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6821Medium28.07.2015Kaerli StronwylleAdditional jewelry metals31.12.2017No3 Task Description

Right now, the only jewelry metals available in the game are gold, silver, and platinum, which leaves Ynnwn out in the cold RPwise. Considering that IRL, copper alloys (brasses and bronzes both) were and are still used for jewelrymaking – it would be logical to add those at some point down the road, to provide at least *one* Ynnwn-compatible option…

6803Medium19.04.2015Kaerli StronwylleTuathanachRound out weapon types using existing models19.04.2015No Task Description

Weapon types that I’d find useful in RP and could be more-or-less stood in for with existing art, but aren’t statted/craftable:

  • Rapiers/some sort of thin thrusting sword – this could use a longsword model for now until we get a proper rapier model in (I might make a low-fi rapier model if I get motivated enough to dust off Blender, even…)
  • Spears (and perhaps other polearm forms) – these can use the quarterstaff model until a proper model is implemented for them
6802Medium19.04.2015Kaerli StronwylleTuathanachYou should be able to heat stock with the Book of Blade...18.05.2015No1 Task Description

Having to use the Working with Stock book simply to heat steel/ingots for forging makes for a silly amount of swapping back and forth between Working with Stock and Book of Blades. It’d be simple enough to add the steps for heating stock and ingots to the Book of Blades…

6784Medium08.02.2015Kaerli StronwylleEnvenomed arrows06.04.2015No1 Task Description

Considering that arrows are single-use at this time and craftable, it should be feasible to use envenomed arrows to test the concept of envenomable weaponry for the time being, until we can get the engine changes needed for temporarily-poisoned blades in. (Flaming arrows would be a nice addition while you are at it…)

6319Medium04.01.2014Kaerli StronwyllePlayer character in two different positions at the same...04.01.2014No Task Description

The screenshots pretty much tell the whole story.

1) Have char A (Primatus for me) enter the GH and sit on some furniture.
2) Have char B (Sabor) log into the GH.

A on A’s client is atop the furniture, while on B’s client A is in the furniture. Probably a symptom of the known issues with object spawning in PS, but still….really guys?

5989Medium25.04.2013Kaerli StronwylleMap leak in bdoorsin leads to "unleak" and subsequent c...03.04.2016No Task Description

/pos: bdoorsin -180.54 19.71 -864.52

How to reproduce: Run into the area between the large boulder and the cliff face there.

What should happen: Your char should, at worst, have to /unstick out of it, or be respawned due to the map leak.

What does happen:

  1. Your char (sometimes) gets ‘leaked’ off the map and starts to fall through it
  2. As your char falls, they get put back in the normal map area because of the concavity of the cliff face below the path there.
  3. Result: a DR trip, because your character goes “splat” at the bottom of the Bronze Doors canyon.
5973Medium11.04.2013Kaerli StronwylleSome form of support for 'in the field' crafting would ...16.04.2013No1 Task Description

Currently, all crafting requires a full setup of equipment (fixed-in-the-world crafting containers) for that craft. This makes sense for some crafting skills such as blacksmithing and to an extent alchemy; however, basic cooking and herbalism (and other crafts TBD) should be possible with only portable crafting containers (such as a campfire and pan or a simple, portable mortar and pestle). This would also require new crafting books: “Campfire Recipes” anyone?

5574Medium15.04.2012Kaerli StronwylleClient-side email validation in registration system rej...15.04.2012No Task Description

GMail uses the + to denote email aliases: delivers to the same GMail inbox as The PS validation system rejects the + character client side, although it is permitted by the RFCs (see RFC5322 s3.2.3/3.4.1). The easy fix is to be much more liberal on the client about what is allowed in an email address, since we’ll be emailing a validation code to it anyway.

5386Medium10.09.2011Kaerli StronwylleRange of combat messages is FAR too short08.07.2016No2 Task Description

You can easily shoot with a bow ingame to ranges far beyond the range of combat messages. Mob aggro (and sometimes the archery anim) do not work at such long ranges, either.

4574Low27.06.2010Kaerli StronwylleCtrl or Shift modified keystrokes/mouse gestures trigge...11.11.2013No2 Task Description

1) Ctrl-drag an item or use a shortcut bound to Ctrl-something
2) Note that your run toggle state just changed. :P

Using Ctrl or Shift as a modifier should “lock out” the functions bound to these keys by themselves.

4519Very Low08.06.2010Kaerli StronwylleCannot have multiple windows of one type open at the sa...08.06.2010No1 Task Description

This is most limiting when trying to juggle multiple containers (such as the furnace and the stock casting) at once.

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