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6576Medium26.08.2014mike loevenIcon Editing System for Player Books06.09.2014No1 Task Description

The game possesses many unused book icons that are actually quite interesting but not accessible in any way outside of the shortcut window.

I would like to see a icon selector integrated into the book writing window that allows you to select any book icon for the item’s appearance similar to the way you can assign these icons to a shortcut hot button.

additionally with this implementation there is no longer a need for Jayose to stock a different books for different colors as well as allowing player written books to be more easily distinguished from each other

it would add a fun little cosmetic aspect to role play allowing your ancient tome to look like an ancient tome rather than a hot off the press notebook

6574Medium23.08.2014mike loevenDavide VescoviniDiseased Rats display Improper implimentation of the ra...30.05.2020No3 Task Description

The Diseased rats improperly apply the raging feaver effect to nearby players who are not interacting with it.

The majority of illnesses carried by rodents require physical contact or a bite to be transmitted and this effect should not be applied to someone simply walking by unless the rat targets and attacks the player directly. additionally since the diseased rats do not attack players unprovoked their AI has no business targeting players with an effect without being in combat

additionally healing potions and or crystal way should remove this effect as it is not a magical curse but rather a mundane sickness

lastly as a minor effect caused by combat with a monster the duration of raging fever lasts far too long for a monster of such a low level as a general rule of MMO's no status debuff caused by a monster should last more than at most 2-3 minutes after the end of a combat encounter and those that do should have easily accessible means of counteracting it such as potions or spells.

6573Medium23.08.2014mike loevenStore Quest Notes in the Books Database06.09.2014No2 Task Description

I would like to request that saved quest notes be moved from client side into the book database. currently the quest notes are saved locally and are very vulnerable frequently getting deleted during client repair or re installs. additionally for players who have more than one computer these notes do not properly persist between clients.

considering that players are already allowed to write books and that text data takes up very little space there is really no reason NOT to move this feature server side.

another major issue with the current implementation is that the quest’s description is missing a lot of key information provided by the npc conversation such as names and locations.

a perfect example is the quest Masked Mistress where the description tells you the summary however does not include her brothers name which is given in the npc dialogue.

the lost of quest notes can easily render a quest impossible to complete without asking a person for spoilers or searching through game logs for the missing conversation.

6568Low16.08.2014mike loevenPack Animals and or Carts for Merchants or Miners22.08.2014No1 Task Description

Now that we have a working pet AI that can properly follow a player it may be an appropriate time to suggest the addition of something to cater to tradesmen such as traveling merchants and miners who are frequently overloaded by the weight of their inventory.

There is already evidence of large beasts of burden and carts in game and it may be time to implement Pack Animals or a small cart you can pull yourself to increase your overall carrying capacity. aside from the obvious utility value it would also add some RP value allowing merchants to sell directly out of their carts and have enough inventory on hand to negotiate deals along the roads.

6567Medium16.08.2014mike loevenMake Npc's aware of nearby quest characters and attempt...22.08.2014No1 Task Description

I would like to see npc’s function as locators for quest characters so that players can “ask around town” if they cannot locate the desired npc.

until now due to the gm’s policy about spoilers and the fact that most NPC’s are pretty much brain dead except for a few very basic responses it is sometimes next to impossible to locate a specific NPC without relying on another player or a wiki website as the information is not available ingame.

essentially I want NPC’s to respond to commands such as “do you know where I can find ‘name’” they should be able to check a database of nearby NPS’s and if they are in range they can point you in the direction or if not in range point you towards an NPC that does.

sample response. “yes i have heard of this ‘name’ you can find him over by “description of location pulled from database”.

sample responce out of range.

“I have not heard that name before perhaps you should try asking ‘NPC near desired character’ in ‘city near desired NPC’

but essentially make NPC’s able to give directions or information about other NPC’s or directions to nearby areas

right now it is nearly impossible to get any information about quests without relying on other players. Npc’s should respond to questions of this nature.

6563Medium16.08.2014mike loevendepreciate /stand and use /sit as a toggle06.09.2014No1 Task Description

why in gods name we have a seperate sit and stand command is beyond me in fact it is completely idiotic. there is no need for /stand in a game that is properly programmed

/sit should perform both functions act as a toggle

void sit()
if(player.isSitting) player.stand();
else player.sit();

with as script like this the /stand command can be removed from the game simplifying shortcuts.

additionally the addition of a sit right click action on specific furniture should be added to ensure that characters who wish to appear sitting in chairs will be properly snapped into position and animated as such

6554Medium08.08.2014mike loevenadd petname overload to the /mount function for automa...13.08.2014No4 Task Description

i would like to see an overload for /mount where you can simply call /mount <petname>

if the pet is not in world the pet will be summoned and than targeted automatically prior to the mount command.
if the pet is listed as summoned the command will attempt to target the pet prior to mounting.
if the pet is in world but out of range the command will give the normal error for being out of range.

4809Medium25.10.2010mike loevencannot defend yourself if another player engages the mo...01.01.2013No1 Task Description

i ran into a bug that nearly got me killed today. i was fighting gobbles and i ran low on health and had to run away. as i was running another player cast flame burst on the gobble chasing me.

the gobble chasing me did not stop chasing me but i was no longer able to attack it because it said i must be grouped with X mean while the gobble was still damaging me.

this can be fixed one of 2 ways. the targeted player always has kill rights on the monster or the monster changes it’s target when a new playr engages it.

but as it stands it is rather scary when your being attacked and cannot defend yourself due to a bug in the kill stealing prevention system.

4800Low21.10.2010mike loevenhave jayose and londris sell copies of library books an...24.10.2010No3 Task Description

there are two libraries in the game one run by jayose in hydlaa and the other a smaller collection of books run by londris in the death realm.

one of the main complaints about planeshift is the lack of information about the game. both of these libraries contain information for ic use but at the same time the books are locked into their shelves and cannot even be coppied unless a player spends the time to manually enter everything into a text file and upload it to a blank book.

my idea is to share the information by adding buy and sell catagories to jayose and londris that match the bookshelves in the library and contain copies of the books stored in each. basically have them sell copies of the library books that you can take with you and share with your friends or even put in a guild hall for easier access.

in all it makes perfect sense that a man who sells blank books would have the resources to copy and sell the important guides and informational books stored in the library

4799Medium21.10.2010mike loevenadd storage access inside guild halls01.01.2013No1 Task Description

seeing that furnature is one of the heavest item types in the game, redecorating guild halls can become tedious and god forbid things get cluttered it is not possible to eaisly move them to storage. my request is that typing /storage will work inside a guild hall as if you were targeting a storage npc. just for convienance sake.

4797Medium20.10.2010mike loevena play dead command or /playdead21.05.2011No6 Task Description

just a idea for a simple rp command. entering /playdead will play the death animation and leave your character imobile similar to the sit command but you will be lying down instead. this can be usefull in roleplay where you are injured but not actually dead or if you want to role play your character going to sleep. entering /stand will cancel both /sit and /playdead. in later versions of the game perhaps this can be also be used to fool the less intelligant monsters like ulbernauts rats and some of the bugs into giving up the chase and loosing interest. i think it would be benificial to have a way to roleplay being wounded or dead without having to actually go to the death realm. say for example your character was killed in a roleplay setting you could use playdead to have a open casket funeral complete with a body that will not dissapear after a minute or two.

i am not sure how easy this would be to acomplish but i suspect you could duplicate the existing sit command and just change the animation called

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