
  • Status Unconfirmed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category 2D Art → Effects
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  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
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  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 2
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Mario Rohkrämer - 30.12.2013
Last edited by Mario Rohkrämer - 30.12.2013

FS#6309 - Visual hint / fortune teller for the now quite rare questgiving NPCs

Since the quest chains were introduced, and many indirect prerequisites for the availability of a quest, I now waste a lot of time scanning each NPC for the very few which have a quest available at the moment, regarding my current list of completed quests, over and over again.

The additional vague hints which are being added to the end of quests are not sufficient because on one hand they may fail, and on the other hand they help better when I just started a new character, not when my experienced character is already in the middle of many quest chains.

I don’t expect a big fat rotating question mark above an NPC’s head; it can well be a less remarkable change – like a different color, outline, or font style for the label, or a slight translucent highlight effect.

Mario Rohkrämer commented on 30.12.2013 09:43

Or how about a fortune teller NPC who can suggest an available questgiver for a fee?

Venalan commented on 30.12.2013 14:02

The main problem with the chaining is that they were not very well done when first introduced.

I just counted and there are at most 7 quests which currently fall into this category all quests branch after you do them, not leading up to them (once the new chaining is released). And those that do have more than one quest pre-requisits to get them are almost all at the end of chains so you will have completed those necessary quests on your way down the chain. You will be able to see which quest you can do next from the dialog additions. If you have done that next quest previously then you can follow from the directions which will be put in the quest notes as well as the quest dialogs until you reach a pointer to the quest you have to do. This is due to Mordaan's work which makes the chains MUCH tidier and much easier to pass down than they were before.

For the few old players who have a few quests left to do (until more are added) I don't really seen the need for this as the benefit is small to the majority.

Mario Rohkrämer commented on 05.01.2014 14:03

Verbal hints in the last step of a completed quest are not a certain help. And apart from their general uncertainty, you will also have to report them in automatic quest notes too; I play on about 3-4 different PCs, and log files are written whereever I played, but neither log from other PCs are available when I use another.

Another possible solution mentioned in the forum, which I liked even more, would be adding an "Available" button next to the "Uncompleted" and "Completed" quest window buttons in the GUI.


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