
  • Status Unconfirmed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine → Inventory/Items
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
  • Priority
  • Reported Version 0.6.1
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 3
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Simone - 27.07.2014

FS#6545 - Opening more than a single book

While I’m crafting I like to take notes on steps necessary to make something so later I can just check my notes. Currently it seems, at least to me, not possible to have more than one book open at a time. It could be useful instead being able to have more than one book open, so for example I could have a crafting technique open and my book with notes open too to copy the necessary steps from the crafting technique.

Roman Yagodin commented on 28.07.2014 04:53

Vote for it!

mike loeven commented on 09.08.2014 03:56

I am thinking that there should be a memorizing function that allows you to eventually retain the knowledge from a mind slot book after x number of successes. once memorized you no longer need the book equiped. lets face it after casting a steel ingot for the 10000'th time its safe to say your character wont be needing a stupid book to remember how to use a furnace

Roman Yagodin commented on 12.08.2014 05:41

Not sure about memorizing, for now crafting books seems to work like characters external memory, not varying per character. Memorizing should take additional storage space in the server DB for each character (do some a limit for it exists?), plus I could imagine some major difficulties with updating all chars "memory" in case of some crafting sequences change. But it would be great to hear a dev's opinion about this.

I could think about dividing all crafting books by a few "levels" of complexity (3-5) and adding additional mind slots in the inventory corresponding to those levels. Any 2 books from 2 different levels should not contain duplicate recipes - so if you have all mind slots equipped with books, they could be seen just as one set of recipes w/o duplicates. Skill training could be easily be determined by that from which books recipe is used. The books from same complexity level could have duplicate recipes, but because it should be only 1 book for a mind slot of a certain level, all equipped books always forms a set of recipes w/o duplicates.

Erodare Lenizus commented on 06.09.2014 12:04

The FR wasn't about having two crafting books in mind slot and/or being able to work out of two crafting books at a time. The FR is about the UI not letting the player view on the screen a crafting book alongside a player-editable book in edit mode so they can make shorthand notes for themselves.

Venalan commented on 06.09.2014 14:12

You can use /study to open the crafting book in a non-book UI leaving you able to open a player book in the book window.

Simone commented on 13.09.2014 13:24

Well, honeslty with the introduction of the new books, that I find it's a nice feature with a polished look, I think the /study command should be sort of deprecated or at least a fallback solution if something isn't working with the book's UI.


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