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7288Medium12.09.2021Sunda KastanPlayer movement differs from Legacy/no 'turn' keybindin...13.09.2021No2 Task Description

In Legacy PlaneShift, the default movements are:
W = Walk forwards
S = Walk backwards
A = Turn to the left until keypress ends
D = Turn to the right until keypress ends

However in PSU, the movement is as follows:

W = Walk forwards
S = Turn 180 degrees and then walk forwards (towards the camera)
A = Turn 90 degrees left and then walk forwards (at 270 degrees from camera)
D = Turn 90 degrees right and then walk forwards (at 90 degrees from camera)

This is incongruent with legacy movements, but also complicated by the requirement to use the mouse for both UI interaction and movement concurrently.

It may be that this is a result of the absence of a ‘third-person follow’ camera, but behaviour should follow that of legacy.

 320 High29.09.2007Sunda Kastan Outer Bronze Door Map Has Holes 21.03.2008No11 Task Description

Walking from BDroad2 you enter the outer EBD map, I see grass textures and a LOT of black. various points in this map seem to contain “out of bounds positional data” which reset your position. This carries you back to wherever you spawn after the DR.

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