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7824Low06.04.2023KiFunStuSNPC in the wall06.04.2023No Task Description

bdoorsout 98297.60 -753749.51 22772.97

I think its a thunder clakcer

7823Low06.04.2023KiFunStuSWater sounds being triggered where there is no water06.04.2023No4 Task Description

Walking bewtween

bdoorsout 105031.05 -749570.19 18103.3
bdoorsout 103880.74 -747535.50 17163.17

causes water sounds, does not always trigger,

1:50:30 on the stream is hopefully the right time

example caught on video Will update with a new time stamp after stream has finished if I hopefully rememeber

7725High07.02.2023KiFunStuSMagic light is giving no light with low graphic setting...09.02.2023No Task Description

Magic light is giving no additional light in game after casting it.

on lowest graphics settings no light
on medium no light
on high there is light
epic graphics settings it is showing light

7719Low03.02.2023KiFunStuSSet Default Collection Bag03.02.2023No Task Description

It would be nice to bea able to make a bag in your inventory the default collection bag.

I think sorting things after that should be manual thou.

7715Low02.02.2023KiFunStuSpots out of place by stalag02.02.2023No Task Description

the pots are all out of place. wrong angles and height.

gugrontid 73779.85 -489821.34 10714.60

Can be delayed until after migration..

7692Low27.01.2023KiFunStuSMagic XP perception11.02.2023No1 Task Description

While casting spells in ways that i do not have max level in.

i receive no information about experience gained in the way

7691Low26.01.2023KiFunStuSlighting issue in character selection14.02.2023No1 Task Description

the light source for the character lighting area is going in and out of focus

7654Low06.01.2023KiFunStuSWeather not synced06.01.2023No1 Task Description

when snowing for 1 player, it is not snowing for another

7644Low05.01.2023KiFunStuSpets Window13.01.2023No1 Task Description

window resizing has no effect on the displayed information.

or that is as indented, and there should be no resize for it.

7631Low28.12.2022KiFunStuSBag Lockers30.12.2022No2 Task Description

Having a limited number of storage locations for sacks would be a really nice feature.

It would make it much easier for people to sort out their equipment without having to carry it everywhere.

7630Low28.12.2022KiFunStuSgoing forward - test server28.12.2022No Task Description

When Migrate to unreal planeshift 9.0 or 1.0 or etc

start a testing server. gets a data base copy of current unreal stable.
can test game critical changes to avoid roll backs or database compromises.

could also be used to experiment with balance or skill changes in the future.

7625Low12.12.2022KiFunStuSGobo Root in the sky29.01.2023No3 Task Description

gugrontid 70530.35 -47897.44 10719.28

7622Low11.12.2022KiFunStuSReduce effectiveness of mind drain18.10.2023No1 Task Description

currently the spell will drain well over 1000 mana points
normal max mana is 500

perhaps full duration of a cast at full power could drain 500

7621Low09.12.2022KiFunStuSRace Based Equipment restrictions09.12.2022No Task Description

1. Avoid lore experts needing to tell people they are wearing something their race is not supposed too.
2. limit the level of power gaming

7607Low05.12.2022KiFunStuSTuathanachLadders you have to jump to go up02.02.2023No5 Task Description

186500.38 -336082.84 -1019.9

and the ladder above it

work around * just keep jumping and mantling

7605Low05.12.2022KiFunStuSOnyx Dagger03.02.2023No2 Task Description

attack onyx dagger

NPC chat tab spammed with Stares coldy at me
attacks me with defensive stance

it did manage to cast a spall that that says
Onyx Dagger drains your mental abilities

it has a residual magic effect on the ground that remained after it died
and still on the ground after it respawned

7604Low05.12.2022KiFunStuSHP bar not diminishing when using Damage over time14.01.2023No1 Task Description

Cast poisonous hail storm.
health bar does not decrease even after creature has died

7603Low05.12.2022KiFunStuSThunder clacker03.02.2023No3 Task Description

Uses ranged sound attack

spams NPC chat tab with Attacks me using normal stance
emits A loud thundering noise

Does not actually attack me

7602Low05.12.2022KiFunStuSDebuff breaks Monster Combat02.01.2023No1 Task Description

Cast a Debuff like Frozen net or dazzling light

After debuff expires, NPC creature will follow you but not attack

7601Low05.12.2022KiFunStuSJade Clacker03.02.2023No5 Task Description

Attack Jade clacker
it follows you around but does not attack

Tested in Laanx Dungeon

7571Low24.11.2022KiFunStuSPrayer14.01.2023No2 Task Description

when I casted Prayer.

it reapeats the following for each target affected
you sing a prayer,healing everyone who can hear you for 176 points

the spell blessed litany lists all the players affected
you sing a litany, healing %player for XX points and XX stamina

This happens also in Legacy.

7567Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSRecreate Tab autocomplete for player names23.11.2022No Task Description

In legacy you could start typing a persons name in and press TAB to auto complete the name.

Currently in the Unreal chat box, pressing tab removes focus from the chat window.

7566Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSPVP casting errors14.01.2023No2 Task Description

I am not entirely sure on how this bug is best described.
as the duel system is not releasing the duel flag currently.

But I think while the main duel is active you cannot charge cast a spell using the hotkeys against your opponent while in the default navigation mode.

but you can cast charged spells using the hot keys after pressing TAB and entering combat mode.

I will retest this bug after the duel flag bug has been resolved.

7562Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSWeapon enchantment should work only for the specific we...26.11.2022No1 Task Description

At the moment Weapon enchantment is being executed with any attack, also from another weapon.

I have a dagger “of Creation” that is triggering a blinding magical effect.

As soon as I have this item equipped, any attack I do, even with the other hand is triggering the blinding effect.

Note from Talad: at the moment the equip_script associated to the weapon, is attaching an “on attack” effect on the character. There is no way at the moment to know which weapon generated that. We could change ApsCharacter::AttachScript() to also store the information of which weapon had the effect, and then in ApsCharacter::InvokeAttackScripts() check if the current weapon used is the same that generated the effect.

7560Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSWeapon attack fail while holding a torch gives a confus...23.11.2022No Task Description

When attempting to attack with the hand a torch is equipped in.
the error message is “You have no weapons equipped!”

A more accurate Error message could be

You cannot attack with this item


You should not attack with this delicate item

— side note, nice to see meele working while holding a torch now.

7559Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSMake it so we can move the progress bar indicator23.11.2022No Task Description

Currently when doing a task that requires a time duration, a status bar appears on the left of the view screen that we are unable to move or resize

7558Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSInformation hover displays off screen23.11.2022No Task Description

If you have your inventory window on the right and hover over an item, the information display scrolls off the visible screen.

can you please change it so it aligns to the edge of the visible screen.

in other words, make it so the information shown while hovering over an item is always showing on the visible screen only

7556Low23.11.2022KiFunStuSCan we right click items in our storage to get thier in...26.11.2022No3 Task Description

Use case, to check the Quality of an item before retrieving it from storage, similar to Legacy

7483Low18.09.2022KiFunStuSSkills appearing incorrectly25.09.2022No1 Task Description

Goto NPC , Pay for Drawing Lessons.

Skills Tab under Jobs shows previous Drawing +green temporary level.

when quitting game and reloading, it shows correct normal value of total drawing level.

7469Low25.08.2022KiFunStuSAssisting Gardr : Quest Bug 02.09.2022No3 Task Description

When i open dialouge with NPC I get the speech option to hand in the 3 plat steel maces of high quality.

I get no information in the NPC chat box on the left.
I do get an error message in the Standard Chat box

You have too few plat steel mace.

I have tried a stack of 3 , 3 single maces
and I have tried manually giving 3 plat steel maces.

All attempts have failed to complete the quest

7467Low25.08.2022KiFunStuSItem left reminders27.08.2022No1 Task Description

Put a sack on the ground
put a torch in the sack
picked up the sack.

Receive warning that I should not leave 1 torch here a few minutes later

7458Low25.08.2022KiFunStuSCombat targets showing from different areas28.08.2022No1 Task Description

While at harnquist in Hydlaa I am able to target creatures in the arena.

very confusing and weird.

7457Low25.08.2022KiFunStuSTorch has no combat value27.08.2022No1 Task Description


Add low base damage and fire damage to the torch.

Currently. you get an error message when trying to attack with the torch.

7358Low09.03.2022KiFunStuSKlyros legs missing from player model when wearing roba01.11.2022No1 Task Description

Need to fix the model to not being open at the bottom. (noted it missing in stream while working on magic light)

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