
  • Status Unconfirmed
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  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Zeonixa Alruvis - 10.11.2011

FS#5425 - FPS is too high. Improve the graphics.

I have a 6950, running the game at absolute max(custom) settings(minus fullscreen, it crashes), and the framerate is ~130fps(see corner, I had limiter on). I think the game has room for some graphics bumps on the “highest” settings. It would also be a good idea to future proof this game. The 6990 is about twice as good as mine or so, and who knows what year 2014 will have in store? At max settings, I think it should run on the fastest graphics card at about ~12-24 fps.

Now I know some people will be like: “How much did you spend on that computer?” and the answer is: $950.
So yes, normal people could use better graphics. I’m not some crazy uber geek with a $6000 computer(just a normal geek).

Possible additions:
Bump mapping. Cheap way to make things appear more 3d.
Super AA (draw at double resolution, scale down, future proof)
Voxel models/textures.
Another lightmap model: make a second screen, this one is an additive screen, each object reflects light to the second drawing board according to the laws of color (additive, then multiply) so for example, a candle would be yellow on the emitter lightmap, but a chair pitch black. Then after being lit by the candle you preform additive to the chair’s lightmap, and multiply it by the texture of the chair. A third map could be added for reflectivity, but I don’t know if that would be easy since I don’t program graphics.
Better textures.

Mario Rohkrämer commented on 13.11.2011 08:44

Other people still have an outdated computer because they do not have "just so" enough money to buy a new one. Or they decided to prefer a portable one and didn't care about the 3D features (if other games with highly optimized graphic engines work, then a free game with an all-purpose, generic engine should work too?). Even the current not yet very elaborate graphics left users of e.g. ATI 9xxx, GeForce 4 or intel GMA 9xx left behind (and you wouldn't imagine how many there still are), not to mention those with not more than 1 GB RAM. If we would target dedicated gamers only, our playerbase might shrink even further.

On the other hand, we are trying to improve our graphics. We are introducing normal maps and more detailed models. But it takes much time. A huge factor is the small number of really talented and reliable artists. We don't have a company with an art department housing dozens of hired artists. Only a few people spending unpaid spare time.

And I really doubt that the reduction of the framerate is a valid reason to plaster the game with effects. Becoming confused with commercial "games" (which are rather a 3D effect demo than a substantial game) is certainly not our desire.

If your fps are too high to be credible, reduce them in your "O"ptions dialog (Graphics - Details: FPS cap). That leaves your CPU a lot of spare time to do useful things in the meantime, when you are not looking across the plaza or the Amdeneir main street (which gives the "culler" routine a busy time).

Zeonixa Alruvis commented on 18.11.2011 22:00

Is is possible to have a second 3d engine along the first? I'm not saying that you make the game more graphical on the existing settings, just newer, higher settings available as options. Also, there is too much done on the CPU, the graphics should be migrated to, the graphics card, where possible.


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