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 6577 Medium26.08.2014mike loeven Too Far Away To Loot error when looting floating or inc ...04.06.2020No Task Description

When you kill a creature on the side of a hill or if their corpse ends up floating in mid air you will get the too far away to loot error regardless of how close your avatar is. I would suggest increasing the range of the loot command to allow for the looting of corpses that end up in odd positions.

this bug can be easily reproduced by fighting cutthroats in BDRoad1 as they will frequently end up stuck in steep hillside or floating in mid air.

6576Medium26.08.2014mike loevenIcon Editing System for Player Books06.09.2014No1 Task Description

The game possesses many unused book icons that are actually quite interesting but not accessible in any way outside of the shortcut window.

I would like to see a icon selector integrated into the book writing window that allows you to select any book icon for the item’s appearance similar to the way you can assign these icons to a shortcut hot button.

additionally with this implementation there is no longer a need for Jayose to stock a different books for different colors as well as allowing player written books to be more easily distinguished from each other

it would add a fun little cosmetic aspect to role play allowing your ancient tome to look like an ancient tome rather than a hot off the press notebook

 6575 Medium23.08.2014mike loeven Stop Implimenting Crafting Time Sinks For The Sole Purp ...18.09.2014No Task Description

The crafting aspect of plane-shift gets worse and worse as time goes on with the continuous implementation of obnoxious and unneeded timers that serve absolutely no purpose other than to aggravate and reduce player productivity. this combined with the GM and Dev stand against automation of the client is down right hypocrisy as every single move they make seems geared towards making botting more attractive.

the simple fact remains that the mechanics of crafting and farming in plane-shift seem geared to wasting large quantities of the players time without giving them anything to show for it. the focus of the game is role playing not watching timer bars progress while being able to do nothing else.

This needs to end and needs to end now. Things like mining 12 seconds per cycle with a risk of failure that practically triples the time for mining higher tier ores.

hammering over 30 seconds per ingot or stock and who knows what other delay timers the dev team has slipped into other jobs that I am not aware of. multiply this by the amount of materials needed to do anything useful and you have HOURS of WASTED time that a player could have spent adventuring or role-playing worse yet the players job level has no effect on the timers making a beginner take just as long as a master.

If you want to have a good crafting interface in the game it needs to be as streamlined as possible and require as few clicks as possible to keep players from getting bored. That is something that plagues a lot of games the fact that menu interfaces often require many times the number of mouse clicks that they should added on-top of these timers the issue is even more severe. now when you take into account the randomized qualities for the refining processes even more time is wasted than if there was a linear increasing quality rating.

maybe just maybe getting rid of useless time wasters and repetition along with streamlining the clients crafting interface will be a step towards rebuilding the PS community and making the game attractive to new players who are desperately needed to breathe life back into the RP community.

6574Medium23.08.2014mike loevenDavide VescoviniDiseased Rats display Improper implimentation of the ra...30.05.2020No3 Task Description

The Diseased rats improperly apply the raging feaver effect to nearby players who are not interacting with it.

The majority of illnesses carried by rodents require physical contact or a bite to be transmitted and this effect should not be applied to someone simply walking by unless the rat targets and attacks the player directly. additionally since the diseased rats do not attack players unprovoked their AI has no business targeting players with an effect without being in combat

additionally healing potions and or crystal way should remove this effect as it is not a magical curse but rather a mundane sickness

lastly as a minor effect caused by combat with a monster the duration of raging fever lasts far too long for a monster of such a low level as a general rule of MMO's no status debuff caused by a monster should last more than at most 2-3 minutes after the end of a combat encounter and those that do should have easily accessible means of counteracting it such as potions or spells.

6573Medium23.08.2014mike loevenStore Quest Notes in the Books Database06.09.2014No2 Task Description

I would like to request that saved quest notes be moved from client side into the book database. currently the quest notes are saved locally and are very vulnerable frequently getting deleted during client repair or re installs. additionally for players who have more than one computer these notes do not properly persist between clients.

considering that players are already allowed to write books and that text data takes up very little space there is really no reason NOT to move this feature server side.

another major issue with the current implementation is that the quest’s description is missing a lot of key information provided by the npc conversation such as names and locations.

a perfect example is the quest Masked Mistress where the description tells you the summary however does not include her brothers name which is given in the npc dialogue.

the lost of quest notes can easily render a quest impossible to complete without asking a person for spoilers or searching through game logs for the missing conversation.

 6570 Medium18.08.2014mike loeven Allow Govell Mihdren to Remove Dakkru's Curse ... For a ...28.11.2014No7 Task Description

I was just reading over the plane-shift lore regarding the healing and purifying power of the crystal and came across a line stating that it was possible to bring people back from death with a high enough mastery. I figured for impatient players who do not wish to have their stats nerfed for 30 minutes by Dakkru’s curse should be able to Pay a fee to Govell Mihdren to be cleansed of the taint of death.

This allows the player choose to pay the death penalty in tria rather than in wasted time and aggravation while being 100% lore friendly as well. It makes a lot of sense for the archmage of the crystal way to have this ability plus he is conveniently located near Hydlaa center. The issue is that the fee has to be reasonable enough for any player to afford but aggravating enough to make it hurt. perhaps something along the lines of a few thousand

6568Low16.08.2014mike loevenPack Animals and or Carts for Merchants or Miners22.08.2014No1 Task Description

Now that we have a working pet AI that can properly follow a player it may be an appropriate time to suggest the addition of something to cater to tradesmen such as traveling merchants and miners who are frequently overloaded by the weight of their inventory.

There is already evidence of large beasts of burden and carts in game and it may be time to implement Pack Animals or a small cart you can pull yourself to increase your overall carrying capacity. aside from the obvious utility value it would also add some RP value allowing merchants to sell directly out of their carts and have enough inventory on hand to negotiate deals along the roads.

6567Medium16.08.2014mike loevenMake Npc's aware of nearby quest characters and attempt...22.08.2014No1 Task Description

I would like to see npc’s function as locators for quest characters so that players can “ask around town” if they cannot locate the desired npc.

until now due to the gm’s policy about spoilers and the fact that most NPC’s are pretty much brain dead except for a few very basic responses it is sometimes next to impossible to locate a specific NPC without relying on another player or a wiki website as the information is not available ingame.

essentially I want NPC’s to respond to commands such as “do you know where I can find ‘name’” they should be able to check a database of nearby NPS’s and if they are in range they can point you in the direction or if not in range point you towards an NPC that does.

sample response. “yes i have heard of this ‘name’ you can find him over by “description of location pulled from database”.

sample responce out of range.

“I have not heard that name before perhaps you should try asking ‘NPC near desired character’ in ‘city near desired NPC’

but essentially make NPC’s able to give directions or information about other NPC’s or directions to nearby areas

right now it is nearly impossible to get any information about quests without relying on other players. Npc’s should respond to questions of this nature.

6563Medium16.08.2014mike loevendepreciate /stand and use /sit as a toggle06.09.2014No1 Task Description

why in gods name we have a seperate sit and stand command is beyond me in fact it is completely idiotic. there is no need for /stand in a game that is properly programmed

/sit should perform both functions act as a toggle

void sit()
if(player.isSitting) player.stand();
else player.sit();

with as script like this the /stand command can be removed from the game simplifying shortcuts.

additionally the addition of a sit right click action on specific furniture should be added to ensure that characters who wish to appear sitting in chairs will be properly snapped into position and animated as such

 6560 Low15.08.2014mike loeven Corpses do not persist long enough to loot 19.12.2016No4 Task Description

Corpse persistence is really abysmal and when your fighting multiple monsters often times one corpse will vanish before your finished fighting the second.

I believe the system could be improved by setting corpse persistence to around 2-5 minutes with a fast cleanup flag on looting.

the way this works is that each corps starts a 5 minute timer on death but when their inventory is manipulated by a player a flag is set stating that the creature has been looted and will be cleaned up as soon as the player closes the loot window.

this allows enough persistence to enable more effective looting but also expedites corpse cleanup by making the process tied into the act of looting so that corpses will not overflow.

 6559 Medium15.08.2014mike loeven Add a /dispel Command for clearing active buffs 22.08.2014No2 Task Description

So i come back from hunting in the hydlaa sewers but do to the prolonged duration of flame spire it looked like i was still on fire. I ended up soaking wet because some person shouted FIRE! and next thing I know a nearby guard tosses a bucket of water at me.

Humor aside I would like to see a /dispel command that will stop all currently active spell effects. of course this only applies to spells you cast on yourself.

It is kind of laggy when someone wanders into town covered in particle effects from long duration buff magic. there should be a way to dispel these effects when not in combat.

6554Medium08.08.2014mike loevenadd petname overload to the /mount function for automa...13.08.2014No4 Task Description

i would like to see an overload for /mount where you can simply call /mount <petname>

if the pet is not in world the pet will be summoned and than targeted automatically prior to the mount command.
if the pet is listed as summoned the command will attempt to target the pet prior to mounting.
if the pet is in world but out of range the command will give the normal error for being out of range.

 6552 Medium07.08.2014mike loeven Feature:: Fix the Death Realm Fast Travel Exploit By Re ...03.12.2023No Task Description

This will take some doing but in theory is not as difficult as it sounds

I believe it is best for game balance in terms of both functionality, exploit prevention, and, it makes the game slightly more bearable for players all at the same time.

The simple fact remains that respawning is an exploit in it’s current iteration even with Dakkru’s curse.

the first iteration was each race spawned in it’s own town which failed because lets face it the only two towns at that time were hydlaa and oja.

the current iteration is everyone simply spawns in hydlaa. this causes issues simply because mining / gathering characters will use the death realm as a shortcut to hydlaa.

adventurers dislike the system because if they die it may take minutes to hours to get back to where they died.

the re spawn system no matter how you look at it is broken and i have brought this up before however it never gained any traction.

what i propose is a simple system that appends the map they were in to the player data when they die.

when a player enters the death realm portal
it will check the player data in a manner such as

if deathSpot == oja road 1 respawn hydlaa
if deathSpot == oja road 2 respawn oja
if deathSpot == bdroad 1 respawn Gugrontid
if deathSpot == bdroaad 2 / outside respawn bd fortress

You can make the process fairly simple by assigning an int value to each map name and determine which map corresponds to which city by using the layout of the cities across the main grid of the game to compress the needed data into a single int value appended to the characters profile.

this int can simply be used with the re spawn portal by adding a case statement.

but in all respawning the player in the closest settlement to where they died makes a lot more sense than dumping them in hydlaa and blocks the use of the death realm as a fast travel option completely

 4810 Medium26.10.2010mike loevenDavide Vescovini damage and duration of indirect red way spells dont sca ...01.01.2014No3 Task Description

recently i noticed that the red way spells flame spire and electro touch do not properly scale with your way rank. as i progressed in level i found that electrotouch continued to do around 28 damage per hit regardless of my red way level or the spell power selected when the spell was cast. the duration of these spells seem to stay the same as well. with flame spire the damage per hit remains at around 3.5 damage per hit with a spell power of 80% and a red way rank of about 15. aside from this i found that after my last rank electrotouch now does only 18 damage per hit. so not only does these spells seem not to properly scale with your rank like most direct damage spells but they seem to decrease in power.

on top of this, the durations of said spells are slightly longer with a higher spell power but not nearly enough to compensate for the low damages. in all the red way DOTS and damage buffs seem to have been rendered completely useless with the latest nerfing patch while no effort has been made to properly scale the spell power.

these damages have been measured using a single character that was created about 2 weeks ago and has since leveled from red way 4 to red way 15 not a huge difference but enough to notice a significant power difference in direct damage spells such as flame burst. which whent from about 26 damage per hit to around 79.43 damage per hit

4809Medium25.10.2010mike loevencannot defend yourself if another player engages the mo...01.01.2013No1 Task Description

i ran into a bug that nearly got me killed today. i was fighting gobbles and i ran low on health and had to run away. as i was running another player cast flame burst on the gobble chasing me.

the gobble chasing me did not stop chasing me but i was no longer able to attack it because it said i must be grouped with X mean while the gobble was still damaging me.

this can be fixed one of 2 ways. the targeted player always has kill rights on the monster or the monster changes it’s target when a new playr engages it.

but as it stands it is rather scary when your being attacked and cannot defend yourself due to a bug in the kill stealing prevention system.

 4806 Medium24.10.2010mike loevenJorrit Tyberghein cannot click to target npc's or drag items when capsloc ...11.11.2010No17 Task Description

capslock seems to interfere with mouse targeting and item interaction. when capslock is on i cannot click on any item or target any npc’s with the mouse untill capslock is turned off

4800Low21.10.2010mike loevenhave jayose and londris sell copies of library books an...24.10.2010No3 Task Description

there are two libraries in the game one run by jayose in hydlaa and the other a smaller collection of books run by londris in the death realm.

one of the main complaints about planeshift is the lack of information about the game. both of these libraries contain information for ic use but at the same time the books are locked into their shelves and cannot even be coppied unless a player spends the time to manually enter everything into a text file and upload it to a blank book.

my idea is to share the information by adding buy and sell catagories to jayose and londris that match the bookshelves in the library and contain copies of the books stored in each. basically have them sell copies of the library books that you can take with you and share with your friends or even put in a guild hall for easier access.

in all it makes perfect sense that a man who sells blank books would have the resources to copy and sell the important guides and informational books stored in the library

4799Medium21.10.2010mike loevenadd storage access inside guild halls01.01.2013No1 Task Description

seeing that furnature is one of the heavest item types in the game, redecorating guild halls can become tedious and god forbid things get cluttered it is not possible to eaisly move them to storage. my request is that typing /storage will work inside a guild hall as if you were targeting a storage npc. just for convienance sake.

4797Medium20.10.2010mike loevena play dead command or /playdead21.05.2011No6 Task Description

just a idea for a simple rp command. entering /playdead will play the death animation and leave your character imobile similar to the sit command but you will be lying down instead. this can be usefull in roleplay where you are injured but not actually dead or if you want to role play your character going to sleep. entering /stand will cancel both /sit and /playdead. in later versions of the game perhaps this can be also be used to fool the less intelligant monsters like ulbernauts rats and some of the bugs into giving up the chase and loosing interest. i think it would be benificial to have a way to roleplay being wounded or dead without having to actually go to the death realm. say for example your character was killed in a roleplay setting you could use playdead to have a open casket funeral complete with a body that will not dissapear after a minute or two.

i am not sure how easy this would be to acomplish but i suspect you could duplicate the existing sit command and just change the animation called

 4787 Medium13.10.2010mike loeven foward momentum is not properly calculated when running ...21.10.2010No6 Task Description

i have been a ‘trickjumper’ since crystal blue and there is a issue that seems to have actually gotten worse over time. from a physics point of view if you were to walk off a ledge and jump you would travel foward at your walking speed and the downward acceleration would be added to the foward momentum resulting in a true parabolic trejectory.

However, in planeshift, walking and jumping works normally, but jumping off a ledge while running results in a nearly instantaneous deceleration to walking speed as soon as your feet leave the ledge resulting in a almoast loony toonish plumit straight down with no parabolic trejectory.

the same issue seems to effect mounts even though they move at a much higher rate than a player they still experiance the rapid loss of foward momentum upon leaving the ground they only appear to travel a greater distance when jumping because they have more hight added to the calculations.

this same issue is also noticable when decending steep stairs and hills. I am sure everyone noticed the hopping effect that ocurs when running down the path from bronze doors fortress. on the right side of the canyon. you actualy move faster when walking because you move at more constant rate.

as it is an object in motion especialy a player who is capable of moving at several different speeds. should continue to move at the same speed as they were when they first jumped. and unless they hit a tree or a sudden strong gust of wind they should continue moving foward with the downward acceleration added to the foward momentum instead of replaceing it.

 4786 Medium13.10.2010mike loevenStefan set dakkru's curse to directly cut mana in half instead ...08.11.2022No9 Task Description

dakkrus curse is supposed to cut all stats in half but due to the way mana is calculated this can cause a mage to end up with 0 mana and completely unable to use magic in such a case the curse should reduce the mana pool by half directly. loosing half your mana is a significant drawback for a mage but will still allow them to function.

when one is under the death curse they are still allowed to equip armor and weapons that are stat restricted so a fighter may have a lower dps but they remain able to perform combat and wear their armor. A mage has no special equipment other than his mana pool and a similar execption should be made for them in the form of a directly halved mana pool instead of the standard recalcalculation

 4785 Medium11.10.2010mike loevenVenalan Convert one of Trasok's upstairs furnaces into a forge 24.12.2014No3 Task Description

the smithy in ojevda has 3 furnaces but only one forge that is almoast always in use or nearly full. I think it would be more convienant if one of the upstairs furnaces was replaced with a forge. it would give a little extra crafting rooms and balance the furnace to forge ratio.

 4784 Medium11.10.2010mike loeven change weapon componants to a unused book icon 09.05.2014No2 Task Description

the idea came to me when i noticed that the books in jayose's library have different icons from both crafting skill and player made books.

seeing as people seem to ocasionally toss crafting books in the forge by accident thinking them weapon parts. why not just set the icon for the weapon componant to one of the unused book icons such as the one of the gold or silver metal bound volumes. they have a drastically different apperance. they would be eaisly recognized by players and the developers will not have to spend the time to make a ton more icons but simply change a few database entries probibally using a batch command.

 4780 Medium10.10.2010mike loeven phantom sign post floating near magic shop 11.09.2014No6 Task Description

These screenshots show what appears to be a signpost floating high in the sky above the magic shop. I sent these screenies to Venalan who was on duty at the time he was able to see the object but last time i checked he was unable to fly to or target it.

looks like planeshift has gotten it's first UFO sighting !!!

i801.photobucket.comalbumsyy294mikeloevenshot04.jpg i801.photobucket.comalbumsyy294mikeloevenshot05.jpg

 4777 Medium08.10.2010mike loeven hold shift for z axis item placement and rotation 08.10.2010No2 Task Description

i am sick and tired of seeing books clipping through the shelves and my beer mugs embedded in the bars. i propose changing the item placement system so that holding down shift will switch to the elusive Z axis also known as the hight of the item. untill we have better surface detection on item placement we should be able to make little corrections like this i propose also appling this to rotation since items already rotate on z by default lets make it shift for Y and ctrl for X. but dang it we really need modifier keys for item placements

 4776 Medium08.10.2010mike loeven punctuation formatting bug in book importing 09.10.2010No4 Task Description

books written in external programs and notepads will import correctly but some of the punctuation characters like ' " will show up as diamonds with a question mark in them. these files will appear normally on notepad and any other editing program but somthing is preventing the recognition of these characters. " and ' seem to be the only characters effected at the moment but there may be more.

 4775 Medium07.10.2010mike loeven shortcut script doesn't pause when /confirm is used 08.10.2010No3 Task Description

little bug I found when you use /confirm “message” in a shortcut script the script will play all the way through without waiting for a confirmation like it is supposed to. also pressing no obviously doesent terminate the shortcut. so in all the command is completely useless

 4774 Medium07.10.2010mike loeven copyright toggling system for books 01.04.2016No7 Task Description

my idea is a little check box on the editing page of a book that says copyright. this box can only be checked or unchecked by the original owner and will determine wether or not other players can edit it. as it is right now only the person who buys a book from jayose can write in it. as you can see this could be a problem especially for sales ledgers and appraisal\item information books that are shared by multiple merchants in the same guild or take for example submitting articles to the new hydlaa newspaper how is the editor going to mark them up? or even a guilds doing quests for dummies manual? it would be nice to have the author able to choose wether or not to lock his books and not just have the lock enfoced by arbitrary server mechanics.

 4772 Medium06.10.2010mike loeven from a reality standpoint the names and tempratures for ...06.10.2010No1 Task Description

from a physics point of view it is a well known fact that more heat produces more brighter light at higher tempratures. at the moment there are 3 stock tempratures heated super heated and red hot. this is completely reversed. red hot stocks are actually the coolest super heated would be the yellow hot and white hot is the absolute hotest it can get before melting. for a game that strives for realism there is alot of little technical issues that people miss often

heated stock should be renamed to red hot

the middle temprature should be renamed to yellow hot 1)

and the final hottest stock should be named superheated instead

1) and in real life smithing this is where most of the work is done on tools and weapons
 4768 Medium05.10.2010mike loevenDavide Vescovini night shift replacement for harnquist 30.03.2014No6 Task Description

harnquist’s smithy needs a second npc to take the graveyard shift. I see no logical reason why a second npc who offers the same services and training as harnquist can not be sent to relive him when he goes to sleep at night. The smithy is like a mcdonalds in modern times. it is always active and there are always people using it no matter what time of day or night. it only makes sense that harnquist would have both the money and intelligance to hire some more staff to take on the night shift if for no other reason than to make sure the players dont steal the tools (yes i know the tables and forges are locked). it has been stated that in the final version all npc’s will have a daily routine and move around. so it does make sense that there would be a second set of npc’s that handel both the faction related quests and training while the main character is absent. adding this feature for harnquist will give the developers expirance in adding shift based workers and prevent the final game from grinding to a halt when everyone goes home for the night.

 4767 Medium04.10.2010mike loeven nvidia contoll panel and extended desktop moniters prev ...04.10.2010No3 Task Description

really wierd issue. when i set my laptop to dual moniter mode extended desktop planeshift will display a opengl is required error than crash uppon loading. however if planeshift is already running and i than switch to dual moniters it will continue to run with no further problems.

the card is a geforce and the drivers are recent

 4766 Medium04.10.2010mike loeven add heating stocks to the other crafting books as an ov ...04.10.2010No Task Description

it makes no sense that you need to switch between working with stock and your crafting book simply to heat a stack of ingots/stocks in the forge. there should be some overlap that allows you to heat premade stocks while using a crafting book other than working with stock. this overlap already exists in that you can hammer superheated weapon componants back into stocks but it doesent work the other way around which really serves no purpose but to force a player to switch bookes at least once durring the crafting process. working with stock should specifically a metalurgists guide and not required for crafting weapons and armor.

 4764 Medium03.10.2010mike loeven monitary units can not be positioned when dropped and c ...03.10.2010No Task Description

it kinda makes it hard to rp a bar scene or tip a waitress when you have to stand on the bar and type /drop # tria in order to leave a tip. although you can pick up money from your inventory it does not enter item positioning mode when you click on the world

 4761 Medium02.10.2010mike loeven the draw distance bar needs to be split into Map, agent ...08.11.2022No3 Task Description

as it is now the draw distance settings apply to everything and especially in hydlaa due to all the items and players things tend to slow down dramatically. most computers with modern graphics can render the world at a full 1000 draw. but take for example the explorer camp BD2 that is a ton of placeable items and can bring even the best cards to it’s knees. adaptive distance is useless because it is limited to 200 draw. my proposal is to seperate the draw distances into the 3 main catagories with three seperate sliders. world (the basic map and terrain rocks trees and water) agents, (people npc’s and monsters including their attacks and spell effects) and items (anything with red letters over it (corpses excluded) or other placeable items added to the map after the fact)

 4760 Very Low02.10.2010mike loeven monsters have wrong gender set 24.01.2014No3 Task Description

monsters have wrong gender set (M instead of N)

trepor queen, tloke queen are identified as male

 4759 Low02.10.2010mike loeven the small pet familiars need general speed increase as  ...09.12.2022No10 Task Description

i am going to put this as a bug report because the setting in question will often times cause a familiar to get stuck.
at the moment “pet familiars” (mounts excluded) such as the yulber and grofle move at only a fraction of the speed at which a player is capable of traveling. not only that but pets are incapable of running. this often times leads to pets falling several minutes behind the player and getting stuck in walls on rocks or at the bottom of cliffs.

pets need a drastic increase to their movement speed as well as the ability to run when a player runs. the follow command is worthless if the pets cannot keep up with their owners.

now before anyone tries to make the argument that they are small and thus move slowley think of this have you ever won a race with your cat or dog? 4 legged animals generally have a great speed advantage over two legged humanoids

 4756 Medium01.10.2010mike loeven loot drops need to be increased in frequency but balanc ...17.07.2012No3 Task Description

this creature has nothing to be looted. an all to common problem especially in the newer monsters that have been added over the years. when you go to the arena or out in the wilderness to hunt for furs and animal parts. realism takes a dive due to the lack of loot drops. each monster you kill should at least have one salvagable part with an empty corps being the unlucky execption instead of the rule.

think of a real life example. i am going to compare a farmer slaughtering pigs with a player hunting tlokes or clackers in the arena.

if you go by the plane shift model of loot droops than the farmer would have to slaughter about 5 to 6 pigs to get a single decent cut of meat wether it be a strip of bacon or a pork chop. but either way somthing is wrong with this picture when you have to kill 10 or even sometimes 20 monsters to get a single part it is wastefull and frankly bad for the environment as it promotes over harvesting and potential extinction of the species (yes i know the respawns are infinate but i am making a point here).

in all the loot drops should be drastically increased in frequency. as it is in the game there are a ton of tria sinks but at the moment only mining and crafting seem to produce enough to live on. so the hunters and fighters have to either learn to grind a not too annoying skill or spend about twice the time in the arena hunting as they would have to spend mining to make the same ammount of money. especially at lower levels because these players cant kill the big money making monsters yet but at the same time can pull enough pure gold out of the ground to make him rich …. oh wait it is platinium now gold was so crystal blue :P

but in all each monster you kill should at least drop one salvagable part with the nothing to be looted a rare unlucky ocurance. for the normal drops the quantity of parts and the values of each part are calculated randomly so you can get both good and bad drops. but at least you would be reasionably sure you would end up with somthing for all your work

 4751 Medium29.09.2010mike loeven prevent emotes by nonsentiant npc's from being recorded ...08.11.2022No2 Task Description

(16:07:09) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:07:12) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:07:13) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:08:06) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:08:12) [Tell] You tell Sarva: but come to oja road2 and poke a few
(16:08:20) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:09:31) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:09:54) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:10:23) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:10:27) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:10:31) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:10:35) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:10:42) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:10:46) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:10:50) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:11:13) [Guild] Sliss has quit
(16:11:14) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:11:18) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:11:25) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:11:29) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:11:33) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:11:36) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry
(16:11:50) [NPC] Trepor gives a loud cry

this is my chat log after the last patch and that was only from two trepors i killed. nonsentiant npc’s really should not be recoarded into the chat log especially with their tendancy to spam the npc channel during combat.

it is obvious to see how big a chat log can become if it records everything even monsters say. say you spend a day or so farming progression points you could very well add a few megabytes to your logs or if there is a size limit acidently overwrite somthing important.

 4750 Medium29.09.2010mike loeven when you attack a moving monster it ignores you and con ...20.05.2013No1 Task Description

ran into this in oja road2 i fire balled a trepor while it was wandering around. it continued to follow it’s movement path and completely ignored the attack. this should be fixed quickly as it is a potential exploit.

this is reproducable but seems to happen at random some moving creatures attack some ignore you. but once a moving creature stops it seems to return to normal till the next movement cycle

 4745 Medium26.09.2010mike loeven water reflection artifacts 14.05.2016No3 Task Description

not sure what is causing this but recently i started seeing artifacts involving the reflective quality of the water. the most noticable instance is the river in oja road 2. i have attached screenshots showing what apears to be blue static covering parts of the water.

i801.photobucket.comalbumsyy294mikeloevenshot01.jpg i801.photobucket.comalbumsyy294mikeloevenshot03.jpg i801.photobucket.comalbumsyy294mikeloevenshot02.jpg

my game settings for graphics are on the Medium preset with one deviation (particle detail is high)

below is a copy of my DXdiag report referincing video drivers. i had recently updated them so i belive the artifacts to be caused by some conflict between the game and updated driver

System Information

Time of this report: 9/26/2010, 14:24:52

     Machine name: FAILBOOK
 Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.100427-1636)
         Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.

     System Model: Vostro 1520
             BIOS: Ver 1.00PARTTBLd
        Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T6570  @ 2.10GHz (2 CPUs)
           Memory: 3032MB RAM
        Page File: 624MB used, 12245MB available
      Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
  DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

   DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode

DxDiag Notes

DirectX Files Tab: No problems found.
    Display Tab 1: No problems found.
      Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
        Music Tab: No problems found.
        Input Tab: No problems found.
      Network Tab: No problems found.

DirectX Debug Levels

Direct3D: 0/4 (n/a)
DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail)
DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a)
DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a)
DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail)
DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
DirectShow: 0/6 (retail)

Display Devices

      Card name: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
   Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
      Chip type: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
       DAC type: Internal
     Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2A42&SUBSYS_02BC1028&REV_07
 Display Memory: 256.0 MB
   Current Mode: 1280 x 800 (32 bit) (60Hz)
        Monitor: Plug and Play Monitor
Monitor Max Res: 1600,1200
    Driver Name: igxprd32.dll
 Driver Version: 6.14.0010.5284 (English)
    DDI Version: 9 (or higher)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail
Driver Date/Size: 7/20/2010 14:57:46, 58368 bytes

    WHQL Logo'd: Yes
WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
            VDD: n/a
       Mini VDD: igxpmp32.sys
  Mini VDD Date: 7/20/2010 14:57:48, 2003584 bytes

Device Identifier: {D7B78E66-6902-11CF-3C67-B622A6C2CB35}

      Vendor ID: 0x8086
      Device ID: 0x2A42
      SubSys ID: 0x02BC1028
    Revision ID: 0x0007
    Revision ID: 0x0007
    Video Accel: 

Deinterlace Caps: n/a

       Registry: OK
   DDraw Status: Enabled
     D3D Status: Enabled
     AGP Status: Not Available

DDraw Test Result: Not run
D3D7 Test Result: Not run
D3D8 Test Result: Not run
D3D9 Test Result: Not run

 4743 Medium25.09.2010mike loevenJayRuaanAlison ColemankatuRon WhitbySemutaradrJack canyt klannarr wants a stone tablet identified is broke ...27.02.2011No5 Task Description

there is an issue with the quest where when nyshyn asks you to have a golden ring inscribed by trasok. the quest trigger will not appear in trasok's dialogue box unless the gold ring is obtained from toda via her quest. the gm's assure me that this is not a bug but it makes no sense that a common item such as a gold ring which can be obtained through many different quests and is readly available through merchants and guild halls in hydlaa should be linked to a secondary quest. there are many quests that require common items such as this and you are asked to go purchase them from an npc. the trigger needs to be removed so that the quest can be completed regardless of where the player gets the ring. the npc who gave the quest mentioned that she didn't care where you got the ring. the quote from the quest goes as follows. "Just go around asking about a golden ring until you find out who has one" so provided you ask another player character who has a gold ring and is willing to sell you one. should this be any different than asking a npc and gaining the item through a quest when the item is a dime a dozen in hydlaa??

i pray that the developers see the lunacy of this idiotic quest requirement where the gm's have failed. i hope you realise that the player market is a valid source of quest items that can be obtained through drops merchants or other methods not directly related to the quest that needs them. as it stands there are about at least 2 quests that give gold rings probibally at least 3 or 4 i dont know about so people do end up with a surplus.

 4738 Medium20.09.2010mike loeven the weighting system is inapropriatly implemented and k ...30.03.2014No14 Task Description

a successfull weighting system for practice points involves encouraging players to complete more complicated tasks by increasing the training with each level of the task they preform. as it is the system has basically killed leveling at higher levels by providing one or at most 2 practice points for the most difficult tasks while providing 0 practice points for standard tasks. this is just plain wrong and kills leveling blacksmithing and metalurgy past a certain point.

a successfull weighting system rewards players for preforming difficult tasks by increasing the practice points earned while protecting their ability to earn points doing menial tasks

a proper weighting system would be somthing like this i am using stocks as an example

iron 1 practice point per casting
steel 1 point per casting
bronze and tin will yield 2 points per casting
silver 3 points per casting
gold 4 points per casting
platinium 5 points per casting

a system like this ensures that you will always get points for making swords and daggers since at the moment steel is the only weapon making material
due to the fact that at higher levels it takes exponentially more practice points to rank up the additional points earned from higher level castings would be negligable while even if someone wanted to level using common iron and steel they would be required to spend so much time grinding it out that they would be encouraged to cast the higher level stocks for training purposes rather than forced to do so because they get nothing from common ore.

what were the devs smoking the harder a game gets the less casual players you will have there is a fine line between ballance and nerfing all together and the devs have been jumping to one side or the other never botheringto stop in between.

basically i am filing this as a bug report because the system is clearly broken from a mathematical point of view because the crafter will no longer get any kind of xp or practice from common ores at higher levels. a weighting system is supposed to provide reducded rewards but not under any circumstances deprive a user of well earned points alltogether

 4736 Very Low19.09.2010mike loeven require crafting books to be in inventory instead of mi ...08.11.2022No7 Task Description

the need to switch crafting techniques from inventory to mind every step of the way is tedious and not to mention the fact that many of the crafting items look like books it is easy to misclick and send a book into the oven.

I propose that crafting techniques need only be kept on your person wether in your inventory your mind or even in a sack or crate to gain a benefit from them. lets assume for a moment that your character is intelligant enough to open his pack and flip through the book when needed instead of sawing off the top of his skull and shoving the book directly into his head every time he needs to use it.

 4734 Medium16.09.2010mike loevenAnders Reggestad extend player's "Guard Aura" to the familiar by adding  ...24.11.2013No3 Task Description

I encountered a problem with guarding items using pets. apearantly pets are supposed to be able to guard items for you but at the moment it is not yet implemented. so i propose that the guard range of the player also radiate from the familiar by default so that in order to protect your property from theft you need only summon the pet and type /pet guardarea

this can simply make the pet stay where it is but at the same time if someone tries to take somthing you dropped it will still say you are guarding it just because your familiar is in the area. you could alter the message to say somthing like

“the familiar growls omniously making it clear that this is not yours to take”

 4731 Medium14.09.2010mike loeven Stop Error code 100000ea, infinate loop in mobile intel ...11.09.2014No2 Task Description

this is a reproducable error that has occured every time i load the death realm map.

EDIT)) the game settings were all default execpt for graphic detail which was set to LOW

changing the graphic detail to HIGH actually seems to fix the issue which to me is completely counter intuitive

Event Type: Error
Event Source: System Error
Event Category: (102)
Event ID: 1003
Date: 9/14/2010
Time: 5:28:03 PM
User: N/A
Computer: FAILBOOK
Error code 100000ea, parameter1 89444020, parameter2 89b3b108, parameter3 ba4f7cbc, parameter4 00000001.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 53 79 73 74 65 6d 20 45 System E
0008: 72 72 6f 72 20 20 45 72 rror Er
0010: 72 6f 72 20 63 6f 64 65 ror code
0018: 20 31 30 30 30 30 30 65 100000e
0020: 61 20 20 50 61 72 61 6d a Param
0028: 65 74 65 72 73 20 38 39 eters 89
0030: 34 34 34 30 32 30 2c 20 444020,
0038: 38 39 62 33 62 31 30 38 89b3b108
0040: 2c 20 62 61 34 66 37 63 , ba4f7c
0048: 62 63 2c 20 30 30 30 30 bc, 0000
0050: 30 30 30 31 0001


System Information

Time of this report: 9/14/2010, 17:37:56

     Machine name: FAILBOOK
 Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.100427-1636)
         Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.

     System Model: Vostro 1520
             BIOS: Ver 1.00PARTTBLd
        Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T6570  @ 2.10GHz (2 CPUs)
           Memory: 3032MB RAM
        Page File: 468MB used, 12402MB available
      Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
  DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

   DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode

DxDiag Notes

DirectX Files Tab: No problems found.
    Display Tab 1: No problems found.
      Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
        Music Tab: No problems found.
        Input Tab: No problems found.
      Network Tab: No problems found.

DirectX Debug Levels

Direct3D: 0/4 (n/a)
DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail)
DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a)
DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a)
DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail)
DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
DirectShow: 0/6 (retail)

Display Devices

      Card name: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
   Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
      Chip type: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
       DAC type: Internal
     Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2A42&SUBSYS_02BC1028&REV_07
 Display Memory: 256.0 MB
   Current Mode: 1280 x 800 (32 bit) (60Hz)
        Monitor: Plug and Play Monitor
Monitor Max Res: 1600,1200
    Driver Name: igxprd32.dll
 Driver Version: 6.14.0010.5016 (English)
    DDI Version: 9 (or higher)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail
Driver Date/Size: 12/12/2008 18:34:42, 57344 bytes

    WHQL Logo'd: Yes
WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
            VDD: n/a
       Mini VDD: igxpmp32.sys
  Mini VDD Date: 12/12/2008 18:33:58, 6048768 bytes

Device Identifier: {D7B78E66-6902-11CF-0060-B622A6C2CB35}

      Vendor ID: 0x8086
      Device ID: 0x2A42
      SubSys ID: 0x02BC1028
    Revision ID: 0x0007
    Revision ID: 0x0007
    Video Accel: 

Deinterlace Caps: n/a

       Registry: OK
   DDraw Status: Enabled
     D3D Status: Enabled
     AGP Status: Not Available

DDraw Test Result: Not run
D3D7 Test Result: Not run
D3D8 Test Result: Not run
D3D9 Test Result: Not run

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