
  • Status Unconfirmed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category 2D Art → GUI
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
  • Priority
  • Reported Version 0.6.1
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
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  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by xola - 15.06.2014

FS#6506 - copying books

when i edit book and load it from file i would like see list of files i can load,
in additonal user books not stack that make it hard to carry for sale :( so another proposition if i put empty book into writted one it stack and and i have 2 identical -easy way to copy books

btw book name is not changed when i load it from file and i have to edit it every time

bonifarz commented on 16.06.2014 08:08

I agree with these three points, copying of books could be made more convenient.
1) Tab-completion for loading book texts could be helpful, too.
2) Are there technical limitations that prevent stacking of empty books?
3) Since book titles do not need to be unique anymore, I guess saving and loading the title along with the text should be okay.

Venalan commented on 16.06.2014 13:35

1 - Having a list of books which is populated on game start which you can pick from a list would be nice to have.

2 - Books are currently held as 'instances' where each instance ID is pair up with one creative content. It could theoretically be coded to allow book stacking. But in the same way things like crafter ID, or Q is averaged with weapons changes when stacked it likely isn't a simple task. To be able to take 10 separate item IDs, 10 separate creative contents, combine them into a stack of 10 items with one ID and one creative contents, then regenerate the IDs and content as they are separated into single items again. Do you limit it to books of the same name only, same name and content only, this would require lots of server checks, if you allow name only and content is different how do you decide which book content in the one you keep and apply to all books? (disclaimer, I think I have the details right but i might be wrong.)

3 - If this was along with a menu of some sort in '1' it would work well.

bonifarz commented on 17.06.2014 07:15

2) I guess it would be useful enough to stack empty books only.
Maybe a cheap workaround could be a consumable item that turns into an empty book? ;)

Roman Yagodin commented on 09.08.2014 13:29

A NPC book copy service should be fine also. Jayose's apprentice (don't remember the name) already do some book copying in quests, so why shouldn't he do it on regular basis?


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