
  • Status Unconfirmed
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  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine
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  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
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  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 4
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Hirene Penifur - 05.06.2013

FS#6019 - Dequip command should stack identical items

We’d like if the /dequip command would stack the same type and quality items in inventory when it’s used in shortcut.
It’s important for crafters, especially in case of hammering chain mail rings, but also would come handy for blacksmiths, blade or shield makers who want to separate Q300 items from other qualities which ones require more work.

In case of armor making crafters used to drop and pick up all the rings to stack the Q300 ones, since /pickup command do the stacking on same quality items. (This breaks immersion of role players, especially at Harnquist.)

The function also would prevent accidental manual grouping of non-Q300 items (blades, ingots etc.) with the carefully selected Q300 items in a slot.

CRAFTERS! Please vote and/or comment!

Tay commented on 06.06.2013 17:45

I think this is something all crafters would love to seeā€¦ And all RPers who spend anytime near where people craft.

I think I heard it's something to do with all the hidden decimal numbers in the q of an items being different and preventing stacking, but since they do stack on a /pickup I've never really understood the issue.

bonifarz commented on 06.06.2013 19:17

I was never into crafting, but i support the request.
Just as there are "take all" and "take stack all" buttons in containers, the same option should be given for /dequip. Maybe a /dequip [stack] slotname?

Hirene Penifur commented on 06.06.2013 22:10

What I am really expecting on only stacking of same quality items, which in case of crafting means only Q300 items.
It's useful to help to collect items you have to work more on to different slots than the Q300 ones.

I think it could be solved using the same condition checking as used in case of taking or storing something from/to storage or what is used in case of /pickup command.
That quality checking and slot selecting should be applied on /dequip command.

Franta commented on 09.06.2013 09:22

I agree with this as it's plain annoying to move all freshly made Q300 items into forge and back (or drop and pick them) just to check whether they are exactly Q300 or just something like 299,5+ which i prefer to not stack manually (even it's just few tria difference, but it's bad when you want store more items in storage where they don't stack with already stored Q300 items)


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