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4221High07.03.2010RlyDontKnowAngelamissing Terms of Service05.08.2010No3 Task Description

there aren’t any terms of service on the website and consistently the user doesn’t have to agree to them at any point.

this is a big issue in my opinion as the user isn’t strictly bound to such terms and therefore cannot be accordingly punished in case he’s causing really bad issues.

881Low01.01.2008OAngelaAnimal parts economy14.11.2023No9 Task Description

I would suggest a specific hunting skill to “loot” animals instead of the current lottery system giving hides, claws, eyes, and whatnot.

Currently, anybody who can kill something can get enough parts by slaughtering a big amount of creatures. The skill would clearly separate the warriors from the hunters. Anyone can probably cut a rat’s tail, but skinning the animal is a bit more complex. And so on, some beasts will be more difficult to skin than others. Even proper meat is not obvious to extract from a carcass.

As a side effetc, maybe a killer could carry back the entire beast to a person capable of skinning/cutting it, if he doesn’t have the skill himself (it looks like some people can carry 400 kgs out there).

This incidentally could create a real market between players, akin to the economy currently existing around ore and weapons. Obviously, some PCs are going to be cooks, leatherworkers or alchemists.

This of course doesn’t apply to looting rogues, unless one can think of using human parts in some dark alchemy, or just carrying ears or heads as trophies.

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