
  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Setting → Quests
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System Windows
  • Severity Low
  • Priority Very Low
  • Reported Version 0.7.38 Unreal
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
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  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Uadjet - 01.12.2023
Last edited by Talad - 09.03.2024

FS#7952 - Typo in Enchanted Jongleur's Balls

The quest Enchanted Jongleurs Balls has a typo in one of the lines. Levrus says: “Ok, I have a way to do this for you but you have reminded of a few of Dilechi’s confounded riddles, if you help me I will help you.”

A simple “me” added in the right place would make the sentence parse better: “Ok, I have a way to do this for you but you have reminded me of a few of Dilechi’s confounded riddles, if you help me I will help you.”

A better way would be to rewrite the line a bit: “Ok, I have a way to do this for you, but you have reminded me of a few of Dilechi’s confounded riddles. If you help me, I will help you.”

Closed by  Talad
09.03.2024 17:36
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Stalfos commented on 03.12.2023 10:51

Jewellery typos:
Flaming says Macemaking, but is cooking
Obscure says Lockpicking and Mace, but is only Lockpicking.

"Xenak's Farewell" says bug reporting is but that was ages ago, now it's maybe setup a redirect too?

"Thorian's Order" After saying "What Glyphs can I use" he says "Most are in the book I gave you" but he hasn't given the book yet.

When you say "Thank you for enchanting the crystals, would it be possible for me to get an instruction book?" after "Have funnnn…" a few lines don't show up in PC chat and logs.

"Drifting for a Drifter" starts with you telling Taemian: "A mount? Yes that'd be useful" but he hasn't mentioned anything let alone a mount.

Stalfos commented on 09.12.2023 12:53

"The Practical Dark Way Adept" after saying to Zhaomal: "I was told you needed some help"

"The Wanderer has admitted to using a Dark Way spell, and that he will repay all lost delivery fees we can tell…" maybe "…delivery fees, if we can tell…"

Stalfos commented on 09.12.2023 13:30

Picking up/Dropping Hops, says hopses. Storing is fine, says hops

Stalfos commented on 10.12.2023 11:26

" Dark Way Master Training" Evelyn: "You must progress you skill…" your*

Talad commented on 05.01.2024 19:43

I fixed all the above, except this one as it requires changing the steps and may break player quest data, so I prefer to avoid for now:

“Thorian’s Order” After saying “What Glyphs can I use” he says “Most are in the book I gave you” but he hasn’t given the book yet.


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