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5221Medium15.05.2011VikenVenalanMaking Metal Stock in Ojaveda18.09.2014No1 Task Description

I just did this quest, and it turned out to basically be “Give Trasok 100 tria so he can explain what you should already know if you have the book.” It has no reward other than a few Crafting Association points, which is pretty much worthless. Could you guys either remove this quest or make it give some real rewards? Thanks…

5191Medium05.05.2011VikenMore sewers would be nice...21.05.2011No3 Task Description

I really like the sewers in Hydlaa, and I think it’d be cool if the other cities (Ojaveda and Amdeneir, mainly) had something like that. I also think it’d be cool if the Hydlaa sewers had a couple more openings, and maybe some intentional service entrances instead of just cave-ins with ladders… And maybe an entrance/exit in the East? Then my Rogue-like character could travel by sewers more, which would be totally awesome.

Are you guys planning to add some more sewers eventually?

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