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    Davide Vescovini
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Hirene Penifur - 10.08.2013

FS#6108 - Melee skill has too low damage

I think melee skill has too low damage compared to weapon skills.
It takes to level up the same efforts, costs and time as any other combat skill, and for that you get very low damage.

I measured MELEE on the Training Dummies, got the following:

Normal stance:
min: 46
max: 77
avr: 62.7

Bloody stance:
min: 53
max: 91
avr: 74.8

I used a Q50 ShortSWORD and got these results (and who does use a Q50 weapon nowadays at all?)

Normal stance:
min: 91
max: 153
avr: 126.4

Bloody stance:
min: 107
max: 180
avr: 145.3

And a Q50 Normal BOW:

Normal stance:
min: 99
max: 167
avr: 137.6

Bloody stance:
min: 116
max: 199
avr: 164.8

If I was using a Q300 Shortsword or Bow, these results would be higher by times 1.7x.
If I was using a Platinum Steel Longswords, the sword results would be higher by times 2.1x.

Melee skill makes about only 50% damage compared to Q50 Sword and 45% damage to Q50 bow.
And please notice, that I compared the skill to Q50 items only.
In case of melee you have no chance to craft a better weapon, you have no chance to loot weapon with good modifier.

I suggest to raise the damage of melee skill by at least 260%, because it takes to level melee up the same efforts, costs and time as any other combat skills. Otherwise melee is just a good RP skill :)
(Raising the damage by times 2.6x would be similar as you would use your hands as a Q300 Shortsword, taking the delay into account too (equalized damage per second values). Melee has 1.5 delay, Shortsword has 2.0 delay.)

Raising the damage by times 2.6x would cause:

Normal stance:
min: 119
max: 200
avr: 163.1

Bloody stance:
min: 137
max: 236
avr: 195.5

Kaerli Stronwylle commented on 10.08.2013 21:46

50% at Q50 actually sounds about right. Melee is speed 1.0, where as all the weapons in the game are slower (a Q50 SS is speed 2.0 for instance, meaning that swings of that blade come 2.0s apart). So, even though the volley (per hit) damage of a SS is twice that of melee, the DPS is the same barring other factors.

nobody special commented on 12.08.2013 06:21

You also have to factor in the effect of the missing melee weapons, although an immediate fix could be a damage multiplier based on the type of gloves worn, certainly punching someone with plate mail gloves will do more damage than with a bare fist, unless you are a Shaolin monk.

Personally I use melee a lot but I don't try punching out ulbers.

bonifarz commented on 12.08.2013 13:35

Yes, that is a known issue, especially earlier when training melee was even a lot more expensive than training weapons.
The common reply to why it deals less damage is "because you dont have to repair or replace any weapons". Still I agree with Hirene, it is too weak. Another solution may be to buff up spells like "necrotouch", that could make melee quite effective.
Kaerli, the minimum speed is 1.5 also for melee, as Hirene pointed out.
I would not wonder if the task gets flagged confidential ;)

Kaerli Stronwylle commented on 12.08.2013 13:45

Oh. I was told back when that Melee had 1.0 delay. Perhaps adjusting the delay on Melee would be a better way to balance it than just cranking the raw damage up? (And yes, Necrotouch and friends could indeed use buffing.)

Davide Vescovini commented on 13.08.2013 10:29

melee has delay 1.0 and damage 1.0

Hirene Penifur commented on 14.08.2013 07:05

1.0 for melee would be nice, but I think it's limited globally to 1.5.
It happens to every weapons with more than one speed reducing modifiers, you can't have less delay than 1.5

If melee would really have 1.0 delay in practice, then it would have about the same Damage Per Second as a Q50 Shortsword.
But I would feel this still too low, probably appropriate for some very old rules, when you couldn't craft Q300 weapons or loot items with stacked damage modifiers.

It's true you can use Flaming Weapon and Electricity, but you can use those on any other weapons having higher DPS.
Necrotouch is usable only for melee skill, but it doesn't give you enough advantage compared to high DPS weapons, also only Dark mages have the spell.

It would be intresting to remove the 1.5 limit globally?
That would make some of the weapons even more worthy with double speed reducing modifiers.

bonifarz commented on 14.08.2013 08:08

If the delay cap was lowered from 1.5 to 1.0, melee would seem fine to me. There is no point in a comparison with q300 or rare looted weapons, as wristblades might be added later. We even have the 3d and 2d art for that in the client, havn't we?

How to reproduce the delay check: Equip one dagger, attack. If melee had another delay than 1.5, the two weapon hands would go out of phase.


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