
  • Status Unconfirmed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine → Inventory/Items
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
  • Priority
  • Reported Version 0.6.3
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Richgar - 24.06.2015

FS#6817 - Unintuitive Placement Order of Picked Up Items

Items that are picked up should go into the upper-left most container in our inventory that it can fit into. This will allow players to choose the order they want their inventory to fill up. When my main inventory is full, items start going into my glyph sack instead of the four empty small cloth sacks available. Thank you for your time :)

Richgar commented on 03.07.2015 15:37

I also just noticed that if I have empty containers in my inventory, and I am trying to retrieve items from storage, only a few containers will be used unless there are unfilled stacks of the item within those containers. For example, I had all four rows of my inventory filled with several empty and partially filled small cloth sacks. The bottom row was filled with quest items, tools, and books, and had some empty slots. Only four of the sacks in the the bottom row had been filled with arrows in them after I retrieved whole stacks of iron arrows. I kept getting the message that I was carrying too many items, although my slots, weight, and carrying capacity were more than enough to fill the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rows of small cloth sacks. The only way I could get around that error was to take partial stacks of arrows such as single arrows and place them in the slots within the empty sacks. After I do that, the storage recognizes those slots and fills them when I retrieve arrows.

Venalan commented on 21.07.2015 22:32

I can explain the behavior which you can use to improve how items are stored.

When working correctly items go in the container with the lowest ID first, which would be the one you bought first. So if you have 8 sacks and want them to fill up in order you need to have an inventory with no containers in and then buy some new ones and number them 1-8. As you pick up new items they should fill the sack numbered 1 first (the one you bought first and therefore with the lowest item ID number) then 2… then 8. This works independently of the location in the inventory which explains why it seems like they go into random containers.

Glyph sacks are likely one of the first containers you bough so will have the lowest ID number, you will have to sell it, then buy a new one after you have the sacks (or any containers) setup in you inventory the way you want them so it has an ID higher than all your containers.

Richgar commented on 28.07.2015 19:07

That seems unintuitive. It would really help if new items went into the newest containers first since the old ones are usually for holding glyphs, books, and tools.


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