
  • Status New
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Engine
  • Assigned To
    Joe Lyon
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
  • Priority
  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
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  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Venalan - 16.03.2014
Last edited by Venalan - 16.03.2014

FS#6365 - Optimisiations for shortcut window options.

When you change button height font does not scale so you can end up with buttons with font cut in half.

Button width can be changed if it is set to manual or auto, you should only be able to change it when on manual.

Font - display for the current font should be taller and wider to show the whole font name. The position of the drop down menu could be moved up and menu size increased to avoid the need to scroll. Ideally the font choices should also use the font they are named after to make it easier to chose.

Health and mana - when you hide the bars you end up with a big block of empty space. It should be set such that this ‘dead space’ is removed as you find when you play wanting to click on something behind the space and finding you cant.

Text size - when altering size and font it does not change in real time. The minimum size is stupidly small, and having to relog each time to find a size that works is very hard. The minimum size should be 6 or 8 point.

I found that when adjusting button height, the width did not auto scale until I click on the ‘auto scale’ button AFTER adjusting the height.

I also set ‘text spacing’ to its lowest value and found the gap between the text and button edge to vary in certain buttons. In some it seemed to be 0 but others much larger. But they all increased when I increased the spacing size.

At certain button heights the ‘auto button width’ does not work as the text is cut off at the left and right edges. ‘one click’ taller or smaller and the problem can stay or go. This is with text spacing to its lowest value, which I expect many will use to keep ‘dead space’ to a minimum.

Joe Lyon commented on 22.03.2014 17:08

Item 5 - font now adjusts in RT.

the rest are mostly aesthetic and while good ideas, at this point they'll have to wait until next release. sorry.


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