
  • Status Unconfirmed
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  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category 2D Art → GUI
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
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  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 1
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Roman Yagodin - 18.03.2013
Last edited by Tuathanach - 06.05.2014

FS#5936 - Book titles for crafting techniques are missing

So the subject: book titles for crafting techniques are missing in using “elves” skin (and other skins too):


But writable and setting books are ok:


Mordaan commented on 18.03.2013 14:32

This was intentional. Previously the "title" for all crafting books was the "You find you can do the following", which was cut off with the new 2-page book design. The problem is the crafting books and regular books use the same gui so the result is the blank space where the title would go. Perhaps we can add the regular title of the book there? (which was never part of the design of the crafting books). We'll discuss.

Roman Yagodin commented on 18.03.2013 15:48

I think a regular crafting book name like 'Book of Blades', 'Herbal Remedies' are just fine for a title.

Dealing with "too long" book titles looks more troublesome. There are plenty of books with long titles, ugly cutted with a new 2-page design, and I can't see other sane option, than to make textbox for a title multiline.

Roman Yagodin commented on 18.03.2013 16:11

Distinct first page from others may be a nice solution, but need some additional 2D art and more complex skin:

Moja commented on 29.05.2013 05:52

Maybe I should add a new task, but that's really a small/silly problem, so…

Anyway, that's it: "With higher X skill…" text isn't gray in 'Making Leather Armor' book and looks just like the black, normal text explaining already craftable stuff.
Maybe (but, of course, idk!) it depends on 'higher' instead of 'Higher'?

Venalan commented on 30.05.2013 02:31

I just looked and it is greyed out for me, so its not a global problem seems to be specific to you. Not that that helps, but if it persists between logs ins and server restarts might be a real bug, and of course if someone else has the same problem as well.

Moja commented on 30.05.2013 05:07

Thanks for the answer, Venelan. Well, to be honest, before writing here, I asked at least to another player who answered that text on the book wasn't gray too. That's why I reported it here. Anyway, I'll ask again. The only thing I can add, at the moment, is that I am on OS X 10.6.8 and this other player is on OS X, but 10.7 or 10.8, can't remember and not sure that this info might be useful, but I'll check again. And I can say that it never changed, since I updated to v. (I mean: I've never seen that text in gray, so far :) - but, as I said, only in 'Making Leather Armor' book).
[Anyway, I think it's the same issue reported here (PS#6035).]


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