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IDSeverity[[state]]OpenedOpened byAssigned ToSummary[[changedby]]Last EditedPrivate
2656Low06.01.2009CaarrieDavide VescoviniTuathanachlist of crafting bugs08.08.2014No3 Task Description

this bug will include any bug related to crafting.

2070Low04.08.2008Caarrieability to search by name for /item window24.01.2010No8 Task Description

the gm /item window has many items listed in it, it would be much easier if you could just type the name of the item needed and it would show you the 3d mesh and the icon as if you had found it in the catagory selection section. this is very helpful for trying to see what something looks like without having to spawn it. as more and more items start to be added to laanx less and less people will be able to use the /item window to find items and will use /item <name> instead but that is a waste if they just want to view an item and have no use for it.

1985Low23.07.2008CaarrieAresilek BesolezList of all GM feature requests [or dev lvl requests]15.07.2009No4 Task Description

this bug has a list of all gm feature requests attached to make it easier to find them

705Low05.12.2007Caarriemore options with /morph03.03.2009No6 Task Description

feature request to have more options to morph to. GMs are not able to change face when they morph or any other option in character creation.


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