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IDSeverity[[state]]OpenedOpened byAssigned ToSummary[[changedby]]Last EditedPrivate
5626High06.05.2012TaladAndrea RizziCreature sounds implementation06.05.2012No Task Description

As per this document:

the creature sounds are not working properly in game today.

The common.xml file is properly read, and the resources are properly loaded, but the only state ID which works consistently is state ID 2: charge.

Idle seems to kick in only after attacks, and anyway not consistently. The others are never launched. The problem is that those events are not properly sent to the client a sound events.

In particular we need the following events: IDLE, CHARGE (when first engages in combat), COMBAT IDLE, ATTACK, (being) HIT, DIE, WALK, RUN.

5474Medium18.12.2011EliyahnaAndrea RizziUndo Button for Music Writer20.12.2011No1 Task Description

An "Undo" button on the new music writer that could go back at least one step would be very helpful. Thanks!!

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