative importance.

Fees? No.
I think the common buy to sell ratio is enough, but another factor could be applied if needed.

UI? So you want to split it from common item categories?
Or do you prefer to have this feature in another panel than buy/ sell?
Considering the possibility to buy items sold by other players,
I would prefer to have those items merged with the usual stock,
so players will have to look carefully to find something special.

Enio Arda commented on 15.07.2011 16:29

UI: Idea was to let a "buyback" categoriy show up int the BUY part when there are items aviable to buy back at the specific npc.

I didnt think about the possibility to buyback Items sold by other players.
I find your idea interesting, but we still need to make sure a specific amount of items stay aviable to the player to buy back to buffer accidental sales.
It could be considered to eg. store 10 items global for personal buyback as a first step. Then, when you sell an 11th item the item that drops out of this list gets added to such general buyback list aviable to all players.


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