
  • Status Unconfirmed
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  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category 2D Art → GUI
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
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  • Due in Version Undecided
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by chris - 20.12.2011

FS#5477 - Gui improvements/inconsistencies

Currently the GUI is one major flaw of Planeshift in my opinion, it makes it look worse than it deserves. A few examples:

  • Just try to play the tutorial on a 15 inch laptop (1366×768). As soon as you need to open up the inventory most of the screen is covered, you can’t even close the window because the top right cross is out of screen. I needed multiple tries to find a spot on that window to be able to drag it down and close it finaly.
  • We now have channels. But the new basic chat gui hides it by default. New Players with a new installed client don’t see it. A lost chance to show them there are people online actually.
  • The possibility to reduce the amount of tabs in the chat window is great but is also a pain in the a.. if every new guildmember needs to be guided through the processs of enabling the guildchat, even a restart is needed. Why not make this tab pop up if someone is in a guild…if the guild joins an alliance make this tab pop up. If not these two are hidden by default?
  • Playing this game now for around 5 years I think and at least I have the impression we get with every single release new commands to be used in shortcuts. Thats great, for advanced players…for new ones it is confusing. IMHO its time to take a breath and review them, sort them in order of importance and decide which should be used in the gui and how. Can’t remember how often I heard the question: “How do you mine ores”. A ‘logical’ way could be that you rightclick your character and get it as option (well now there is “introduce yourself”, does it do something?) when the rockpick is equipped, is the fishing rod equipped you fish as option. Also summoning your pet and mount is only possible via commands. The described way could make these also more accessible. (There are also illogical flaws, if mounted you can unmount after rightclick, but you don’t get the mount option when righclick on your mount)
  • Think about if some can be combined into one command. We ‘use’ the riveter, anvil etc. Why do we /dig or /fish and not /use the rockpick or fishing rod. I can only think thats a leftover from when we had to /dig iron etc explicit.

Enough for now, hope you guys have enough time to think about it.

weltall commented on 20.12.2011 20:07

Can't remember how often I heard the question: "How do you mine ores". A 'logical' way could be that you rightclick your character and get it as option (well now there is "introduce yourself", does it do something?) when the rockpick is equipped, is the fishing rod equipped you fish as option ⇒ it's already there

chris commented on 20.12.2011 20:20

It is Weltall? How do I do it? I equipped the rockpick, then rightclicked on my char and that is what I got:
picturestack.com412301wzxdigsrv.jpg No dig or any other button related to it…

Mario Rohkrämer commented on 20.12.2011 20:45

#2,3: The idiocy of hiding the "advanced" chat tabs but not documenting clearly that you need them for groups, guilds, alliances etc., was mentioned several times, but always ignored by the development lead… newcomers are pulled into guilds faster than a non-(regularly-)playing developer can imagine. And they leave the teaching of the advanced chat tabs to the advanced guild members.

#4: "Master Crafted" tools once again are discovered as "less useful than the generic tool". Right-clicking on a mine with a generic Rock Pick equipped may display the contect menu with the "Use" button. Doing the same with a "Master Crafted Rock Pick" does not. The lack of usability of a "Master Crafted Hammer" was scolded even more before.

Seytra commented on 20.12.2011 22:48

I, too, have not been able to get the /dig icon in the context menu. Maybe it does only work when a standard rock pick is equipped, and not with the MC one? Also, wouldn't it make more sense to have that in the menu for clicking on the floor, instead of the char? In theory it should make the char move there and dig there, but for the time being the limited range of the floor menu might suffice, even though that will be confusing and counterintuitive when you stand on the edge of a mine, and also not consistent with the bot defense notification (you'd have clicked elsewhere but as you're still standing at the same spot you get the message anyway).

With the summon icon, there would need to be a pop-up that lets you choose which pet to summon.

Mario Rohkrämer commented on 20.12.2011 22:53

It would appear while clicking on the mine floor. But only with a generic Rock Pick, not with a Master Crafted one.


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