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 5190 Medium04.05.2011Viken Everything is smaller in Amdeneir (possibly intentional ...11.05.2011No7 Task Description

Everything is really small and cramped in Amdeneir. Was this intentional? It's somewhat annoying if it's not, and means my head keeps going into the cieling in first-person perspective…

 5188 Medium04.05.2011Viken Stuck in the Attic of the Tavern in Amdeneir. (Urgent a ...04.05.2011No3 Task Description

I went to the new area, Amdeneir, and went up the stairs in the tavern which lead up to the tower. When I tried to go back down, I was blocked by the top of the roof: there was no hole for the tower so I couldn't go back down. Please add some way to get back down ASAP!

5191Medium05.05.2011VikenMore sewers would be nice...21.05.2011No3 Task Description

I really like the sewers in Hydlaa, and I think it’d be cool if the other cities (Ojaveda and Amdeneir, mainly) had something like that. I also think it’d be cool if the Hydlaa sewers had a couple more openings, and maybe some intentional service entrances instead of just cave-ins with ladders… And maybe an entrance/exit in the East? Then my Rogue-like character could travel by sewers more, which would be totally awesome.

Are you guys planning to add some more sewers eventually?

 5189 Medium04.05.2011VikenTalad Going over the wall and getting beneath the city of Amd ...18.02.2020No2 Task Description

So, it's really easy to get over the wall in Amdeneir, which is actually kind of cool except the height-map of the terrain isn't aligned with it, so you can just walk under the city and run around down there. You can get back in by running underneath the city and getting your character to jump up through a floor, but you get stuck in places like the tavern. Could someone re-align the terrain and open a portal to get back inside the city? You might consider making the walls go a bit lower on the outside to make it easier…

 5201 Medium11.05.2011Viken Rain everywhere in outer Bronze Doors. 11.05.2011No2 Task Description

Sorry if I missed this somewhere, but I can't find any reports of this.

The other day I was in Outer BD when it started raining (which looks really cool despite this bug, so good job), and I realized that it's raining EVERYWHERE, as in, under the overhangs on the way to the fortress:

Inside the building that is at the opening to the cave:

And even inside the cave itself:

 5200 Medium10.05.2011Viken Weird piece of the terrain map in the forest. 11.05.2011No1 Task Description

So if you stand at "hybdr1 -29.75 -172.01 -105.14, instance: 0" and look South, towards the city, you get this weird graphical bug. I'm pretty sure that this is because the terrain-map is poking into the model which was used to make the forest area. Could someone alter the terrain-map so this doesn't do that?

 5220 Medium15.05.2011Viken Crack in the Ojaveda wall. 15.05.2011No1 Task Description

Right here, at pos -84, -6.8, -60 in Akk-Central.
The model of one wall is misaligned with the other. Someone needs to tweak it so they connect!

5221Medium15.05.2011VikenVenalanMaking Metal Stock in Ojaveda18.09.2014No1 Task Description

I just did this quest, and it turned out to basically be “Give Trasok 100 tria so he can explain what you should already know if you have the book.” It has no reward other than a few Crafting Association points, which is pretty much worthless. Could you guys either remove this quest or make it give some real rewards? Thanks…

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