
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by O - 01.01.2008
Last edited by Lanarel - 26.04.2009

FS#881 - Animal parts economy

I would suggest a specific hunting skill to “loot” animals instead of the current lottery system giving hides, claws, eyes, and whatnot.

Currently, anybody who can kill something can get enough parts by slaughtering a big amount of creatures. The skill would clearly separate the warriors from the hunters. Anyone can probably cut a rat’s tail, but skinning the animal is a bit more complex. And so on, some beasts will be more difficult to skin than others. Even proper meat is not obvious to extract from a carcass.

As a side effetc, maybe a killer could carry back the entire beast to a person capable of skinning/cutting it, if he doesn’t have the skill himself (it looks like some people can carry 400 kgs out there).

This incidentally could create a real market between players, akin to the economy currently existing around ore and weapons. Obviously, some PCs are going to be cooks, leatherworkers or alchemists.

This of course doesn’t apply to looting rogues, unless one can think of using human parts in some dark alchemy, or just carrying ears or heads as trophies.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 01.01.2008 18:15

Feature request, so marking new. I like the idea too.

Arianna commented on 02.01.2008 08:25

Xordan, what do you think of this request?

Caarrie commented on 14.09.2008 14:32

Rizin Oomi Eriroley, can you comment on this?

Rizin commented on 14.09.2008 18:30

Interesting, but it needs approval from Xil, Xordan, and Talad.

Nivm commented on 02.07.2010 07:23

This would be called skinning, butchery, or dissection. "Loot" does normally infer shiny thingsā€¦that aren't eyes.

Talad commented on 05.06.2021 15:42

A possible solution would be to have two set of loot on a creature.

One set it automatically dropped with the current system, and includes simple items like a tail or leg, easy to extract.

A second set will be available only to the ones having a specific skill and applying it to the dead creature.

Haviland Tenouri commented on 09.10.2022 11:14

Perhaps another approach:

1) a set of automatically dropped items
2) a set of items you need to activly extraxt. For example "/skin <target>" to get the hide.

KiFunStuS commented on 09.12.2022 13:07

This kind of corpse harvesting is a good idea, So I am bumping it

the lower tier monsters when unreal goes full release is going to be hectic.

My biggest concern is the timer associated with the process of harvesting the corpse vs the current NPC fade away time we have now.

It should not be a very fast skill in the early levels.

Perhaps it would also require changing corpses to not need to fade before a new one is reset, but I think that will be tough considering the master set of creatures are all in the GM area , but I could be wrong

Daevaorn commented on 14.11.2023 08:54

I've voted for this many years ago and since the last "bump" lies back almost a year, here's one from me. Good thoughts. I would make looting animals much more interesting and diverse and reflect the prices of the parts in their availability.


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