
  • Status New
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Engine → Crafting
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
  • Priority
  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 5
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Drunk Hammerwielder - 06.12.2007
Last edited by Lanarel - 23.04.2009

FS#726 - Redesign/Add to the Crafting GUI.

Related to:

Goal of this feature request: To provide an alternative to the numerously unneeded clicking and dragging through the addition of additional options.


1. Allow all targeting equipment to be targeted and add short cut commands as discussed in;topicseen and .

1B. Add a /place command that would place a specified number of a specified item into a targeted container.

1C. Add a /remove command that would remove a specified number of a specified item from a targeted container.

1D. Add a /combine command that has the same functionality as the combine button that is on the right click menu.

2. Have the stock casting containers automatically convert large stacks of molten ore to the largest possible unit. (IE: A stack of 63 Molten Iron would yield a stack of 6 Iron Stocks and 3 Iron Ingots.)

2B. Add a button and command to Stock Casting that will toggle that will allow the user to cast only ingots.

2C. Allow the user to combine large amounts of objects at a time so long as the proper amounts of objects are present. (IE: 81 Iron ore and 9 Coal ore would yield 90 Molten Steel. Also, you could combine 10 sword handles with 10 sword blades to quickly put together 10 swords.)

3. Add a key to be pressed and held that would allow the user to pick up an entire stack.

I believe that there has been discussion of several other alterative on the forums.

Thank you for your time:
- Tontow

The task depends upon
ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
611 PlaneShift  FS#611 - Please Kill The Click Fest Crafting  Medium Kenneth Graunke, Tom
Drunk Hammerwielder commented on 06.12.2007 07:24

Forgot one.

1D. Add a /open command to open/view a targted contaner.

And a slight correction:
1. Allow all crafting equipment to be targeted and add short cut commands as discussed in;topicseen and .

Scott Gibson commented on 08.12.2007 21:41

Request 3 has already been addressed, if I understand it. <cntl> select picks up an entire stack, and if you don't hit the control key, clicking in the far right part of the slider will usually select the entire stack.

Drunk Hammerwielder commented on 08.12.2007 22:43

<cntl> Was not documented in /help. Documentation should be considered part of the feature request.

Electricsheep commented on 09.12.2007 05:33

selection of equipment I can imagine to be a pain for mac users.. however: features like taking and putting items allow to fully automate the crafting process.. and reduce it to the press of a shortcut to train it. A task a external program can easy cope with, leading to not only dig bots, but also craft bots. Please consider this when adding the features.

Yes, I'm a nag!

Drunk Hammerwielder commented on 09.12.2007 07:48

With or without theses additions; if someone knew how to make a dig bot or a craft bot then the lack of these features isn’t going to stop them because the PS is open source.
Currently, as I understand it, it is up to GMs and other game moderators to investigate and deal with bots.
(I believe that the subject of bots has been recently discussed on the forums, but I could be mistaken.)

Thom commented on 10.12.2007 20:42

You can also pick up an entire stack with middle-mouse button or the scroll button.

Andrea Reina commented on 03.07.2008 02:18

I would love to see command-line implementation of the crafting process – I'm not a rodent kinda person. Wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that when forging blades, I have to repeatedly switch from putting items into the forge to putting it in my hand before using the anvil. If it were a from-one-container-to-the-next thing like the furnace/stock casting metallurgical process it wouldn't bother me so much. Some caveats however:

2B: I think a mode to only cast ingots would make training too easy. As it is with 2 you could easily have a stack of 9 and get 9 ingots straight away. Besides, SHIFT+click already picks up only one of an item (another thing I didn't find documented, which I'll be making much use of from now on)

2C: I think it needs to be done on a case-by-case basis, depending on the crafting container. It makes sense to be able to create 90 molten steel at one time, but not 10 swords. As far as I can figure that's why the anvil and sharpening stone can only be used with "use" and not "examine", you should not be able to hammer on 10 blades at a time. If that's right, then the smith table works the way it does (with "examine") because you need to be able to use several items at the same time, more than you would be able to with two hands. If this causes difficulty in coding I think it would be better to leave it alone. With CTRL-click and SHIFT-click we already have two powerful modifiers, both of which I can confirm work with my Mac(Book Pro).

Drunk Hammerwielder commented on 10.10.2008 04:35

Relevant forum thread:

"I would like permission to create a macro to move X number of items from the inventory to a container with one key combination and then back with another key combination." In order to save users from the pain in their wrists that everyone knows you get when you train Met.

At least untill something makes it to release……

Luzino commented on 10.10.2008 07:21

One thing that would make crafting easier (in regards to clicking too often) would be if I could hold items I take out of a container (like a forge) directly. The way it is now they first go into my inventory even if I try to drop them onto my hand and I then need to select them again to be able to hold them f.e. to hammer a heated blade. As I don't think a blade will "float" into my inventory I need to take it into my hands anyway to transfer it. So why can't I hold it directly if I need to hold it for the next crafting step?

Eric commented on 17.10.2008 17:07

I don't really care what the actual commands are, but the following would be sufficient for me, without allowing me to script a bot that I didn't have to monitor.

1. allow for a shortcut like "/loot [group] [all|trias]" that would not require a gui pop-up. If modifiers are left off, then it would do like it currently does and pops up a dialog.
2. allow for a shortcut like "/put X items" in the currently opened container be it a sack, forge, prep table, etc.
3. allow for a shortcut like "/get X items" from the currently opened container.
4. allow for a shortcut like "/use" for the currently selected container.

No waits, no open container, no open inventory, etc… just a few simple commands would save me a LOT of wrist pain and mouse wear. For more details…

/put X items would put in as a stack if X > 1. In this way, you could put in 5 or 10 to make an stock instead of an ingot. You can also put several lines in a shortcut, so you could put 8 stock or 8 ingots in a furnace or stock caster at a time.

However, you would still have to take another action to retrieve the material, and it would have to be specific to the product you are making. /get 1 iron ingot would be different than /get 1 gold stock, etc. This means that no single shortcut will work for all forms of crafting.

As for /use <selected item>, I don't see this being any different from right-click <item> then left-click "use". There is no additional benefit outside of not having to click the item around all the other users of an anvil at Harn's.

As for the /loot, Trias are already automatically retrieved from the /loot <selected target> command, why do other items need to be clicked?

weltall commented on 17.10.2008 20:26

i've already opened a feature request about the loot thing it's better to not mix things :)

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 25.01.2010 23:55

Concentrating on the crafting part only, how much of this is solved by just making it more known that ctrl-click will select a whole stack?

Eric commented on 26.01.2010 14:04

Concentrating on only crafting doesn't change anything for me at this point. I trained meta to 50 on laanx a while back and by level 25 already knew about shift-click and ctrl-click. You already have to wait for items to melt/cast… why require the endless clicking? I have not brought my ezpc character up to 25 yet because of all the mindless clicking required.

This is the same for cooking also if you are going to do any kind of mass leveling in a short time.

Crafting weapons was just painful for me because of the time required, not necessarily because of the endless clicking required. However, I only made it to level 14, so maybe it is a factor later on for weapons as well.

Alexander commented on 24.02.2013 15:31

May I propose two small things which can reduce click fest greatly?
In my opinion there can be done some small changes to client side without affecting server to greatly reduce amount of clicks for some crafting…

1. Dividing stack to several stacks using additional keys while putting stack to container. When you get a stack you may use for example Shift key while dropping that stack to container. In that case there should appear additional window (the same as when you click on stack) to chose the amount of items in each stack. For example you take stack of 10 iron ingots pushing and holding Shift key and put that stack to container… In appeared window you chose 2 and in container you will see 5 stacks with 2 ingots each.

2. Using additional key/keys with mouse click to put stacks of items directly to container (we can open only one container at the same time, right?).
It could look like you holding for example Alt key or Ctrl+Shift and click on the stack. That stack instantly (or with short delay) would appear in container.

So with those simple abilities you also can ease combining things.
In numbers it can look like this: for example take a stack of 32 iron ore lumps, hold Shift key and place it to your inventory. In popup window chose 8 and you will have four stacks with eight lumps in each… Do the same to the coal lumps to make four stacks with two lumps in each. After that you just have to hold Ctrl+Shift and click to one stack of iron and one stack of coal. Then hit combine button in container and take the result. And repeat that four times :-).

So there will be about 4+4 clicks to make stacks, and 4*4 clicks for combinations. In total we have about (4+4)+4*4=24 clicks to make 40 coal sluges. Now it takes about (4+4+2)*4 = 40 clicks to do the same amount of coal sluges… And if you want to make 80 coal sluges we have (4+4)+4*8 = 40 clicks with improved scheme, and with current one: (4+4+2)*8 = 80 clicks…

Other benefits of that solution:
1. Server code not affected;
2. Other client functions not affected;
3. Easy to implement (you have all the tools you need for that);
4. Simple bot should be smart to do these things automatically :-).

From realism point of view it is also looks good for me. Example: your character gets a stack of furs and slides it on the table…

bonifarz commented on 24.02.2013 16:30

That's an old task i don't even remember.
Some points listed in the header are available in the meanwhile, e.g. take-(stack-) all-buttons. Shkir's 4th point is probably the main reason why we do not have commands (shortcuts) yet to drop items inside containers, sadly. Concerning the placing of items in containers, some smart client modifications to the handling of stacks and sub-stacks could already be quite useful. But that's neither my idea nor my turn to explain now.

Roman Yagodin commented on 25.02.2013 07:56

I vote for making one-item / one-stack manual operations (such as grinding with mortar & pestle) optional - it's really a bottleneck.


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