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6867Medium29.05.2016Quentinequip/dequip items through shortcuts bug02.06.2016No1 Task Description

I recently wanted to create a shortcut to summon my Rivnak, but it doesn’t work exactly like it should…Here are the commands of my shortcut :

/dequip leftfinger
/equip Ring of Summon Familiar
/pet summon Bigadin
/dequip leftfinger
/equip Crystal Ring

Of course, using the commands one by one in the chat works perfectly. But here is the chat log after using the shortcut :

Usage: /equip [stack count] [slot] [item name]
You feel a connection to your familiar.
You’ve gained 1 Practice points in Empathy.

Weirdly, it seems that when the last line is executed, my ring is still considered equipped, and so it cannot be equipped. I thought that with another item which exist in several copies, it would work through equipping another copy, but even that do not work. I tried using it with 2 Silver Rings in my inventory (so the line /equip Crystal Ring become /equip Silver Ring), and both when the quality is the same and when it is not (and so it doesn’t stack) :

You feel a connection to your familiar.
You’ve gained 1 Practice points in Empathy.
This item cannot be equipped.

I hope the informations are sufficient to allow you to understand and solve the problem.

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