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 5710 Medium25.07.2012Trygve Wastvedt Toolbar default to full view 25.12.2014No4 Task Description

So this is mostly due to my own stupidity, but for the first two weeks of play I didn’t know about the shortcuts window because my toolbar was set to the compact view which only displays a few icons. Planeshift just got a lot cooler! I accept most of the blame, but maybe the UI could at least default to a more full toolbar display? That way at least features wouldn’t go unnoticed.

5708Medium24.07.2012Trygve WastvedtQuests only appear after reopening the window24.07.2012No1 Task Description

If I get a new quest while the quest & event notebook window is open, the quest doesn’t appear in the list until I close and reopen the window. Can getting a new quest cause a refresh of the list of uncompleted quests?

 5703 Medium22.07.2012Trygve Wastvedt Stats and skills window stuck on training 04.06.2020No2 Task Description

When I train with someone, and then leave, the stats and skills window still shows only the stats and skills I could learn from that person. In order to show all of my stats, I must close and re-open the window.

Is this intended behaviour? Maybe there could be a button to exit out of training mode, or maybe the pane could revert back to normal after the trainer is deselected or no longer nearby?

 5702 Medium21.07.2012Trygve Wastvedt Offset light map? 24.02.2013No2 Task Description

Not sure I’m using the right terms here. It seems that lighting effects, most notably when mapped to my character, are offset so that one side has a bit of a halo, and the other is missing the lighting. This is most notable inside under lamplight, for example in the Hydlaa Tavern.

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