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 4343 Medium04.04.2010MathiasMathias playing ogg file leaks memory 06.04.2010No2 Task Description

bug for myself and others as notice :)

I think its no fault of our code (but cant prove that yet! Please DONT blame or bother anyone until i know for sure).
During testing i discovered that playing sounds leaks memory. I tried to find the leak but ended up with a valgrid run.

Reminder: valgrid is not infallible. The informations in that log might be just WRONG!
Warning -its huge-:

Be that as it may be but using waves instead of OOGs fixes that problem (for our emitters).
That makes me think that valgrid is right about that… Please note: everyone except me should be already using WAVs.
Thats no solution for our maintracks (and tbh they dont leak that much ..)

Im working on this and ill try to provide some example code either to Vorbis/OGG or to CS.
Its a bug in OUR psclient/soundmanager until i have example code that proves its not.

 4268 Medium19.03.2010MathiasMathias ModeHandler::HandleNewSectorMessage is called twice aft ...01.08.2010No1 Task Description

Was on my way from hyjayose01 to hyjayose02

ModeHandler::HandleNewSectorMessage was called with “SectorWhereWeKeepEntitiesResidingInUnloadedMaps” → loadingscreen
after leaving “SectorWhereWeKeepEntitiesResidingInUnloadedMaps” it called ModeHandler::HandleNewSectorMessage twice with hyjayose02 as new sector

I think its a bug because it doesnt make sense to call it twice with the same parameter

My client isnt “vanilla” please assign this bug to me if you cant reproduce it.

 4183 Medium28.02.2010Mathias Weapon Identification (from Gregori) 28.02.2010No Task Description

During that quest youre supposed to get Ink and Paper from Jayose.
But there are no dialog options which is confusing at first.

Using /tellnpc (like in the good old days) works..

 4040 Medium05.02.2010Mathias cant summon my familiar 08.02.2010No3 Task Description

Made the quest got the ring but im unable to summon it.

If i equip the ring it says:
> You feel a connection to your familiar.

But on /pet summon it says:
> You need to equip the item your familiar is bound to.
/pet dismiss
> Your pet has already returned to the netherworld.

I guess my pet is not bound to the ring. But i have no idea why.

 4031 Medium03.02.2010MathiasKenneth Graunkeweltall Flame spire does negative damage 12.02.2010No5 Task Description
Your flame spire burns Rogue for -1.40 damage.
>Your flame spire burns Rogue for -1.40 damage.
>Your flame spire burns Rogue for -1.40 damage.

Cant verify if its healing the enemy. But -1.4 doesnt sound right.

 3975 Medium26.01.2010MathiasMathias Background music not working and some sounds misssing 28.03.2010No5 Task Description


im using the linux client ( and
the game had problems locating its music/soundfiles because there are a some bugs in soundlib.xml.

Fist one i figured out is that theres is one path wrong/missing:
art/music/areas does not exist because “areas” is now “maps” and filenames for amb-sewers and env-bd_wind_whistle are just wrong..

Second one is that some sounds are referred as .wav instead of .ogg.
art/music/main/zzz.wav was missing (that crashed my client during combat :((()

Third is that some resources are renamed but they are still referenced with their old name:


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