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6776Medium20.01.2015Sajut FogilTuathanachBow Prices20.01.2015No Task Description

I crafted two bows, the NPC-Price for the Enkidukai Shortbow (needs lvl 20 in bow making and more material) seems to low.
Enkidukai Hunting Bow, Q170; 1588 Tria
Enkidukai Shortbow, Q193; 1531 Tria

6410Low21.04.2014Sajut FogilRepair Armor: /repair legs instead of pants25.04.2014No1 Task Description

The description of the “Armor Repair Kit” says
“To use it equip the armor and type /repair <location> in the chat window. Example /repair boots ,/repair torso ,/repair gloves ,/repair arms” according to the examples it should be /repair pants to repair the “<armor type> Pants”.

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